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Political Science as a Minor

Please note: as the minor in Political Science is taught in German, the courses and documents listed on this page are only available in German.

  • What is Political Science?

    Political Science at the University of Mannheim

    Political Science in Mannheim is all about political processes. This includes analyzing political systems, explaining political decisions, studying political actors, and calculating election results. Research at our department covers a variety of areas, including:

    • European integration
    • Political violence and civil wars
    • Globalization
    • Political communication
    • Political participation
    • Voter behavior
    • Parties and political culture
    • Political actors and institutions
    • Election systems and development of democracy
    • Political economy

    In addition, the Department of Political Science has earned an international reputation for its strong focus on empirical-analytical research using quantitative methods, such as computer-assisted data analysis. That is why we offer special courses that allow you to practice carrying out your own research projects. Among other things, you will learn how to develop a concept for a survey, draw up questionnaires, devise measuring instruments, and set up research designs and schedules. The practical implementation of your study, such as data collection and analysis, is also part of these courses.

  • What is Political Science not?

    Not limited to current political affairs

    You are interested in current political affairs? Excellent! But studying Political Science means much more than just discussing the news. We teach you sound methods that you can use to scientifically analyze politics and, much more importantly, to predict what might happen in the future. Political Science studies political processes and explains why voters and politicians make certain decisions.

    No training to become a professional politician

    Many research activities focus on political parties, but this doesn’t mean that you need to be politically active to study Political Science. With a degree in Political Science, you can become anything from a civil servant to a private sector employee and from a researcher to a politician. The Internship Office offers an extensive range of career guidance services.

Degree plans and documents

  • Students at the School of Social Sciences

    Bachelor’s program in Sociology
    Sociology students can choose Political Science as a minor, requiring them to take courses worth 33 ECTS credits in total. They need to complete the following modules:

    1. The basic module Introduction to Political Science

    Basic module Introduction to Political Science
    1st semester (fall)Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (exercise course)2 ECTS credits
    1st semester (fall)Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft (lecture)
    Einführung in das Politische System der BRD (lecture)
    6 ECTS credits

    2. One of the following three basic modules:

    Basic module Comparative Politics
    2nd semester (spring)Einführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    2nd semester (spring)Einführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre (introductory seminar)5 ECTS credits


    Basic module Political Sociology
    3rd semester (fall)Einführung in die Politische Soziologie (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    3rd semester (fall)Einführung in die Politische Soziologie (introductory seminar)5 ECTS credits


    Basic module International Relations
    3rd semester (fall)Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    3rd semester (fall)Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen (introductory seminar)5 ECTS credits

    3. Two out of three lectures from the advanced modules:

    4th semester (spring) / 5th semester (fall)

    Ausgewählte Themen der Politischen Soziologie (lecture)7 ECTS credits

    4th semester (spring) / 5th semester (fall)

    Ausgewählte Themen der Vergleichenden Regierungslehre (lecture)7 ECTS credits

    4th semester (spring) / 5th semester (fall)

    Ausgewählte Themen der Internationalen Beziehungen (lecture)7 ECTS credits

    Examination regulations for students whose program started in the 2015 fall semester

  • Students at the Business School

    Bachelor’s program in Economic and Business Education
    1) Mandatory course

    • Lecture Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft (6 ECTS credits) in the fifth semester (fall)

    2) Students must choose three out of the following four courses:

    5th semester
    Datenerhebung/Empirische Methoden der Politikwissenschaft (lecture)6 ECTS credits

    5th semester

    Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    6th semester
    Einführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    6th semester
    Einführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre (introductory seminar)5 ECTS credits

    During the bachelor’s program in Economic and Business Education, students obtain 23–24 ECTS credits in their Political Science minor.

    Master’s program in Economic and Business Education
    1) Mandatory courses

    FallEinführung in das politische System der BRD (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    FallEinführung in die Politische Soziologie (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    FallEinführung in die Politische Soziologie (introductory seminar)5 ECTS credits
    FallEinführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen (introductory seminar)5 ECTS credits
    SpringPolitikdidaktik (seminar)4 ECTS credits

    2) Students must attend one lecture from each of the following three areas respectively:

    Fall/springAusgewählte Themen der Vergleichenden Regierungslehre (lecture)7 ECTS credits
    Fall/springAusgewählte Themen der Politischen Soziologie (lecture)7 ECTS credits
    Fall/springAusgewählte Themen der Internationalen Beziehungen (lecture)7 ECTS credits

    During the master’s program in Economic and Business Education, students obtain 47 ECTS credits in their Political Science minor.

