Master's Program in Political Science

Gledis Londo hat schwarze schulterlange Haare und einen Pony. Sie trägt eine Brille und ein rotes Oberteil.

I am happy to answer any academic questions concerning the master's program in Political Science (program structure, selection of courses, stays abroad).

Gledis Londo, Political Science Program Manager

/ Bild: Katrin Glückler
Studying Abroad

You would like to go abroad during your degree program? No problem!

Research Intern­ship

Our Intern­ship Office provides assistance with all questions regarding intern­ships and your career plans.


Eine Hand hält mit zwei Fingern eine kleine Weltkugel hoch. Mehrere Armbänder mit der Aufschrift "Mannheim" am Handgelenk.
Double Degrees
Career and Job Opportunities
Mehrere Personen sitzen an einem Tisch mit ihren Laptops und Dokumenten. Eine Frau sitzt vorne auf dem Tisch und redet. Die anderen Personen hören ihr zu.
Doctoral Studies
Research Institutes


  • How do I register for courses and exams?

    Each semester, you need to register online for those examinations you would like to take at the end of the lecture period. You will need to do so within a period defined by Student Services.
    If you are a bachelor’s student, you will also need to register for all courses that you are meant to take in the respective semester as per the degree plan (including social skills courses). That way, the Student Services’ electronic campus management system (Portal²) keeps track of which student has already attended which courses and how often they have taken exams in those courses. You can find the examination regulations here.

    PLEASE NOTE: The exam registration period falls within the lecture period, which means that you cannot register for your examinations via the campus management system before the lecture period starts.
    Each semester, the periods during which you can register for exams will be published on the Student Services’ website. Online registration is done via Portal².

  • When and where can I complete my research intern­ship?

    A research intern­ship is an integral part of the master's program. To obtain the required 8 ECTS credits, you must either:

    • complete a six-week intern­ship at a social science research institution (academic or non-academic) or
    • attend a two-week summer school with an empirical focus on the social sciences.

    In case you work as a research assistant for one of the professors at the Department of Political Science or in a related field, your work may be recognized as an intern­ship as well.

    Every student in the master's program in Political Science must write a report after the intern­ship: guidelines for the intern­ship report.

    For more information or if you have general questions about the intern­ship or summer schools, please contact our Intern­ship Office.


  • Can I go abroad without having to extend my studies?

    We encourage you to go abroad during your studies. Go to the “International” section for more information.

    If you would like to have the courses and examinations you take at a university abroad recognized, please contact the program managers/departmental exchange coordinators before leaving. They will discuss the courses you plan to select with you. By concluding a Learning Agreement, it is usually possible to stay within the regular period of study.

  • How do I apply for academic leave of absence?

    You can apply for leave of absence during your studies citing a valid reason (section 61 subsection 1 of the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG)). A valid reason is for example sickness or a semester abroad. Your period of absence should not exceed two semesters. In exceptional cases a longer period of absence may be granted.
    Please submit your application for leave of absence to Student Services

  • What is Portal²?

    Portal² is the University of Mannheim’s campus management system. Using the portal, you can, for example, view the course catalog, create a course schedule, and register for examinations.


  • What is ILIAS?

    ILIAS is the e-learning platform we use at the University of Mannheim. On this platform, teachers can upload important course material, such as lecture scripts and slides, to make them available to you. If you have not yet joined the ILIAS group that corresponds to one of your courses, please contact the teachers of the respective course or their secretaries. The University IT will help you in case you have any technical questions.


  • When do I write my master's thesis?

    You can complete your master's thesis during your fourth semester while attending a master's thesis colloquium with a supervisor of your choice. The thesis is expected to have the format of a research article suitable for submission to an academic journal in the social sciences. Please register by submitting the registration form to Student Services.

    Time frame: 21 weeks

    Length: printed master's thesis of max. 10,000 words

  • How can I disenroll?

    You end your member­ship at the university with your disenrollment. There are two ways to disenroll:

    • Official disenrollment (ex officio)
    • Disenrollment upon request („duly“ disenrollment)

    More information is provided by Student Services.


  • How can I pursue a doctorate?

    Structured doctoral programs

    The center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS)  offers doctoral programs in Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology in close collaboration with the School of Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim.

    Students interested in pursuing a doctoral degree at the CDSS have the opportunity to apply for the 'CDSS Associate Member Program' in the first year of their master's program.

    Doctoral studies at a chair

    In addition to the structured doctoral program offered by the CDSS the School of Social Sciences also provides students with the opportunity to acquire a doctoral degree under the supervision of a member of the School.

Services for students

Any questions? We're happy to help you!

The program managers are happy to answer any questions specific to the master's program (degree plan, selection of courses, structure and progress of your studies). For any administrative questions (enrollment, disenrollment, exams, etc.), please contact Student Services. International students may also contact the International Office (for questions on visa, accommodation, mentoring).

Dr. Gledis Londo

Dr. Gledis Londo (sie/ihr)

Studien­gangs­management Lehr­amt Politik­wissenschaft und M.A. Political Science
Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften
A 5, 6
Bauteil A – Raum A 418
68159 Mannheim
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