RRreg allows for univariate and multivariate analyses of randomized response (RR) designs. RR designs are used in surveys to obtain valid prevalence estimates of sensitive attributes (e.g., cocaine abuse) by ensuring complete anonymity of the respondents. An overview of the RR designs available in RRreg as well as examples can be found
- in the manual: Link
- Heck, D. W. & Moshagen, M. (in press). RRreg: An R Package for Correlation and Regression Analyses of Randomized Response Data. Journal of Statistical Software. [PDF]
RRreg is a package for the R statistics environment and can be downloaded from the CRAN archive here. Alternatively, RRreg can be installed directly in R using install.packages('RRreg'). The most current developer version can be found at GitHub: https://github.com/danheck/RRreg
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