    Mannheim Master in Management program
    Students on the Mannheim Master in Management program can take up to three the following courses in their minor in Political Science:

    Basic module: two lectures from the following list

    FallEinführung in die Politikwissenschaft (lecture)6 ECTS credits
    FallEinführung in die Politische Soziologie (lecture)

    6 ECTS credits

    SpringEinführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre (lecture)

    6 ECTS credits

    FallEinführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen (lecture)

    6 ECTS credits

    FallEinführung in das politische System der BRD (lecture)

    6 ECTS credits

    Advanced module: two lectures from the following list


    Ausgewählte Themen der
    Vergleichenden Regierungslehre (lecture)
    7 ECTS credits


    Ausgewählte Themen der
    Politischen Soziologie (lecture)

    7 ECTS credits


    Ausgewählte Themen der
    Internationalen Beziehungen (lecture)

    7 ECTS credits


  • Students at the Department of Economics

    Bachelor’s program in Economics
    Economics students need to obtain at least 6 ECTS credits and may obtain up to 33 ECTS credits in their Political Science minor.

    1. Mandatory course:

    1st semester (fall)LectureEinführung in die Politikwissenschaft6 ECTS credits

    2. Elective courses

    Introductory lectures
    1st semester (fall)LectureEinführung in das politische System der BRD6 ECTS credits
    2nd semester (spring)LectureEinführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre6 ECTS credits
    3rd semester (fall)LectureEinführung in die Politische Soziologie6 ECTS credits
    3rd semester (fall)LectureEinführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen6 ECTS credits
    Introductory seminars and exercise courses
    1st/3rd semester (fall)LectureWissenschaftliches Arbeiten2 ECTS credits
    SpringIntroductory seminarEinführung in die Vergleichende Regierungslehre5 ECTS credits
    FallIntroductory seminarEinführung in die Politische Soziologie5 ECTS credits
    FallIntroductory seminarEinführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen5 ECTS credits
    • Students who wish to attend an introductory seminar must complete the “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten” exercise course first.
    • In the minor in Political Science, they can take one introductory seminar at most.
    • For the introductory seminar to be recognized, they need to attend the corresponding introductory lecture.
    Advanced module
    4th/5th/6th semester
    LectureAusgewählte Themen der Vergleichenden Regierungslehre7 ECTS credits

    4th/5th/6th semester

    LectureAusgewählte Themen der Politischen Soziologie7 ECTS credits

    4th/5th/6th semester

    LectureAusgewählte Themen der Internationalen Beziehungen7 ECTS credits

    Students who wish to attend a lecture from one of the advanced modules are required to have successfully completed the corresponding introductory lecture.


  • How do I register for courses and examinations?

    Each semester, you need to register online for those examinations you would like to take at the end of the lecture period. You will need to do so within a period defined by Student Services.
    If you are a bachelor’s student, you will also need to register for all courses that you are meant to take in the respective semester as per the degree plan (including social skills courses). That way, the Student Services’ electronic campus management system (Portal²) keeps track of which student has already attended which courses and how often they have taken exams in those courses.

    PLEASE NOTE: The exam registration period falls within the lecture period, which means that you cannot register for your examinations via the Student Services’ campus management system before the lecture period starts.
    Each semester, the periods during which you can register for exams will be published on the Student Services’ website.
    Online registration is done via Portal².

  • Can I change my minor?

    Usually, first-year students can select their minor for the fall semester in August and for the spring semester in January. Student Services will inform you about the relevant procedures about four weeks before the selection period begins. You can change your minor again after your first or second semester. Please contact Student Services for further information.

    Minor selection

  • Can I have credits obtained abroad recognized for my minor?

    If you have the opportunity to take courses in other subjects abroad, it is also possible to have courses recognized for your minor. The decision on the recognition of courses for the minor lies with the respective departmental exchange coordinator or with the teacher. Please inquire about the respective regulations at the school in question.

    Specific regulations for Sociology/Political Science:

    • ZfS courses: Courses on cultural studies and language courses may also be recognized. Language courses are recognized by the departmental exchange coordinators. Courses on cultural studies and other courses have to be approved by the Center for Development of Key Competencies (ZfS) .


    • The recognition of applied subjects can also take place, for example, by attending courses in Business Administration, which can be recognized for Work and Organizational Psychology or Consumer Psychology.
  • What is Portal²?

    Portal² is the University of Mannheim’s campus management system. Using the portal, you can, for example, view the course catalog, create a course schedule, and register for examinations.


Academic advising

Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you!

Please do not hesitate to contact the program manager for Political Science, who will be at your disposal as long as you take courses in your minor, if you have any subject-specific questions on structuring your minor or on the recognition of credits obtained abroad.

Dr. Gledis Londo

Dr. Gledis Londo (she/her)

Program Manager B.Ed./M.Ed. and M.A. Political Science
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building A – Room A 418
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Please book an appointment: