Das Barock-Schloss und der Ehrenhof der Universität Mannheim unter strahlend blauem Himmel. Das Schloss ist von unzähligen Fenstern, rotem Sandstein und einer gelben Fassade geprägt.


Master’s program in Psychology – Cognitive and Clinical Psychology

The minor allows you to branch out into another scientific discipline. This way, you can tailor the program to your individual interests and acquire valuable skills that prepare you for your future career. The choice is up to you!

Requesting a minor
If you would like to substitute the elective module with a minor, you should send an informal request (ideally via e-mail) to the chair of the examination committee. Your request should include your program of study and the minor you would like to take.

In case you have earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Mannheim and would like to choose the same minor in your master’s program as in your bachelor’s program, you may only attend courses you did not already attend during your bachelor’s program due to the consecutive nature of the minor.

Please note: Most of the courses in the different minors are taught in German and therefore require you to be proficient in German. For this reason, the course titles provided in the tables found below are in German.


  • The program is designed for students to take courses in their minor in the first, second or third subject-specific semester. Please pay particular attention to whether the respective courses are offered in the fall or spring semester.
  • Registration is done via Portal². Registration periods depend on the respective school and may vary. Please note that you do not need to register for the courses in Business Administration and Economics, you can just show up for the first session.
  • You can complete your minor during your semester abroad, provided you discuss this with the program managers first.
  • Business Administration

    The following courses from the curriculum of the bachelor’s program in Business Administration are available:


    Type of course

    Type of examination

    ECTS credits




    At least two modules from the following areas:

    • Management
    • Marketing
    • Finanzwirtschaft
    • Internes Rechnungswesen
    • Grundlagen des externen Rechnungswesen
    • Produktion

    One written exam (90 min) or or electronic supervision paper (90 min.) each 




    The Management course is offered in a blended learning format. You can access the lecture digitally via ILIAS whereas the exercise course requires you to be physically present. In addition, there will be guest lectures, online tutorials, and online forums.

  • Informatics

    The following courses from the curriculum of the bachelor’s program in Business Informatics are available:

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits
    FallLecture and exercise course
    Praktische Informatik 1
    Written exam (90 min)8
  • Linguistics

    The following courses from the curriculum of the master’s program in Language and Communication are available:

    Option 1

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationCredit hoursECTS credits
    FallLecture series Methoden der LinguistikWritten exam (90 min)24

    Depending on your interests: one seminar from the courses available on the
    master’s program in Language and Communication

    Term paper or
    oral examination or written examination


    Option 2

    SemesterType of courseType of examination



    Fall / Spring

    Depending on your interests: two seminars from the courses available on the
    master’s program in Language and Communication
    Term paper or
    oral examination or written examination

    2 x 2

    2 x 7

  • Mathematics

    The following courses from the curriculum of the bachelor’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics are available:

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits


    Lecture, group exercise, and exercise course Analysis 1 (10 ECTS credits) or Lineare Algebra 1 (9 ECTS credits)

    Written examination (90 min)



  • Media and Communication Studies

    The following courses from the curriculum of the master’s program in Media and Communication Studies are available:

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationCredit hoursECTS credits
    FallLecture: Digitale Kommunikation: Forschungs­felder & TheorienWritten exam (90 min) or electronic supervision paper (90 min.) or digital term paper (90 min.)24
    SpringA seminar from one of the modules „Themenseminar“Presentation or term paper26
    or: a seminar from the project module „Ethik digitaler Daten“Term paper (20–25 pages), oral examination (20 min.), written examination (90 min.), electronic supervision paper (90 min.) or digital term paper (90 min.)26
  • Philosophy

    If you take Philosophy as a minor, you can choose between two different subject areas.

    Module: Language, Knowledge, Reality

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationCredit hoursECTS credits
    FallLecture Theoretische PhilosophieWritten exam (90 min.) or electronically supervised paper (90 min.) or digitally supported term paper (90 min.)24
    SpringA seminar from the sub-area Language, Knowledge, RealityTerm paper or Portfolio28

    Module: Ethics, Society, Economy

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationCredit hoursECTS credits
    Spring (often also offered in the fall)Lecture Angewandte Ethik & Politische PhilosophieWritten exam (90 min.) or electronically supervised paper (90 min.) or digitally supported term paper (90 min.)24
    Every semesterA seminar from the sub-area  Ethik, Gesellschaft, WirtschaftTerm paper or Portfolio28
  • Political Science

    If you take Political Science as a minor, you can choose between three different subject areas. The following courses from the curriculum of the bachelor’s program in Political Science are available:

    Module: Comparative Politics

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits


    Lecture: Ausgewählte Themen der Vergleichenden Regierungslehre

    Written exam (90 mins.) or electronic supervised work (90 mins.)



    Exercise course: Methoden der Vergleichenden Regierungslehre

    Presentation, term paper, possibly smaller written work5




    Module: International Relations

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits


    Lecture: Ausgewählte Themen der Internationalen Beziehungen

    Written exam (90 mins.) or electronic supervised work (90 mins.)



    Exercise course: Methoden der Internationalen Beziehungen

    Presentation, term paper, possibly smaller written work5



    Module: Political Sociology

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits


    Lecture: Ausgewählte Themen der Politischen Soziologie

    Written exam (90 mins.) or electronic supervised work (90 mins.)



    Exercise course: Methoden der Politischen Soziologie

    Presentation, term paper, possibly smaller written work5



  • Sociology

    The following courses from the curriculum of the master’s program in Sociology are available:

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits


    Lecture Foundations of Sociological Theory

    Written examination (90 min)



    A seminar from the areas:

    • Family, Education & Labor Markets
    • Migration & Integration
    • Economy & the Welfare State
    Term paper / presentation




  • Economics

    The following courses from the curriculum of the bachelor’s program in Economics are available:

    SemesterType of courseType of examinationECTS credits
    FallLecture and exercise course Grundlagen der VolkswirtschaftslehreWritten exam (120 min)8
    SpringLecture and exercise course Mikroökonomik A
    (you should have basic knowledge of economics)
    Written exam (120 min)6
  • Economic and Business Education

    In the minor subject module Business Education, students can choose courses from two thematic areas: Educational Management and Specialized Areas. Students must successfully complete examinations worth a total of 12 ECTS credits from the courses listed in both areas. At least two examinations must be passed in the area of educational management. A maximum of one course can be taken and the corresponding examination passed in the area of specialization.

    Education management area (2 or 3 courses)


    Course title

    Type of course

    Type of examination

    ECTS credits


    Bildungsmanagement I: Berufsausbildung

    Lecture and exercise course

    Written exam (90 mins.) or electronic supervised work (90 mins.)


    SpringBildungsmanagement III: WeiterbildungLecture and exerciseWritten exam (90 mins.) or electronic supervised work (90 mins.)4



    Bildungsmanagement II: Weiterbildung

    Lecture and exercise

    Written exam (90 mins.) or electronic supervised work (90 mins.)



    Specialized subjects area (1 course at most)

    Not every seminar is offered every semester; new seminars may be added. Please refer to your course planner to find out what is on offer in each semester.


    Course title

    Type of course

    Type of examination

    ECTS credits

    Fall /


    Qualitätsmanagement in Bildungseinrichtungen


    Evaluationsmethoden und Standards


    Ideen- und Realgeschichte beruflicher Bildung


    Konflikte in der Schule: Prävention und Intervention


    Fachdidaktische Fragestellungen


    Written exam (90 min.), electronically supervised paper (90 min.) or oral exam (20 min.)





Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you!

If you have any subject-specific questions regarding your degree program (course contents, program structure, stays abroad), don’t hesitate to contact our program managers. If you have any questions on organizing your studies (examinations, grades, re-registration, academic leave of absence), please contact the Student Services office II team.

Program Management Psychology

Program Management Psychology

B.Sc. Psychology – Florian Dorner ; M.Sc. AWG and KuK, International Coordination – Leonie Cegla
University of Mannheim
Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften
A 5, 6
Bauteil A – Room 4th floor
68159 Mannheim
Leonie Cegla, M.Sc.

Leonie Cegla, M.Sc. (she/her)

Program Manager Psychology
oon parental leave
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building A – Room A 419
68159 Mannheim

Student Services

Sandra Haag (geb. Kiss)

Sandra Haag (geb. Kiss)

B.Sc./M.Sc. Psychology
University of Mannheim
Division II – Student Affairs
Student Services II
L 1, 1 – Room 123
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Consultation hours every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (room 120).
In addition, individual consultations take place by telephone or video call. Please book your appointment using the following form: