Study Sociology in Mannheim and Become a Data Analysis Expert

Research oriented and international

The master's program in Sociology offered by the School of Social Sciences provides students with the opportunity to study in an international environment at a renowned university. The program, with a duration of two years, is research oriented and builds on the School's strength in empirical-analytical approaches, particularly in quantitative methods and comparative research. The main research topics include Family, Education & Work, Migration & Integration, Economy & Welfare State, and Social Inequality. All classes are taught in English. According to the THE Ranking 2022, the University of Mannheim is the best German university in the Social Sciences. 

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    What our students say about us

    In addition to the excellent methodological and analytical training I received, I was particularly excited by the variety of courses taught in the master's program in Sociology at the University of Mannheim, such as seminars on the emergence and growth of protest movements or the relations­hip between social inequality and health. During the program, I also learned how to critically question and classify scientific findings, a skill that I still benefit from – both in my job and in my personal life.

    Bärbel Holzwarth, Absolventin M.A. Soziologie / Bild: Frederic Hemler
    Klara Raiber hat braune mittellange und leicht welllige Haare. Sie lächelt und trägt eine Bluse auf der Blumen in blau, rosa und grün zu sehen sind.

    After graduating from Leibniz University Hannover with a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, I wanted to pursue a master’s degree that focuses on quantitative methods and statistics. With the master’s program in Sociology in Mannheim, I have found exactly what I was looking for! What I like most about this program is being part of a small, international group of students. Thanks to my studies and my job as a student assistant at the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, I feel well prepared for a career in academia. That is why I’m currently planning to pursue a doctoral degree after my graduation.

    Klara Raiber, student of the master's program in Sociology / Bild: Manuel Neumann

    Pursuing the master's program in Sociology at the University of Mannheim was the best choice I could have ever made with regard to both my personal and professional development. The fact that the entire program is taught in English helped me enormously when I was looking for a job and during my semester abroad. The proximity to the important social research institutes in Mannheim, GESIS and MZES, creates an ideal research atmosphere, while the focus on empirical methods and the Mannheim research network provide great opportunities both in research and economy.

    Sophie Horneber, student of the master's program in Sociology / Bild: Sebastian Malzner

    The master‘s program in Sociology provided me with the best possible preparation for my professional career. With the program’s focus on in-depth analytical training, access to excellent professors, and the possibility to tailor the degree program to my specific research interests right from the start, I was immediately drawn into research. Given the program’s international orientation and flexibility, I was able to spend a semester as a free mover at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and completed a research intern­ship at the Daimler Group. Studying at the University of Mannheim thus laid the foundations for the doctoral degree that I am now pursuing at the Harvard Business School.

    Leila Doumi, graduate of the master’s program in Sociology / Bild: Susan Young

    7 reasons for pursuing your M.A. in Sociology in Mannheim

    Best German university in Social Sciences (THE Ranking 2022)

    The program builds on the School‘s strength in empirical-analytical approaches, quantitative methods, and comparative research

    International campusacademic calendar aligned with the international academic year, large international group of students, and renowned international researchers, professors, and teachers

    Close relations­hip with the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), the largest research institution for social sciences at a German university

    Opportunity to study abroad at one of our renowned partner universities worldwide, e.g. Indiana University, University of Haifa, University of Toronto, University of Bergen

    Career support through the School's Intern­ship Office: you can be involved in a research project as a student assistant or as an intern and gain work experience while increasing your income

    Mannheim is a vibrant city, located in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. It is home to over 8,000 businesses, including several successful international companies, such as SAP and BASF

    Research Institutes

    Our School has a particularly close relations­hip with the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES).


    According to the QS World Ranking 2019, the University of Mannheim is the best German university in Social Sciences and Management. In the THE Ranking, Mannheim has been ranked number 1 for the Social Sciences in Germany and number 31 worldwide.

    The degree program

    The program is divided into seven modules: Sociological Research Fields, Foundations of Sociological Theory, Cross-Sectional Data Analysis, Advanced Research Methods, Research Design, Research Project, and the Master's Thesis.


    • Sociological Research Fields

      Within the module Sociological Research Fields, you may choose five elective seminars (1st – 3rd semester) from different areas of concentration, such as Social Inequality & Stratification, Sociology of Migration, Comparative Welfare State Analysis, Labor Relations, Organizational Theory, Networks & Segregation, Economic Sociology, Fertility & Family Formation, Sociology of Education, Labor Markets & Occupations or Ethnic Inequality & Segregation.

    • Foundations of Sociological Theory

      The module Foundations of Sociological Theory (1st semester) covers central aspects of sociological theory development and its foundations based on scientific theory. It offers an overview of the methodology of sociological explanations and the central, general components of sociological theories in research.

    • Cross-Sectional Data Analysis

      In Cross-Sectional Data Analysis (1st semester), procedures for cross-sectional regression analysis (linear and categorical) are covered at an advanced level.

    • Advanced Research Methods

      The module Advanced Research Methods (2nd semester) consists of a lecture and an exercise course. While students are taught how to analyze event history data and panel data during the lecture, they learn practical research methods using secondary data and information from other sources during the exercise course.

    • Research Design

      The module Research Design (3rd semester) encourages students to develop a suitable research design for a specific research question (particularly with regard to the master's thesis), and to select and use available resources. A mandatory research intern­ship is designed to offer hands-on experience in empirical research. Students may substitute the intern­ship with attending a summer school program or working as a student assistant. Our Intern­ship Office will assist students in finding intern­ship positions and summer school programs that are in line with their interests.

