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Council of Doctoral Candidates

The council of doctoral candidates of the School of Social Sciences represents the interests of all doctoral candidates at the School. It convenes at least once per semester and discusses doctorate-related topics. A summary on the school council meetings is also always on the agenda as the council of doctoral candidates exercises an advisory function in this body. In principle, all doctoral candidates at the School of Social Sciences are invited to take part in the meetings – however, only those candidates who have officially registered their doctoral dissertation are eligible to vote.

The council’s spokespersons (Lara Többen and Barbara Kreis) also dedicate themselves to building up a network that connects all doctoral candidates at the School. They aim to create a platform that allows doctoral candidates to meet, exchange ideas, and obtain relevant information.

They also tend to all matters that are of relevance to doctoral candidates and help them solve any problems. This includes anything related to the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation or the relationship between the candidates and their supervisors. The spokespersons also promote communication between doctoral candidates and the respective bodies and committees. Both of them are also involved in the process that will lead to the establishment of a new group at universities in Baden-Württemberg (in addition to professors, academic and non-academic staff members, and students, a fifth group is being introduced by the state government, the group of doctoral candidates, granting them an official status with voting rights). The council’s spokespersons supervise the process, making sure that the doctoral candidates’ interests and needs are taken into account.


Please note: The following documents are based on the opinions and interpretations of the council of doctoral candidates; they are not legally binding. In case any questions remain unresolved, please take a look at the applicable regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation and talk to your supervisor.


Council of Doctoral Candidates

Council of Doctoral Candidates

University of Mannheim
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
A 5, 6
68161 Mannheim