Chair of Computational Social Science

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stier

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stier

Sebastian Stier is Professor of Computational Social Science at the University of Mannheim and a Scientific Director of the Computational Social Science department at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. He uses digital behavioral data like social media data or web browsing histories and computational methods such as automated text analysis to study interdisciplinary social science research questions. His substantive research focuses on the impact of digital media on societies and democratic processes. In his methodological work, Sebastian Stier investigates the quality and scientific value of digital behavioral data for social science research. More information on Sebastian Stier can be found here.


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stier

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stier

Chair of Computational Social Science
University of Mannheim
Faculty of Social Sciences
Consultation hour(s):
Office hours by appointment