    • Research Project

      During the Research Project (2nd + 3rd semester), students first attend the Seminar in Research Methods. In the seminar, they will deepen and extend their knowledge of advanced methods of empirical social research, preparing them for the subsequent Research Project Seminar. During the exercise course in Exemplary Empirical Studies, explanation approaches are evaluated using exemplary new publications, and formal and stylistic standards for academic texts are taught. In the concluding Research Project Seminar, students prepare an empirical-analytical study in a focus area of sociological research.

    • Master's Thesis

      Students complete their master's thesis during their fourth semester. The thesis is expected to have the format of a research article suitable for submission to an academic journal in the social sciences. Research questions, research designs, and initial empirical findings are presented during the Master's Forum Day. While they write their master's thesis, students also attend a colloquium. Our school is deeply committed to mentoring students as they take this important step toward a successful academic career.

    • Degree plan and module catalog

    Studying Abroad

    Gain international experience at one of our renowned partner universities worldwide! Check our database of partner universities.


    Do you want to know what scholar­ships are available to international students? This way!

    MyUniMA Story

    In our MyUniMA Story, students from all around the world share their experiences and why they decided to study in Mannheim.

    Career Prospects

    Our students are very popular with employers as they are highly skilled experts in the Social Sciences, especially in quantitative methods.


    • Admission requirements

      Our goal is to accept qualified and motivated students. Applications therefore undergo a selection process that includes the following selection criteria:

      1. Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences or a degree in a related field, which was completed with a grade of at least „good“ (German grade equivalent: 2.5). For international students, international guidelines for grading standards will be applied. If you have not yet completed your bachelor's program by the time of application, you must submit a current trans­cript of records proving you have obtained at least 130 ECTS credits (or equivalent). Your admission will be based on this document and is subject to receipt of your degree certificate by mid-October at the latest.

      2. Good English language skills certified by a higher education entrance qualification from a school with English as the language of instruction (e.g. A Levels) or a bachelor's degree from a higher education institution with English as the language of instruction and examination. Alternatively, one of the following language tests is required:

        • Test of English as a Foreign Language – Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with a score of at least 90 points
        • The European Language Certificate (telc) -English University with Level C or better
        • International English Language Testing System – Academic Test (IELTS) with an overall band score of at least 6.5
        • Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with at least Level C
        • Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) with at least Level C
        • Continuous attendance of English classes throughout the German secondary school education with a minimum average of 11 points; the proof must not be older than five years
        • Language certificat of the University of Mannheim Service and Marketing GmbH with at least (language) level C1 in the areas of Listening Comprehension, Writing, Speaking and Reading Comprehension
      3.  Proof of good performance in the area of methods of empirical social research, data analysis and statistics as indicated through previous course grades of classes in this area (German grade equivalent of 2.5 or better). Good performance in previous courses in this area is a prerequisite and will be assessed in the following way: The admissions committee looks at each trans­cript of records individually and evaluates a student's performance on the basis of graded courses taken in this area. If the average grade of all courses in this area corresponds to a German grade of 2.5 or better, you fulfil this requirement. You may submit also for each course in this area a syllabus or an official course description such as a course catalog that documents that the content of this class actually fits the area of methods of empirical social research, data analysis and statistics.

      Grades obtained by international students will be trans­ferred to the German grading system by using the Bavarian Formula.

      If you fulfill these admission requirements, your application will be taken into further consideration.

      You may also take a look at the official selection statutes (in German).

      Selection statutes (in English: not legally binding)

    • How to apply

      This year, subject to the approval of the committees and bodies, the application period starts on 01 April and ends on 15 May. The Admissions Office is the central office for all applicants (German as well as foreign applicants).

      You will only need to apply online

      Applicants are required to submit certified copies of official documents, such as the university entrance qualification or the bachelor's degree certificate, as specified in the online application. International guidelines for grading standards will be applied.

      Attached to the application form for admission, you will find a checklist that will help you compile all documents. Please read this list carefully since incomplete applications have to be excluded from the admissions process.

      Please note:

      If you have not yet been awarded your bachelor's degree by the time of application, you should submit a current trans­cript of records.

      English language certificates may also be handed in later, until 15 August at the latest.

      The International Office also provides a variety of information for international degree-seeking students on its website.

      The Admissions Office can be contacted via e-mail or phone (+49 621/181-2222).

    • What happens after you have applied

      Usually, applicants to a master’s program receive the decision shortly after the close of the deadline.

      International students: If you wish to accept your offer, please confirm the Declaration of Acceptance. Afterwards, you will receive an e-mail containing your log-in details for myUniMA – an online portal that provides you with comprehensive information on enrollment. Furthermore, it contains information on visas as well as on accommodation.

    Further information & downloads

    Services for students

    Any questions? We're happy to help you!

    The program managers are happy to answer any questions regarding the master's program (degree plan, selection of courses, structure and progress of your studies). For any questions relating to admission or application, please contact the Admissions Office.

    Dr. Claudia Eckhardt-Kamps

    Dr. Claudia Eckhardt-Kamps (sie/ihr)

    Studien­gangs­management Soziologie
    Universität Mannheim
    Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften
    A 5, 6
    Bauteil A – Raum A 417
    68159 Mannheim
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