Double Degree Program with the University of Bocconi
Receive two international degrees with only one program of study
With our international double degree program in the master's program in Political Science (PolSci), you will spend half of your period of study at the University of Mannheim and half at one of our renowned partner universities abroad. You will receive two degrees: the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science from the University of Mannheim and another international master's degree from the respective university abroad.
At a glance
- Period of study: 4 semesters
- Program structure: two semesters at the University of Mannheim and two semesters at the partner university
- Language of instruction: English
- Application: by 31 January of the first subject-specific semester
- Tuition fees: no tuition fees apply at our partner university in Italy
FAQ Double Degree with the Università Bocconi
How do I apply?
For Students from the Università Bocconi:
Please apply at Bocconi university during your first year.
For Students from the University of Mannheim:
The application for the Double Degree is only possible after enrolment in Mannheim in the Master's program Political Science until the end of your first semester (January 31st). You can send your application together with other applications for the semester abroad and prioritize the university choices accordingly.
Which classes should I take?
Università Bocconi students:
In your first semester in Mannheim you will take the class “Research Design” (lecture), “Advanced Topics in International Politics” (seminar) and “Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics” (seminar). You also need to take a third “Advanced Topics” seminar and in this case you can pick either an “Advanced Topics in International Politics” or an “Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics”. The topics and titles of the Advanced Topics seminars may vary throughout the years.
The Master thesis is part of the fourth semester, you can also take an optional colloquium as an accompanying course to your Master Thesis, which usually takes place once a week. You can discuss your thesis there with the supervisor and with fellow students. There is no thesis defence in Mannheim, but there is one at Bocconi University.University of Mannheim students:
You should take all the scheduled courses for your first year here in Mannheim.
Exception: the Module Advanced Quantitative Methods (scheduled for the second Semester) is not possible as part of the Double Degree, you can pick one of the courses in “Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics” or in “Advanced Topics in International Politics” instead.
In your second year at Bocconi University, you need to take the classes “Public Administration & Welfare and Public Economics”, “Economics and Politics”, “Law and Policy Making” and two Electives. Also part of the curriculum are the seminar “Supplementary Curricular Activities” and one Behavioural Skills seminar. You will write, submit and defend your Thesis only at Bocconi university.
How do I register for the classes?
For Students from Università Bocconi:
You can register for courses via Portal 2, there is no deadline for registration and the number of places is not limited.
Please note: the registration for the final exams is a different process and is only open during a certain time window, usually by mid Semester.
For Students from the University of Mannheim:
The registration process will be explained by Università Bocconi.
What about the Master Thesis and the defense of the Master Thesis?
Università Bocconi students:
You will write and submit your thesis in the second semester in Mannheim according to the guidelines of the University of Mannheim. There is no thesis defense in Mannheim, but there is a mandatory thesis defense at Bocconi University. The Master Thesis needs to be registered through this form, which must be sent to the Student Services. Please note that you need to still be enrolled to register your thesis. We recommend registering your Master thesis at the beginning of your second semester in Mannheim.
You have a maximum of 21 weeks for writing and submitting your thesis. There are also optional courses (colloquia) to accompany the thesis, which usually take place about once a week or depending on your arrangement with the supervisor. You will discuss there your thesis with the supervisor and other fellow students.University of Mannheim students:
The Master Theisis is to be written and submitted according to the guidelines of Università Bocconi. There is a mandatory Thesis defense at Università Bocconi at one of the four available dates during the year: July, October, December or March.
When do I need to complete my internship?
Università Bocconi students:
Students can take the mandatory internship at the university of their choice. Students from Università Bocconi can either complete their 10 weeks-internship according to the requirements of the Università Bocconi, the internship will then be transferred towards the Mannheim transcript of records during your time in Mannheim upon request at the Central Examination Committee (the internship needs to be listed in your Bocconi transcript).
Or they take the internship in Mannheim.University of Mannheim students:
Students can take the mandatory internship at the university of their choice. Students from the University of Mannheim can either complete the 10 weeks-internship in Italy in their second year according to the requirements of the Università Bocconi, the internship will then be transferred towards the Mannheim Transcript of Records at the end of your studies upon request at the Central Examination Committee (the internship needs to be listed in your Bocconi transcript).
Or they take the internship in Mannheim.Are there scholarships or other ways of financing?
Our School offers unfortunately no scholarships. However, you can apply for an Erasmus or a DAAD scholarship.
How does the process of recognition work?
Università Bocconi students:
As soon as your grades from Bocconi are entered and you have an official Transcript of Records, you can submit the documents for recognition at the Central Examination Committee. You will need a form and your official Transcript of Records. Please submit the request until November 30 of your first semester in Mannheim. Please note, you can only submit the request as long as you are enrolled in Mannheim.
University of Mannheim students:
You need to formally apply for the recognition of courses once you are back in Mannheim or at the end of your studies in Milan. Please send your request for recognition before 31 July, it is a requisition that you are still enrolled in Mannheim at the time of the request. If the grade of your Master Thesis is not entered yet, you can submit a preliminary request. The Master Thesis defense can also take place later in the year.