
Psychology at Germany's #1

Research-oriented and Versatile

The German-taught bachelor’s program in Psychology (B.Sc.) teaches students general psychological principles, research methods, and selected applied psychological subjects. With your bachelor’s degree, you have various career options: You can, for example, start your career in business or you can continue studying in a master’s program. With a master’s degree, you can pursue an academic career, take over a responsible position in HR or decide to become a school counselor. With the according master’s degree, you can gain the approbation in psychotherapy.  

The new Bachelor of Science Psychology, which will be introduced in the autumn/winter semester 2021/22 at the University of Mannheim, fulfils the demands stated in the “Approbationsordnung” for psychotherapists from 4 March 2020. The bachelor’s degree ideally prepares you for the master focussing on clinical psychology and psychotherapy and partly for the approbation, given that you choose the specific focus in your program. Such a master’s program has been introduced in the autumn/winter semester 2023/24 at the University of Mannheim. The Master's degree in Psychology with focus on Work, Economy and Society will continue to be offered.

The bachelor’s program in Psychology also qualifies you for other psychological master programmes in different psychological areas depending on the focus you pick.   

The program is nationally reaccredited until 31 July 2031.  

  • What is Psychology?

    Psychology at the University of Mannheim

    • The fundamentals of the program include theories and empirical findings on general human experience and behavior. These relate, for example, to psychological processes such as perception, memory, learning or thinking, to the behavior of individuals in groups or to human development over the lifespan.
    • Research methods such as experiments, surveys or observations are used to address scientific questions. Statistical data analysis procedures are used to evaluate the collected data and test research hypotheses.
    • In the application areas of psychology, the findings of the basic sciences are used to solve practical tasks and problems. In the clinical field, these may relate to the effectiveness of certain forms of therapy, for example. In industrial and organizational psychology, for example, the focus is on optimizing organizational structures or increasing employee commitment.


    Methodological training has a high priority in psychology studies. But don't worry: You don't have to be a math genius to get along with statistics. A good basic math course will suffice.


    Much of the psychology literature is written in English. Therefore, you should be able to read and understand English texts. Some of the lectures are also held in English. A good knowledge of English will help you in your studies, but it is not necessary to be fluent in English.

    Students interested in psychology should also ...

    • have an interest in natural sciences
    • be able to think analytically
    • show strong communication skills and empathy

    You can find out whether the program is a good fit for you by taking the Online Self Assessment (OSA-Psych).

  • Was ist Psychologie nicht?

    Popular Psychology
    Scientific psychology explores its assumptions with empirical scientific methods and does not derive them from everyday experiences. Human behavior and experience are described, explained, and predicted on the basis of empirically-founded findings and are not inferred from life experience or ideas and beliefs about internal processes in people. The B.Sc. Psychology program teaches the basics of scientific psychology, its research methods and their practical use in the fields of application.


    Psychotherapeutic work

    The B.Sc. Psychology course focuses on teaching the most important theories, models and findings in the respective fields. The course also includes the content required in Annex 1 of the licensing regulations for psychotherapists dated March 4, 2020, which must be taught in the Bachelor's degree course as part of university teaching. However, “diagnosing” and “treating” each other is not part of the course.

Studying Psychology at the University of Mannheim was the right choice for me. From the fourth semester onwards, you can choose your own specializations which give you an insight into the different areas of Psychology. My personal highlight is the ability to spend a semester abroad at one of the world’s leading universities. Thanks to the numerous exchange programs, you don’t have to pay the tuition fees, which can be really expensive, and anyone can study abroad.

Lisanne Halbe, student of B.Sc. Psychology / Photo: Lisanne Halbe

6 good reasons for studying Psychology in Mannheim

Studying at one of the top universities for Psychology (2022 CHE University Ranking)

Courses offered by leading psychologists from all over the world

Stay abroad at one of our many prestigious partner universities

Living in the multicultural Metropolitan Region

Individual support by the program and internship managers

Bachelor's degree programme recognised under professional law and conforming to licensing requirements

Self-Assessment Test

Do your expectations of the bachelor’s program in Psychology match its actual contents? Take the test and see for yourself!


The Psychology program in Mannheim was number one in the 2019 and 2022 CHE University Ranking.

The program

  • Program Variants

    At the end of the 3rd semester, you decide what you want to focus on in your studies and choose your program variant:

    • In program variant I, you will deepen three psychological application subjects and complete a minor subject.
    • In program variant II, you will deepen your knowledge of clinical psychology in particular and learn about the medical principles of psychotherapy.

    Depending on the program variant, you will also complete your internship according to specific requirements. All other contents of the programme are studied in the same way by all students – regardless of the program variant.

  • Degree plan

    The degree plan describes the recommended study structure and shows which modules and courses you can expect during your studies:

  • The Psychology program: varied insights, excellent job opportunities

    Have you always wanted to know what factors influence human behavior? Why do people change their opinion when they are in a group? Is intelligence a coherent concept or does it have multiple manifestations? What causes psychological disorders and how are they diagnosed? These and other questions will be addressed during the bachelor’s program in Psychology.

