Recognition of Credits Obtained Abroad
Learning Agreement, transcript of records and report
In order to have your examinations taken abroad recognized in Mannheim, your choice of courses must be coordinated with the exchange coordinator of your major prior to your stay abroad. You can find out what you need to know on the page Selecting Courses for Your Stay Abroad.
Step 1: Preparing the Learning Agreement
Learning Agreement
After arranging the courses that you are going to take abroad, a so-called Learning Agreement will be prepared, listing the courses and examinations to be recognized that have been confirmed by the exchange coordinator. Within the framework of international programs, the university has two types of Learning Agreements:
1. The Erasmus Learning Agreement: This applies only to European exchange programs and is needed to receive funding within the Erasmus program. It is signed by, among others, the departmental exchange coordinators (both at the University of Mannheim and at your host university) as well as by the exchange coordinators of the International Offices in Mannheim and abroad.
2. The Internal Learning Agreement: The Internal Learning Agreement contains all courses that you would like to have recognized for courses at the School of Social Sciences. This Learning Agreement is necessary for internal recognition processes and is therefore abbreviated to “Internal Learning Agreement” or “Internal LA”. The Internal LA is created with the help of ARETUM, a specific tool used by the University of Mannheim for recognizing credits. The tool generates a code for each Learning Agreement, which you are requested to quote in your further correspondence with the exchange coordinators.
Both the exchange coordinators and you have to sign the Internal LA. The Internal LA does not have to be forwarded to the International Office, as it is only required for the recognition of examinations taken abroad.
If any changes have to be made to your Learning Agreement during your stay abroad, please inform your exchange coordinator via e-mail. In this case, please pick up an updated version of the Learning Agreement from your exchange coordinator once you have returned to Mannheim.
If you do not wish to have a course recognized, you can simply delete it from the Learning Agreement without having to create a new LA.
Step 2: Uploading the report
You can upload your report to the Mobility-Online platform.
After you have submitted your report electronically, it will be checked for completeness by the International Office. Please note that the review of your report may take some time. You will receive a confirmation via e-mail once the examination has been completed. Only then will you be able to download a confirmation of the submission of the report in the Mobility-Online workflow.
If you have any questions, please contact the International Office.
Step 3: The transcript of records
The transcript of records serves to certify the courses and examinations taken at your host university and the grades you obtained. In order to have your credits obtained abroad recognized in Mannheim, you either need the transcript of records in the original (signed and stamped by the issuing institution) or verified by the International Office or the departmental exchange coordinators (for example, in case that the transcript of records was only sent as a PDF file).
Usually, the host university sends the transcript of records directly to the University of Mannheim. You will be informed by e-mail when you can pick up your transcript.
Step 4: Submitting a request for recognition
Political Science, Psychology and Sociology students need to hand in their request for recognition to the Central Comitee for Examinations (ZPA).
Conversion of grades
Grades obtained abroad are converted using the current conversion tables of the University of Mannheim (see the ILIAS platform). Register on ILIAS as usual using your user ID and select the group “Conversion tables for grades obtained abroad” for which you can register separately. Here, you will find current information on the conversion of grades provided by the examination committee of the Business School.