Außenseite A5 Gebäude

Further Education Opportunities for Researchers and Teachers

Teachers and researchers at the University of Mannheim can benefit from a wide range of training and development opportunities. Gain experience teaching abroad, or make your courses even more interesting by, for example, using ILIAS, inverted classrooms, or other new lesson formats.

Zwei Frauen sind über einen Bildschirm eines Laptops gebeugt.
Information for Researchers and Teachers

Teachers and researchers at the University of Mannheim can benefit from a wide range of training and development opportunities. The university helps its researchers to raise funding and to publish research findings. It also advises them on how to plan their courses and offers training courses in personnel management.

Personen sitzen in einer Tischreihe. Vor ihnen sind ihre Laptops.
Training in Educational Development

At the School of Social Sciences, we encourage teachers to participate in training courses offered by the Educational Development Center (HDZ) and support them if they do. Our goal is to improve the quality of teaching, thereby improving the overall quality of our programs. Teachers who successfully complete a course will be reimbursed for their expenses by the School. To claim their reimbursement, they must submit the course certificate along with the applicable forms to Lutz Pöhlmann, managing director of the School.


Marika Bacsóka

Marika Bacsóka (she/her)

Managing Director
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
A5,6 Building A – Room A410
68159 Mannheim