    In modules focusing on the planning of studies, you will learn how to carry out experiments yourself whereas modules in psychological assessment teach you how to develop and apply tests and modules in statistics how to analyze data. Courses on general psychology explore the basic principles of thought, language, learning, memory, motivation, emotion, and perception, which will help you understand how we process and cope with our surroundings. You will also acquire a solid foundation in the fields of developmental psychology, which deals with changes people undergo throughout their lifetime, and social psychology, which studies the behavior of people in groups. Furthermore, you will be introduced to differential psychology, which looks at personality and intelligence – two dimensions that set us apart from each other.

    Are you interested in process optimization in a company or in product development and marketing? Or have you always dreamed about becoming a psychotherapist? Or would you like to work as a school counselor in an educational environment? By choosing three out of four applied subjects, Work and Organizational Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, or Educational Psychology, you can tailor the degree program to your individual interests.

  • Broadening your horizon: the minor

    If you do not choose to focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy but different psychological areas and research in your bachelor’s program you will choose a minor in a related discipline. This way you get to know related disciplines and are better prepared for your working life. Business Administration is among the most popular subjects with lectures in Management and Marketing. However, there is a range of other subjects you can choose from, such as Business Education, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Informatics, and more. You decide! 

    In study variant II, the extension module U: Medical Principles of Psychotherapy is compulsory instead of the minor.

  • Studying in a practice-oriented environment: the internship

    It is possible to complete the twelve-week mandatory internship either during the lecture period (in addition to your regular courses) or during the semester break or during a period of leave of absence – the decision is up to you. If you want to qualify for a master’s program with a focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy the internship will take place according to the “Approbationsordnung”. The Internship Office will be happy to support you in finding a suitable internship. It also regularly informs all students at the school about vacancies (internships, part-time student jobs) in its newsletter and internship database. 

Studying Abroad

Discovering the world by spending a period of study abroad – just do it!


You are interested in a scholarship or other financing options?

Student Life
Student Life

From cobblestone paths to stucco walls – studying in Mannheim is a unique experience!

Career Prospects

What can you do with a bachelor's degree in Psychology?


  • How do I apply?

    The bachelor’s program in Psychology starts every fall semester on 1 September. The University of Mannheim accepts applications every year between 1 June and 15 July. You need to apply online. Click here for comprehensive information on the application process. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact the Admissions Office.

    The University of Mannheim participates in the so-called dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV). If you want to apply for admission to the first subject-specific semester of a program at the University of Mannheim, you must register for the DoSV at first. If you have any questions on the application process, please contact the Admissions Office.

    For comprehensive information on the application process and the DoSV, please see the guide to applying for admission to a bachelor’s program, which is only available in German.

    Please note: International applicants from countries outside of the EU/EEA cannot take part in the DoSV. Prospective students from these countries are requested to apply to the University of Mannheim directly via the online application process.

    Apply now

  • How are study places allocated?

    Study places are allocated based on a selection process.

    Applicants whose application for admission to the University of Mannheim is governed by other rules and regulations (e.g. applicants for a second degree, cases of preferential admission or hardship) are exempt from the selection process.

  • What is the selection process like?

    In the selection procedure, the average grade of the university entrance qualification (= Abitur as well as comparable degrees) is taken into account. In addition, the test result of the voluntary study aptitude test BaPsy-DGPs can be used. Certificates of participation in the student selection procedure STAV-Psych BaWü from the year 2022 are treated like a test result of the BaPsy-DGPs1 and can therefore be taken into account in the selection procedure.

    On the basis of these criteria, points are awarded and a ranking list is drawn up. A maximum of 115 points can be awarded in total. This total number of points is made up as follows:

    1. the average grade of the higher education entrance qualification is converted:

    • 15 points are awarded for an average grade of 1.0
    • For each increase in the average grade by one tenth, 0.33 points are subtracted from the initial value (15 points).
    • The result is rounded to the first decimal place and multiplied by a factor of five.
    • A maximum of 75 points can be achieved in this way

    2. up to 40 additional points can be acquired for the selection procedure by taking the voluntary study aptitude test BaPsy-DGPs1. Certificates of participation in the student selection procedure STAV-Psych BaWü from the year 2022 are treated like a test result of the BaPsy-DGPs1; with the test result, up to 40 additional points can be acquired in the selection procedure.

    You can read this information in the selection statutes. The latest version of the selection statutes can be found on the university's central pages under “Psychology”.

    1 Please note the registration period for the BaPsy-DGPs: Registration will be possible from 15.12.2023 up to and including 15.2.2024. The test itself will take place on May 25 and 26, 2024 at one of the test locations yet to be announced. The test language will be German only. The registration option and current information on test locations and test dates as well as further information on test content, preparation and test fee can be found online at Participation in the test is voluntary and is not a prerequisite for admission. However, all prospective students are recommended to take part in the test procedure in order to improve their chances of gaining a place at university. A good test result can open up better chances of admission even with a lower A-level grade. Even with a very good Abitur grade, a good test result can be essential for admission. At the University of Mannheim, the result of the BaPsy-DGP is not taken into account for applications from non-EU member states, second degree applications or applications for higher semesters.

  • Additional selection criterion: Voluntary study aptitude test BaPsy-DGPs

    The Study Aptitude Test Psychology BaPsy-DGPs is a subject-specific study aptitude test that assesses general cognitive abilities and prior knowledge relevant to the study of psychology.

    Participation in the study aptitude test BaPsy-DGPs is voluntary and is not a prerequisite for approval. However, all prospective students are recommended to take part in the test procedure in order to improve their chances of gaining a place at university. A good test result can open up better chances of admission even with a lower A-level grade. Even with a very good A-level grade, a good test result can be essential for admission.

    According to the selection statutes, the test result is taken into account with up to 40 additional points in the selection procedure at the University of Mannheim. The test result is not taken into account for applications from non-EU member states, second degree applications or applications for higher semesters.

    Further information (e.g. test contents, preparation and test fee) and all news (e.g. test locations and test dates) about the voluntary study aptitude test BaPsy-DGPs can be found on the website of the test provider. 

    The registration period is annually between the end of the previous calendar year and the beginning of the calendar year of test participation and application. This year's test will take place on May 25 and 26, 2024 at one of the test locations yet to be announced. The test language will be German only. 

    The participation in the voluntary study aptitude test BaPsy-DGPs is prepared by the Online Self Assessment (OSA-Psych). With the OSA-Psych you can find out about the Bachelor Psychology program and test whether it suits you. Good to know: You must also present proof that you have taken the OSA-Psych when you enrol.

  • How do I apply for admission to an advanced semester?

    Students transferring to the University of Mannheim from another university or changing their degree program can apply for admission to an advanced semester. They can join the program in the fall semester (lecture period starts at 1 September).

    The University of Mannheim accepts applications every year between 1 June and 15 July.The application must be submitted online to the University of Mannheim.

    Click here for comprehensive information on the application process. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact the Admissions Office.

    The BaPsy-DGPs is not considered in the selection procedure for the higher semester.

  • What criteria is admission to an advanced semester based on?

    Admission to semester

    Required coursework and examinations


    An Equivalent to B1: Quantitative Methods I

    At least 20 ECTS credits that are eligible for recognition* 


    An Equivalent to B1: Quantitative Methods I

    At least 30 ECTS credits that are eligible for recognition*


    An Equivalent to B1: Quantitative Methods I

    An Equivalent to B2: Quantitative Methods II

    At least 70 ECTS credits that are eligible for recognition*


    An Equivalent to B1: Quantitative Methods I

    An Equivalent to B2: Quantitative Methods II

    At least 90 ECTS credits that are eligible for recognition*

    Completion of at least 25 courses (with an exam or coursework), whereby the courses must correspond to those stipulated in the examination regulations (in German) (latest version) for the bachelor’s program in Psychology at the University of Mannheim. The number of outstanding courses must not exceed 15.

    *Eligible for recognition means that the courses to be recognized must correspond to those stipulated in the examination regulations (in German) (latest version) for the bachelor’s program in Psychology at the University of Mannheim (only available in German). If you have completed more courses or obtained more credits in a previous program, this cannot be taken into account. Please inform yourself in the latest version of the module catalog for more information about the contents and requirements of the individual modules in the bachelor’s program in Psychology.

    Note: From the autumn/winter semester 2021, the curriculum of the B.Sc. Psychology follows the requirements of the Licensing Regulations for Psychotherapists of 4 March 2020. The examination regulations (from HWS 2021 or later) and the module catalog (from HWS 2022 or later) of this polyvalent B.Sc. Psychology form the basis for an application to a higher semester.

    Your application for admission to an advanced semester will only be considered if you follow the formal application process and if there are study places available. 

    It is not possible to make a preliminary assessment of the performance achieved to date.

    If you are admitted to the program, the admission notice will inform you about your intended subject semester classification. The Central Examination Board of the University of Mannheim will decide on the final recognition of your achievements from your previous studies after you have submitted a request for recognition. You can submit the request only after you have been enrolled.

  • What should I keep in mind if I want to change my degree program?

    If you wish to change your degree program, you should apply for admission to the second semester of the new program. If you are applying for a study place in the third semester of the new program or later, you must include proof that you have sought advice with your application. You can seek academic advice at any German university that offers a bachelor’s program in Psychology. In Mannheim, the program managers are responsible for advising students on all aspects of changing their degree program.

Academic advising

Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you!

If you have any questions on your degree program (course contents, program structure, stays abroad), don’t hesitate to contact our program managers. For questions relating to the application process, please contact the Admissions Office.

Program Management Psychology

Program Management Psychology

Leonie Cegla is on parental leave. Substitutes are: B.Sc. Psychology – Florian Dorner ; M.Sc. AWG and KuK – Stefanie Thye ; International Coordination – Anika Skotak
University of Mannheim
Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften
A 5, 6
Bauteil A – Room 4th floor
68159 Mannheim
Leonie Cegla, M.Sc.

Leonie Cegla, M.Sc. (she/her)

Program Manager Psychology
oon parental leave
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building A – Room A 419
68159 Mannheim