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- König, Thomas und Nick Lin. 2020. „Portfolio allocation patterns and policy‐making effectiveness in minority coalition governments“, European Journal for Political Research, First published: 09 August 2020,
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- König, Thomas, David Hilpert und Hyeonho Hahm. 2019. „Institutional Reform and Public Attitudes toward EU Decision Making“, European Journal of Political Research 59 (3): 599–623.
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- Hyeonho Hahm, Thomas König, Moritz Osnabrügge und Elena Frech. 2019. „Who Settles Disputes? Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)“. International Organization 73 (4): 881–900.
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- König, Thomas, Moritz Marbach und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2017. "Left/
Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe“. The Journal of Politics 79 (3): 1101-1105.
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- Flentje, Jan-Erik, Thomas König und Moritz Marbach. 2017. „Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores“. Electoral Studies 47:25–35.
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- König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2017. "The Impact of EU Decision-Making on National Parties' Attitudes towards European Integration.“ European Union Politics 18 (3): 362–381.
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- Angelova, Mariyana, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2016. "Responsibility attribution in coalition governments: Evidence from Germany“. Electoral Studies 43: 133–149.
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- Frech, Elena, Thomas König und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2015. "Öffentliche Unterstützung von Reformen und ihre Stabilität in Zeiten der Eurokrise – eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Gegenargumenten“. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 25 (2): 219–245.
- König, Thomas, 2015. "Kanzler, Minister und Sachverständige. Eine Untersuchung der Bedeutung von Vertrauen für die Delegation von Reformen am Beispiel der Hartz-Reformen“. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56 (2): 182–210.
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- Junge, Dirk, Thomas König und Bernd Luig. 2015. „Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union“, British Journal of Political Science 45 (4): 777–797.
- König, Thomas und Sebastian Köhler. 2015. "Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries?“. Political Science Research and Methods 3 (2): 329–351.
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- König, Thomas und Daniel Finke. 2015. „Legislative Governance in Times of International Terrorism“. Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (2): 262–282.
- König, Thomas und Bernd Luig, 2014, "Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives“, Public Choice, 160 (3–4): 501–519.
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- König, Thomas und Lars Mäder, 2014. "The Strategic Nature of Compliance: An Empirical Evaluation of Law Implementation in the Central Monitoring System of the EU.“ American Journal of Political Science 58 (1): 246–263.
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- Fortunato, David, Thomas König und Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2013. „Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution“. Political Research Quarterly 66 (4): 938–951.
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- Thomas König, Moritz Marbach, und Moritz Osnabrügge. 2013. "Estimating Party Positions across Countries and Time—A Dynamic Latent Variable Model for Manifesto Data“. Political Analysis 21(4): 468–491. Dateien verfügbar unter: Manifesto Common Space Score (mean, standard deviationand posterior draws):
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- König, Thomas und Lars Mäder. 2013. „Non-Conformable, Partial and Conformable Transposition: A Competing Risk Analysis of the Transposition Process of Directives in the EU15“. European Union Politics 14 (1): 46–69.
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- Angelova, Mariyana, Tanja Dannwolf und Thomas König. 2012. "How Robust are Compliance Findings? A Research Synthesis." Journal of European Public Policy 19 (8): 1269-1291.
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- König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2012. "Party Ideology and Legislative Agendas: Estimating Contextual Policy Positions for the Study of EU Decision-Making.“ European Union Politics 13 (4): 604–625.
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- König, Thomas und Patricia Wruuck. 2011. "Aufsichtsratskontrolle und strategische Agenda-Setzung in Landesbanken.“ Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12 (4): 397–412.
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- König, Thomas und Bernd Luig. 2009. "German ‘LexIconSpace’: Policy Positions and their Legislative Context“. German Politics 18 (3): 345–364, DOI: 10.1080/09644000903055807.
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- König, Thomas und Brooke Luetgert. 2009. „Troubles with Transposition? Explaining Trends in Member-State Notification and the Delayed Transposition of EU Directives.“ British Journal of Political Science 39 (1): 163–194.
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- König, Thomas. 2007. „Divergence or Convergence? From Ever-Growing to Ever-Slowing European Legislative Decision Making.“ European Journal of Political Research 46 (3): 417–444.
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- König, Thomas, Bjorn Lindberg, Sandra Lechner und Winfried Pohlmeier. 2007. "Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains.“ British Journal of Political Science 37 (2): 281–312.
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- König, Thomas, Brooke Luetgert und Tanja Dannwolf. 2006. "Quantifying European Legislative Research: Using CELEX and PreLex in EU Legislative Studies.“ European Union Politics 7 (4): 553–574.
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- König, Thomas und Simon Hug, Hrsg. 2006. „Policy-making Processes and the European Constitution. A Comparative Study of Member States and Accession Countries“. London: Routledge.
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