Oliver Rittmann gives a talk at the CCSE at Purdue University on 10 March 2023

The Center for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement (CCSE) at Purdue University will be hosting (online) a great talk by Oliver Rittman (University of Mannheim) this Friday (10 March 2023) at 2:30pm ET. He is presenting as part of our Video Research Workshop series which highlights research related to C-SPAN and shows scholars new ways to use audio and video as data.
In his talk, he will be presenting a co-authored paper which uses facial recognition to measure attentiveness during legislative debates. Although his paper focuses on the Landtag Baden-Württemberg, a large state-level parliament in Germany, the methodology he employs will likely be of general interest to many subscribing to this list.
Ultimately, he finds that women, on average, receive less attention during their parliamentary speeches than men, an effect that is primarily driven by men in the audience.
We are very much looking forward to hosting Oliver Rittman who recently gave a talk on ``Video-as-Data’’ for the International Methods Colloquium.