Are your courses evaluated in regular intervals?
How is your course registered for evaluation?
Which software do we use and how is your user account activated?
The University of Mannheim uses EvaSys – a web-based software for evaluations and surveys. A user account will be created and assigned to you automatically when your course is registered with EvaSys for the first time. You can also receive one by contacting the Quality Manager. You can access EvaSys either when you are logged in to the university network or via a VPN client.
What does the questionnaire look like?
The evaluation sheet contains a general questionnaire, which is the same throughout the university, supplemented with school-specific questions. As a teacher, you also have the option to add more (pre-defined) questions. To do so, you will receive an e-mail containing a link to the form you can use to enter additional questions in the sixth week of the lecture period.
What is the process for evaluating courses?
Students are asked to evaluate their courses in the last third of the lecture period. You will be sent the exact dates at the beginning of the lecture period by e-mail, along with information on the evaluation process.
Online evaluations
Students are invited to take part in the online evaluation via e-mail using a TAN-based process. They are reminded of the survey every three day.
Please note: Make sure that the students’ e-mail addresses in Portal2 are up to date, as they are used to send out the invitation to take part in the course evaluation. If you have any questions on course registration, please contact the program managers.
Paper-based evaluations
Please let the Quality Manager know if you would like to carry out a paper-based course evaluation. She will send you the evaluation sheets by e-mail. Please print the questionnaires yourself and ask your students to fill them in in class. After all students have filled in the questionnaires, a student (not you as a teacher!) must collect them, put them in an envelope, seal the envelope, sign it, and send it to the university’s Department of Quality Management via internal mail. Compliance with this procedure is of utmost importance to ensure the participants’ anonymity.
How do you obtain the results of your evaluation(s)?
If your course evaluation is carried out online, a report (in PDF format) containing the results will be sent to your e-mail address automatically after the deadline for evaluation has ended. If your course evaluation is paper-based, the results will be sent to you approximately five working days after the evaluation sheets have been processed by the university’s Department of Quality Management.
In addition, you can go to EvaSys to download your report in English. The survey data is anonymized and is made available in a CVS or SPSS format.
Do you need assistance when interpreting the results?
Do you have any questions on teaching methods or e-learning, or would you like to receive feedback?
How can you discuss the results with your students?
You should discuss the most important results in class or provide them to your students in the last session via ILIAS.
Who should you contact if you have questions on quality management?