Teacher Education Programs

Political Science

Gledis Londo hat dunkle Haare und einen Pony. Sie trägt eine Brille und einen Blazer mit einer Rose als Anstecker.

Dear students,

I will be at your disposal during the entire program. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any subject-specific questions on structuring your program or spending a period of study abroad.

Your program manager for Political Science / Photo credit: Elisa Berdica

Further information and documents

  • Bachelor’s program in Teacher Education: Political Science

    Students of the bachelor’s program in Teacher Education (B.Ed.) obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits over the course of the program and study two subjects (70 ECTS credits each) as well as the modules Teaching Methodology (15 ECTS credits) and Education Sciences (19 ECTS credits).

    Bachelor’s program in Teacher Education (6 semesters)
    Political Science70 ECTS credits
    Second subject70 ECTS credits
    Teaching Methodology15 ECTS credits
    Education Sciences (including first school placement)19 ECTS credits
    Bachelor's thesis6 ECTS credits
    Total: 180 ECTS credits

    The following documents, which are only available in German, are relevant to Political Science:

    Degree plan (from 2023 on)

    Degree plan (from 2019 on)

    Examination regulations

    Module catalog

  • Master’s program in Teacher Education: Political Science

    Students of the master’s program in Teacher Education (M.Ed.) study two subjects worth an equal amount of ECTS credits as well as Teaching Methodology and Education Sciences. In addition, they complete a placement semester and write a master's thesis. In total, they obtain 120 ECTS credits over the course of the program, which has a standard period of study of 4 semesters.

    General Information about the Master's Program

    Master’s program in Teacher Education (4 semesters)
    Political Science24 ECTS credits
    Second subject24 ECTS credits
    Teaching Methodology15 ECTS credits
    Education Sciences (including the module Inclusive Education)26 ECTS credits
    Placement semester16 ECTS credits
    Master's thesis15 ECTS credits
    Total: 120 ECTS credits


    The following documents, which are only available in German, are relevant to Political Science:

    Examination regulations

    Module catalog

  • Master of Education Extension Subject: Political Science

    In addition to the two subjects you selected in the bachelor’s and master’s program in Teacher Education, you can take Political Science as an extension subject. This way you can acquire the academic qualification to add a third subject to your repertoire as a teacher. You may apply for admission to the Master of Education Extension Subject program and also start taking courses in it while still pursuing your bachelor’s degree (you must have obtained at least 24 ECTS credits in a bachelor’s program with a focus on teacher education).

    Master of Education Extension Subject program

    Political Science

    • Basic modules
    • Advanced modules
    90 ECTS credits

    Teaching Methodology

    • Basic modules
    • Advanced Modules
    15 ECTS credits
    Master's thesis15 ECTS credits
    Total: 120 ECTS credits


    The following document, which is only available in German, is relevant to Political Science:

    Examination regulations

Useful tips

  • Registration for courses and exams

    Each semester, you need to register online for those examinations you would like to take at the end of the lecture period. You will need to do so within a period defined by Student Services.
    You will also need to register for all courses that you are meant to take in the respective semester as per the degree plan (including social skills courses). That way, the Student Services’ electronic campus management system (Portal²) keeps track of which student has already attended which courses and how often they have taken exams in those courses.

    PLEASE NOTE: The exam registration period falls within the lecture period, which means that you cannot register for your examinations via the Student Services’ campus management system before the lecture period starts.
    Each semester, the periods during which you can register for exams will be published on the Student Services’ website.
    Online registration is done via Portal².

  • Can I go abroad without having to extend my studies?

    We encourage you to go abroad during your studies. For more information, please go the section International.

    If you would like to have the courses and examinations you take at a university abroad recognized, please contact the program managers and/or departmental exchange coordinators before leaving. They will coordinate the courses to be recognized with you. By concluding a Learning Agreement, it is usually possible to stay within the regular period of study.

  • When do I apply for academic leave of absence?

    You can apply for leave of absence during your studies citing a valid reason (section 61 subsection 1 of the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG)).
    A valid reason for being granted an academic leave of absence is for example:
    – an internship,
    – a stay abroad,
    – maternity leave / parental leave / parenting, or
    – health issues.

    Further information can be obtained from Student Services.

  • Portal² – your campus management system

    Portal² is the University of Mannheim’s campus management system. Using the portal, you can, for example, view the course catalog, create a course schedule, and register for examinations.


  • Final thesis

    Bachelor’s thesis (6 ECTS)

    According to the degree plan, you write your bachelor’s thesis in the sixth semester in a subject of your choice. To be admitted to the bachelor’s thesis in Political Science you must have completed your elective module. The preparation period is six weeks, your thesis should have about 8,000 words. During the preparation period, you can attend a colloquium, which helps you organize your thesis under the supervision of the respective teachers. This enables you to discuss your thesis with your teachers and your fellow students and to exchange ideas. Usually, all university teachers, adjunct professors, and adjunct senior lecturers who offer courses in the respective subject or area are entitled to grade your bachelor’s thesis.

    Master's thesis (15 ECTS credits)

    According to the degree plan, you write your master’s thesis in the fourth semester in a subject area related to a module you have already completed. You will only be admitted to the master’s thesis if no more than one exam in one of the exercise courses of the selected module has not yet been passed. You must have passed all the other exams (in case you want to write your master's thesis in your extension subject, you must have completed the module). The preparation period is three months, your thesis should have 50–70 pages. During the preparation period, you can attend a colloquium, which helps you organize your thesis under the supervision of the respective teachers. This enables you to discuss your thesis with your teachers and your fellow students and to exchange ideas. Usually, all university teachers, adjunct professors, and adjunct senior lecturers who offer courses in the respective subject or area are entitled to grade your master’s thesis.


    To register and submit your final thesis (one copy is sufficient), you need to go to Student Services.

  • Disenrollment

    If you have any questions on disenrollment, please contact the Student Services team.

    Disenrollment either happens

    • automatically at the end of the semester if a student has fulfilled all degree requirements, thereby completing the program, or
    • on request (completion of the program, transfer between universities during the semester).

    Please be aware that it may be favorable for you to remain enrolled until the semester ends, since this entitles you to a low-priced student health insurance plan, and your parents may continue to receive child benefit.

Studying Abroad

You would like to spend a period of study abroad without being set back in your studies? No problem!

Teacher Education Program

General information



Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you!

If you have any subject-specific questions regarding your degree program (course contents, program structure, stays abroad), don’t hesitate to contact our program managers. If you have any questions on organizing your studies (examinations, grades, re-registration, academic leave of absence), please contact the Student Services office II team. International students can also turn to the International Office for information. Please adhere to the consultation hours.

Dr. Gledis Londo

Dr. Gledis Londo (she/her)

Program Manager B.Ed./M.Ed. and M.A. Political Science
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building A – Room A 418
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Please book an appointment: