Employers and Internship Providers

We seek a close cooperation with companies and research institutions so our students can gain practical experience that prepares them for their future career. A mandatory internship is part of the curriculum in all our programs of study.

  • What skills do our students have?

    Our students not only acquire subject-specific knowledge, but are also introduced to:

    • Basic concepts of statistics
    • Survey design
    • Data collection in practice
    • Data analysis and interpretation
  • How to post a job/an internship

    You would like to post an internship in the internship database of the School of Social Sciences?

    Please send us an e-mail with the internship announcement attached (pdf or doc). It will be published in our internship database free of charge and sent out to our students with the Internship Office’s newsletter.

  • Our programs in the rankings

    In the field of social sciences, our programs of study have achieved top positions in national rankings.

    to all rankings

  • Guest speakers with professional experience

    Did you study Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology and would like to share your personal experience with students? You are most welcome to come to our School and tell our students about your career, the responsibilities that come with your job, and your employer. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

    • How to offer a workshop

      You work in a company or institution and would like to offer a workshop for students in the field of social sciences to discuss with them specific questions of practical relevance? Send an e-mail to us.

    Our Programs

    Find out more about our programs in Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology and their respective contents.


    You were a student at our School and would like to stay in touch? Learn more about the different possibilities here.


    Do you have any questions? We’re happy to advise you!

    We invite employers to send us any open internship positions at their company or institution.

    Gesine Götze, M.A.

    Gesine Götze, M.A. (she/her)

    Internship Manager
    University of Mannheim
    School of Social Sciences
    A 5, 6
    A5,6 Building A – Room A 413
    68159 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    Office hours without appointment in person or via telephone:
    Monday, 10 – 12 am
    Wednesday, 11 – 12 am;
    The next office hours will take place on:
    27 January, 03, 10, 17, 24 February 10 – 12 am;
    29 January, 05, 12, 19, 26 February 11 -12 am.
    Counselling can alSo take place via Zoom,
    please make an appointment.
    Office hours:
    Please contact me via e–mail or use the consultation hour via telephone or in person.