You can pursue a doctorate in all of the subjects available at the School of Social Sciences. It is possible to obtain your doctoral degree either through a structured doctoral program or through individual study at a chair. If you already have a doctoral degree, you can also take the next step in you academic career and pursue habilitation at our School.
Structured doctoral programs
The Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS), the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS), and the Research Training Group “Statistical Modeling in Psychology” offer structured doctoral programs.
Doctoral studies at a chair
If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate outside a structured doctoral program, please contact the respective professor of Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology who could potentially supervise your dissertation project.
Article-based dissertation
You have already started your doctorate and would like to know what you need for an article-based dissertation? Together with the Mannheim University Library, the School’s council of doctoral candidates has compiled a presentation on this topic, which is only available in German.
Council of doctoral candidates
The council of doctoral candidates of the School of Social Sciences represents the interests of all doctoral candidates at the School.
Ombudspersons at the University of Mannheim mediate between doctoral candidates and their supervisors if disagreements arise. Find out more about good research practice at the University of Mannheim.
Doctorate-related documents
Regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation
You can find the current regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation at the School of Social Sciences here:
- Regulations and Procedures Governing the Doctoral Dissertation to Earn a Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim as at 27 June 2013Valid for doctoral candidates who have been enrolled after 11 July 2013. Valid for doctoral candidated who have been enrolled before 11 July 2013 and have not submitted form 0.1. Valid for all doctoral candidates of the CDSS who have been enrolled before 11 July 2013 and have not submitted form 0.2. ( PDF , 86 KB )
- Regulations and Procedures Governing the Doctoral Dissertation to Earn a Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim as at 7 January 2003 (German only)Valid for doctoral candidates who have been enrolled before 11 July 2013 and submitted form 0.1). This is only possible if the dissertation has not been submitted yet. ( PDF , 63 KB )
Admission as a doctoral candidate
Please send us the following forms including attachments to request admission to the list of doctoral candidates. Alternatively, you can also submit the documents in person. Form 1 provides a checklist of all the required attachments. For information on the requirements you need to fulfill to be admitted as a doctoral candidate, please see the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation dating from 2013.
- Application form (not for CDSS candidates) ( PDF , 806 KB )
- form 1 (for CDSS candidates)Application for admission as a doctoral candidate for CDSS candidates ( PDF , 420 KB )
- form 1.1Agreement on the supervision of a doctoral dissertation ( PDF , 255 KB )
- Advising AgreementAdvising Agreement between Doctoral Candidate and Supervisors ( PDF , 1 MB )
Admission to the doctoral process
Please enclose the following forms and an informal letter indicating the names of your evaluators and the chair of the doctoral committee when you submit your doctoral dissertation. We require one copy per evaluator, one copy for the dean’s office and, if applicable, another one for the CDSS. Form 2 provides a checklist of all the required attachments.
- form 2Application for admission to the doctoral process ( PDF , 275 KB )
- form 2.0Declaration on the accordance between the printed and electronic version and declaration if monograph or article-based ( PDF , 249 KB )
- form 2.1Declaration in lieu of oath ( PDF , 258 KB )
- form 2.2Declaration on plagiarism check ( PDF , 243 KB )
- Regulations for the recognition of equivalent coursework and examinations ( PDF , 122 KB )
- form 0.1Application for the continuation of the doctoral process according to the hitherto existing Regulations and Procedures Governing the Doctoral Dissertation of January 7, 2003 ( PDF , 256 KB )
- form 0.2Application for the continuation of the doctoral process according to the hitherto existing Regulations for the Conferral of a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree at the University of Mannheim at the Center for Doctoral Studies and Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS) ( PDF , 275 KB )
printing of the doctoral dissertation You can hand in the mandatory copies of your doctoral dissertation after you have passed the oral defense. Please adhere to the provisions and requirements stipulated in section 17 of the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation dating from 27 June 2013. If you want to publish your dissertation electronically, you can do so on MADOC, the University of Mannheim’s online repository. Please submit the printed copies and, if applicable, the Depositing Electronic Documents form directly to the University Library.
Contact: Christina Schüßler