Information for Students
Are you currently pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Psychology? We have compiled all relevant information for you on this page. In case any questions are left unanswered, please visit the subject-specific academic advising team.
Program content and structure
As a bachelor’s student of psychology, you will acquire basic subject-specific knowledge within six semesters. There is at least one module for each psychological field, and they cover three areas of study: general principles, methods, and applied subjects. Depending on the module, course types may vary and include lectures, exercise courses, and seminars.
During the first three semesters of the program, you will complete most of the general and methodological modules; from the third semester onwards, you will have four applied modules: You will deepen your knowledge in three of the four applied modules while focusing even more on two of the modules. You will also do a mandatory internship, which is part of the practical module. Towards the end of the program, you will write your bachelor’s thesis. Depending on the program variant you pick, you will choose a minor, which allows you to gain insights into another discipline (variant I) or qualifys you with the choice of specific modules for a master’s program in clinical psychology and psychotherapy (variant II). Throughout your studies, you are also required to earn research participation credit by taking part in 30 hours of experiments. Spending a semester abroad is possible, though not mandatory.
Examination regulations
The examination regulations provide information about your rights and obligations as a student and about the coursework and examinations you have to complete. They also contain information about examination deadlines, repetition requirements, ECTS points and the exact title of the degree. If you know the examination regulations, you can answer many questions yourself. You can find additional information about the examinations here.
Module catalog
The module catalog offers important details about all the modules in your program. There, you can look up what courses are included in a module, what you need to do to complete a module, and how many ECTS credits the different modules are worth. Please be sure to refer to the module catalog that applies to you (Start of Studies).
Changes to modules I and J will take effect at fall/
winter 2022. These changes apply to all students who start their studies from fall/ winter 2022 onwards. The lecture in module I will take place in the 4th subject semester starting in HWS 2022 and will be examined at the end of the spring/ summer semester (for the first time in FSS 2024). Module J will take place in the 2nd semester starting in HWS 2022. Changes in modules I and J come into effect for HWS 2022. These changes apply to all students who begin their studies from HWS 2022 onwards. Implication for students who started their studies before HWS 2022: The examination in the I module will take place in the autumn/
winter semester including HWS 2023. From FSS 2024 onwards, the examination will only take place in the spring/ summer semester. Program Variants (see examination regulations from HWS 2021/
22) Every student of the bachelor`s program studies the modules A to L. The further program can be decided choosing between two options:
- Variant I: Program of applied psychological areas and qualification for a master’s program in Psychology.
- Variant II: Program with focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy with the goal to fulfil contents of the PsychThApprO and requirements of the master’s program in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.
You choose the program variant before the deepening of the applied modules, hence after the end of your third semester.
Degree plan
The degree plan depicts the recommended program structure. If you stick to the time frame suggested in the plan, you will be able to complete your program within the standard period of study.
Changes to modules I and J will come into force for HWS 2022. These changes apply to all students who start their studies from HWS 2022. Implication for students who started their studies before HWS 2022: The examination in the I module will take place in the fall/
winter semester, including HWS 2023. From FSS 2024, the examination will only take place in the spring/ summer semester. Determination of compliance with professional requirements
The Stuttgart Regional Council has confirmed for study variant II that the professional requirements in accordance with the Psychotherapists Act and the Licensing Regulations for Psychotherapists are met.
Applied subjects
In the third semester you will get to know the applied modules. The following subjects are available:
- Work and Organizational Psychology
- Consumer Psychology
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Educational Psychology
All four subjects will be introduced by an overview module in the third semester. In the fourth semester the in-depth modules begin. They deepen from the fourth semester onwards two of the four applied modules for three semesters and one additional applied module for two semesters.
Students of the program variant II are obligated to take Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy as their in-depth module for three semesters. Apart from that and for students of the program variant I the choice of your applied module is free. The access to some subjects might be limited due to high demand.
In program variant I, the minor allows you to branch out into another scientific discipline. Business Education and Business Administration are among the most popular subjects. Apart from that, you can choose a minor from the following list: Informatics, Linguistics, Mathematics, Media and Communication Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Economics. By taking one of these minors, you can tailor the program to your individual interests and acquire valuable skills that prepare you for your future career. The choice is up to you!
In program variant II you will not take a minor but learn approbation relevant content in the module Medical Foundations of Psychotherapy (Medizinische Grundlagen der Psychotherapie).
Practical Module
A twelve-week (or 450 working hours) compulsory internship in the professional field of psychologists must be completed as part of the Psychology degree. In study option II, the internships are completed in accordance with the licensing regulations. The internships enable you to gain professional experience at an early stage, get to know potential career paths and establish contacts with companies and clinics. The internship office will support you in your search, application and preparation for the internship.
Research participation credit (Vpn)
During your program, you will earn research participation credit for acting as a subject in studies and experiments conducted by your fellow students or by the chairs. You are required to complete at least 30 hours of experiments in total. This way, you will gain important insights into the varied and exciting research projects at the Department of Psychology. You can manage your research participation in SONA, our online sign-up system.
- Open a SONA account.
- Sign up for participation in a study.
- After you have earned 30 credit hours, print the homepage with your credits overview.
- Note down your student number and sign the printout and submit it to the Student Services office II team.
- The Student Services office II team will check all the details on the printout and subsequently award you 1 ECTS credit for your research participation.
Bachelor's thesis
Usually, students will write their bachelor’s thesis in the sixth subject-specific semester, though they can also opt to write their thesis in the fifth semester instead. Finding a supervisor for your bachelor’s thesis is your responsibility.
Tip: The departmental student committee regularly organizes information events on the bachelor’s thesis at the beginning of each semester. If you are looking for a supervisor for your thesis, you should contact a chair or a teacher of your choosing to make specific arrangements.
You need to agree on your topic with your supervisor and the first evaluator. The first evaluator must be a professor of psychology at the University of Mannheim. Please also discuss any potential second evaluators with your supervisor.
If you want to register for your bachelor's thesis, you will need to file a request with the chair of the examination committee. Once you have completed the form, you can submit it to the Central Examination Committee. Your registration for the bachelor’s thesis is deemed to be official as soon as the form has been signed by the first evaluator. The preparation period for your thesis is 12 weeks. The chair of the examination committee will indicate the due date for your thesis on the form.
If you need to extend the preparation period, you can file a request with the examination committee citing a valid reason. Extension can only be granted once and for no more than six weeks.
For more information on how to write and organize your bachelor’s thesis, please contact your supervisor or the respective chair.
You need to submit your bachelor’s thesis to the first evaluator’s secretary by the due date at the latest. Please hand in three copies in total, one copy for each evaluator and one copy for the Mannheim University Library. Please include a signed copy of the consent to publication declaration with the copy of your thesis that is to remain in the library.
Examination committee
Students can contact the office of the examination boards of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (ZPA) with their concerns. This can be, for example, an application for recognition, an extension of a deadline (e.g. maximum study time, time to complete the Bachelor's thesis) or an extraordinary minor subject. All requests are processed by the ZPA .
Prof. Dr. Michaela Wänke is the head of the examination board for the Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you!
If you have any subject-specific questions regarding your degree program (course contents, program structure, stays abroad), don’t hesitate to contact our program managers. If you have any questions on organizing your studies (examinations, grades, re-registration, academic leave of absence), please contact the Student Services office II team.