About 40 professors and 120 academic staff members teach and conduct research at the three departments of the School of Social Sciences. The following pages will provide you with an overview of all the professors at each department and their disciplines. To find out more about our academic staff members, go to the respective chairs’ websites.
Adjunct professorships
Prof. Dr. Nadine Dyer ZPP Ambulanzleitung für Kinder und Jugendliche Prof. Dr. Antje Gerdes Prof. Tobias Gummer Data and Research on Society Prof. Ingela Jöns Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Prof. Dr. Karina Karst Arbeitsgruppe für Professions- und Schulforschung Prof. Dr. Dieter Kleinböhl Zentralinsitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Institut Neuropsychologie und Klinische Psychologie Prof. Dr. Michael Schredl Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Wissenschaftliche Leitung Schlaflabor Former Professors
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Albert ✝
Chair of Sociology and Epistemology Prof. Dr. Johannes Berger
Chair of Sociology III Prof. Dr. Alfred Bohnen
Professor of Sociology and Epistemology
Prof. Dr. Walter Bungard
Chair of Economic and Organizational Psychology
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Esser
Chair of Sociology and Epistemology
Prof. Dr. Peter Flora
Chair of Sociology I
Prof. Dr. Theo Hermann ✝
Chair of Psychology III
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirsch-Weber ✝
Chair of Political Science III
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hofer
Chair of Educational Science II Prof. Dr. Elfriede Höhn ✝
Chair of Educational Science and Educational Psychology
Prof. Dr. Rupert Hölzl
Professor of Clinical and Biological Psychology
Prof. Dr. Martin Irle ✝
Chair of Social Psychology
Prof. Dr. Hans Irtel ✝
Professor of General Psychology
Prof. Dr. Egbert Jahn
Chair of Political Science and Contemporary History Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Max Kaase
Chair of Political Science and International Comparative Social Research
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Beate Kohler-Koch
Chair of Political Science II
Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. mult. Walter Müller
Chair of Sociological Methodology and Applied Sociology
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Urban Pappi
Chair of Political Science I
Prof. Dr. Ilze Plavgo Junior Professorship for Sociology of the Welfare State Prof. Dr. Hans Rattinger
Chair of Comparative Political Behavior Research
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schönhoven
Professor of Political Science and Contemporary History
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Stahlberg
Chair of Social Psychology Prof. Dr. Jan van Deth
Chair of Political Science and International Comparative Social Research Prof. Dr. Peter Graf Kielmansegg
Chair of Political Science III Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Weber ✝
Chair of Political Science and Contemporary History Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Rudolf Wildenmann ✝
Chair of Political Science I Prof. Dr. Werner Wittmann
Chair of Psychology II Honorary professorship