Master’s Program in Psychology – Work, Economy and Society

Information for students

This page provides important information on the master’s program in Psychology – Work, Economy and Society, such as the examination regulations, the module catalog, the degree plan, the minor, and the master’s thesis.

Please note: As the program is taught in German, the documents listed on this page are only available in German.

  • Examination regulations

    The examination regulations can be considered a program’s rulebook as they contain comprehensive information on your studies, including examination deadlines, the number of times you can re-sit an exam, registration for your master’s thesis, etc.

    You can find the document on the central website of the University of Mannheim under Psychology. If you are aware of the examination regulations’ (in German) content, you can answer many questions yourself.

    Everything about exams

  • Module catalog

    The module catalog provides you with detailed information on the individual modules and courses regarding their content and types of examination.

  • Degree plan

    The degree plan gives you an overview of your program and helps you plan your studies.

  • Minor

    You may substitute your mandatory elective module with a minor.

    Please ask the chair of the examination committee for approval of your minor by sending an informal request stating your program of study and the minor you would like to take (ideally via e-mail).

  • Internship

    An eight-week (or 300 working hours) internship in the professional field of psychologists must be completed in the degree programme.  Further information on the internship can be found on this website.

  • Master's thesis

    What should I know about the procedure?

    • As soon as you have decided on the subject area you would like to write your master’s thesis in, you should contact a member of the Department who could serve as your supervisor. You should agree with this person on a topic and discuss the next steps.
    • Please note that only an approved examiner from the Department of Psychology of the University of Mannheim (usually the chair holder) can assign the topic to you.
    • Please also discuss any potential second evaluators with your supervisor.
    • Fill in the request form on assignment of the topic of the master's thesis and have it signed by the first and second evaluator. Once you have completed the form, you can submit it to the Central Examination Committee. In the event that an external person is to be appointed as an examiner, please contact the Central Examination Committee (ZPA) in advance (see application form).
    • Make sure that the examiners’ names are legible, that you state the English working title of your thesis in addition to the German title, and that the form carries your signature.
    • Once the request form carries the signature of the examiner, your thesis is considered to be officially registered. The maximum preparation period is 6 months. The exact due date for your master's thesis is stated on the document by the chair of the examination committee.
    • If you need to extend the preparation period, you can file a request with the examination committee citing a valid reason. Extension can only be granted once and for no more than two months.
  • Examination committee

    Students can contact the office of the examination boards of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities (ZPA) with their concerns. This can be, for example, an application for recognition or an extension of a deadline (e.g. maximum study time, time to complete the Master's thesis). All requests are processed by the ZPA .

    Prof. Dr. Arndt Bröder is the head of the examination board for the Master of Science in Psychology.

Studying Abroad

Learn about the many different ways of how you can spend a semester abroad.

Career Development Module

The School will help you find a suitable internship.


Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you!

If you have any subject-specific questions regarding your degree program (course contents, program structure, stays abroad), don’t hesitate to contact our program managers. If you have any questions on organizing your studies (examinations, grades, re-registration, academic leave of absence), please contact the Student Services office II team.

Program Management Psychology

Program Management Psychology

B.Sc. Psychology – Florian Dorner ; M.Sc. AWG and KuK, International Coordination – Leonie Cegla
University of Mannheim
Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften
A 5, 6
Bauteil A – Room 4th floor
68159 Mannheim
Leonie Cegla, M.Sc.

Leonie Cegla, M.Sc. (she/her)

Program Manager Psychology
oon parental leave
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building A – Room A 419
68159 Mannheim

Student Services

Sandra Haag (geb. Kiss)

Sandra Haag (geb. Kiss)

B.Sc./M.Sc. Psychology
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
Student Services II
L 1, 1 – Room 123
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Consultation hours every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (room 120).
In addition, individual consultations take place by telephone or video call. Please book your appointment using the following form: