Useful information on your studies
Course registration
There may be different periods to register for courses. Please regularly check the School’s website for up-to-date information. Usually, the respective program managers will also inform you about the registration periods for the courses in your core subject and the supplementary modules by e-mail. An additional registration period may apply to your minor, depending on the subject you choose.
You need to register for courses during the semester break between the fall and the spring semester. You can select your courses for the fall semester from early to mid-August and your courses for the spring semester in January/
February. Registration is done via Portal².
Exam registration
Each semester, you need to register online for those examinations you would like to take at the end of the lecture period. You will need to do so within a period defined by Student Services.
Please note: The exam registration period falls within the lecture period, which means that you cannot register for your examinations via the Student Services’ campus management system before the lecture period starts.
Each semester, the periods during which you can register for exams will be published on the Student Services’ website.
Online registration is done via Portal².Portal² – your campus management system
ILIAS – our e-learning platform
ILIAS is the e-learning platform we use at the University of Mannheim. On this platform, teachers can upload important course material, such as lecture scripts and slides, to make them available to you. If you have not yet joined the ILIAS group that corresponds to one of your courses, please contact the teachers of the respective course or their secretaries. The University IT will help you in case you have any technical questions.
Stay abroad and period of study
It is possible to spend a semester abroad and still complete your degree program within the standard period of study. In fact, we encourage you to go abroad during your studies.
If you would like to have the courses and examinations you take at a university abroad recognized, please contact the program managers or the departmental exchange coordinators before leaving. A Learning Agreement is required to make sure the credits you obtain abroad are recognized.
Applying for academic leave of absence
You can apply for leave of absence during your studies citing a valid reason (section 61 subsection 1 of the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG)).
A valid reason for being granted an academic leave of absence is for example:- an internship,
- a semester abroad,
- maternity leave / parental leave / parenting, or
- health issues.
The application must be filed before the semester it corresponds to begins. Further information can be obtained from Student Services.
Second minor or additional ECTS credits
Exam review
According to the examination regulations, students are entitled to being granted access to their examination records after taking an exam. Exam reviews are scheduled and carried out by the chairs. It is the students’ responsibility to look up when a review is scheduled to take place (i.e. via the chair’s website).
Research participation credit
Students in the bachelor's program in Sociology, who would like to take the advanced module in Social Psychology, are required to accumulate 5 research participation credit hours (VPN-Stunden) until their fourth semester (exam regulations from 2017) or until their fifth semester (exam regulations from 2019), when they register for their examination.
Attempt at improvement
According to the examination regulations, students can voluntarily resit an examination they have already passed from their core subject to improve their grade, which is possible once during the entire bachelor’s program. The better of the two grades will count. Please contact Student Services during the exam registration period either in person or by e-mail to register for your attempt at improvement.
Bachelor's thesis
If you have any questions on disenrollment, please contact the Student Services team.
Disenrollment either happens
- automatically at the end of the semester if a student has fulfilled all degree requirements, thereby completing the program, or
- on request (completion of the program, transfer between universities during the semester).
Please be aware that it may be favorable for you to remain enrolled until the semester ends, since this entitles you to a low-priced student health insurance plan, and your parents may continue to receive child benefit.
Services for students
Do you have any more questions? We’re happy to advise you.
If you have any subject-specific questions regarding your degree program (course contents, program structure, stays abroad), don’t hesitate to contact our program managers. If you have any questions on organizing your studies (examinations, grades, re-registration, academic leave of absence), please contact the Student Services office II team. International students can also turn to the International Office for information on topics not covered by subject-specific academic advising (visa, health insurance, housing). Please adhere to the consultation hours.
Student Services office II
Practical experience and career development
Service und Marketing GmbH (Studium Generale & social skills courses)
Advising for international students
Person responsible for the program
Central Examination Committee (ZPA)
The office of the Central Examination Committee (Zentraler Prüfungsausschuss, ZPA) has multiple responsibilities, including but not limited to:
- Recognition of credits obtained abroad
- Advising students on the examination regulations
- Advising students in special cases (such as maternity leave or extension of deadlines)
- Approval of reasons given for de-registering from or not showing up for an exam
- Extension of examination deadlines
- Declaring the failure of the final examination attempt
- Dealing with severe cases of cheating or violations of the rules
- Annulment of examination results
- Appeal procedure
Credit: Katrin GlücklerDepartmental student committee
Psychological Counseling Services (PBS)
The Studierendenwerk Mannheim has been running the Psychological Counseling Services (PBS) for 40 years. Drawing on extensive experience gained over the years, they provide students from the Mannheim region with counseling and short-term therapy that is tailored to their individual needs. The PBS in Mannheim is one of the largest counseling services institutions run by a Studierendenwerk of a German university.
Commissioner and Counselor for disabled students and students with chronic illnesses