One World Cognitive Psychology Seminar
Scientific Exchange Despite the Coronavirus Pandemic
As conferences and guest speaker invitations are being canceled around the world and information about Corona dominates our minds, we have probably all started to miss some good old cognitive psychology.
Thus, we launched the “One World Cognitive Psychology Seminar” in 2020 – a weekly online seminar in Zoom featuring a presentation by a stellar cognitive psychologist followed by discussion open to anyone around the world.
We are pleased to announce that The Psychonomic Society is hosting this seminar series from now on, starting by the academic year 2021/
Seminars in previous semesters
OWCPS spring / summer term 2021
Programm – Summer Term 2021
Date Speaker Title Link to the recording 9 March 2021
5:15 p.m. CET
Norbert Schwarz (USC University of Southern California, CA, USA)
Moderator: Fritz Strack
Situated embodiment: Of bitter tastes and weighty arguments
Video-Link 16 March 2021
(TeaP conference) (TeaP conference) 23 March 2021
5:15 p.m. CET
Klaus Oberauer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Moderator: Edgar Erdfelder
Incidental and Intentional Memory – A New Dissociation Between Working Memory and Long-Term Memory?
Video-Link 30 March 2021
Easterbreak - 6 April 2021
Easterbreak - 13 April 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Anne Cleary (CSU Colorado State University, CO, USA)
Moderator: Monika Undorf
Can Metacognitive Sensations of Memory Lead to Recollective Confabulation?
Video-Link 20 April 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Miri Besken (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Moderator: Beatrice Kuhlmann
The truth is not always easy to remember: The effects of generating lies on memory predictions and actual memory performance
Video-Link 27 April 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Benjamin Scheibehenne (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
Moderator: Arndt Bröder
The influence of numeric cognition on economic preferences
- 4 May 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Zehra Peynircioğlu (The American University Washington DC, USA)
Moderator: Monika Undorf
Connecting Silos of Information: Relevance of Some Music Memory Research
Video-Link 11 May 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Gordon Pennycook (University of Regina, Canada)
Moderator: Lena Nadarevic
Intuition, reason, and social media
Video-Link 18 May 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Raoul Bell (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)
Moderator: Meike Kroneisen
Distinguishing between trustworthy and untrustworthy sources in the age of the internet: The role of source-monitoring processes.
Video-Link 25 May 2021
3:30 p.m. CEST
Benjamin Hilbig (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Moderator: Meike Kroneisen
Closing in on the truth about honesty: A transdisciplinary quest
Video-Link 1 June 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Vanessa Loaiza (University of Essex, UK)
Moderator: Beatrice Kuhlmann
Where is my mind? Attention, strategies, and their influence on (working) memory
Video-Link 8 June 2021
5:15 p.m. CEST
Josefa Pandeirada (University of Aveira, Portugal)
Moderator: Meike Kroneisen
Adaptive memory: Past, present and (potential) future
Video-Link OWCPS fall term 2020
Program fall term 2020
Date Speaker Title Link to the recording 6 October 2020
5:15 p.m. CEST
Mara Mather (University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, CA, USA)
Moderator: Beatrice Kuhlmann
How emotional arousal can flexibly enhance processing of whatever has highest priority at that moment
13 October 2020
5:15 p.m. CEST
Lisa K. Fazio (Vanderbilt University, TN, USA)
Moderator: Lena Nadarevic
Knowledge neglect: When people fail to use relevant knowledge
20 October 2020
5:15 p.m. CEST
Robert J. Sternberg (Cornell University, NY, USA)
Moderator: Joachim Funke, Heidelberg University
When the World Is Falling Apart, Who the &$*# Cares about IQ, and Why Do They Care? An Introduction to Adaptive Intelligence. 27 October 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Rakefet Ackerman (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel)
Moderator: Monika Undorf
Meta-Reasoning: The challenge of effective reasoning regulation 3 November 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Julia Haaf (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Moderator: Beatrice Kuhlmann
Beyond means: Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of order constraints in psychological science
10 November 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Norman Brown (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Moderator: Julia Groß
The Possible Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Contents and Organization of Autobiographical Memory: A Transition Theory Perspective
17 November 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Ralph Hertwig (Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany)
Moderator: Arndt Bröder
How Experimental Methods Shaped Views on Human Competence and Rationality
24 November 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Andrea Kiesel (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Moderator: Edgar Erdfelder
Self-organized task scheduling when multitasking
1 December 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Rolf Reber (University of Oslo, Norway)
Moderator: Lena Nadarevic
Perception as Affective Process
8 December 2020
5:15 p.m. CET
Jimmy Calanchini (University of California, Riverside, CA, USA)
Moderator: Meike Kroneisen
The cross-place effect
OWCPS spring / summer term 2020
Date Speaker Title Link to the recording 21 April 2020 Daniel M. Bernstein (Kwantlen Polytechnic University, British Columbia, Canada) The formation and consequences of
false memorieshttps://youtu.
WapT828 April 2020 Dayna Touron (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC, USA) Age and Individual Differences in Skill Acquisition: Strategy
Transitions and Memory
Avoidance5 May 2020 Jeffrey N. Rouder (University of California, Irvine, CA, USA) ANOVA Lies…Sort Of 12 May 2020 Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol, UK) Resisting the Knowledge Dementors
https://youtu.be/FUGvU_LijOE 19 May 2020 Jeffrey Starns (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA) Using response
time (RT) data to distinguish high
and low
thresholds in recognition memoryhttps://youtu.be/ZtczQ_zSJlM 26 May 2020 Bertram Gawronski (University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA) Consequences, Norms, and Generalized Inaction: A Multinomial
Model of Moral Dilemma Judgmentshttps://youtu.be/_40bD2OBZkk
Previous organizers
Arndt Bröder, Edgar Erdfelder, Meike Kroneisen and Beatrice Kuhlmann
Idea credit: Leif Döring – “One World Probability Seminar”.