
Und raus bist du! Artikel zur Wahlrechtsreform
erschienen im Mannheimer Morgen am 27.1.2023
Ehemaliger Doktorand Jens Brandenburg wird Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär
Wir sind alle sehr stolz auf Dr. Jens Brandenburg, ehemaliger Doktorand unseres Lehrstuhls, der in der kommenden Ampel-Regierung Parmalentarischer Staatssekretär des BMBF wird. Herzlich Glückwünsch für diese Auszeichnung und viel Erfolg im neuen Amt.
Our master's student Yu-Han Mao featured in myUniMA story
Yu-Han Mao, whose master thesis is supervised by Thomas Gschwend, was interviewed for the university's myUniMA story.
Dr. Benjamin G. Engst awarded with DVPW dissertation prize 2020
For his dissertation “The Two Faces of Judicial Power. Dynamics of Judicial-Political Bargaining”, our former colleague Dr. Benjamin G. Engst was awarded the DVPW dissertation prize 2020. Congratulations!
Evaluation AQM online
The evaluation of our lecture Advanced Quantitative Methods (spring term 2021) is online. Thank you for participating!
Thomas Gschwend in Diário de Notícias: Pandemic Is Dangerous Asset for Far-Right In Germany
The AfD's poorer results are mainly due to a lack of “alternative policies”. Instead, they “spend their time fighting each other”. Without the COVID-19 pandemic, the party is likely to “weaken even further”.
DVPW-Dissertationspreis für Benjamin Engst – Wir gratulieren!!
DVPW-Dissertationspreis 2020 geht an Dr. Nabila Abbas und Dr. Benjamin G. Engst
Thomas Gschwend in der Heilbronner Stimme: Analyse Landtagswahl
Verlierer ohne große Verluste – Grüne gewinnen von allen Parteien, CDU behält Mandate – Experte rät CDU zur Opposition
Thomas Gschwend in The Academic Times: Trump's isolationism struck a chord with German Americans
Artikel über den Electoral Studies – Beitrag “A swing vote from the ethnic backstage: The role of German American isolationist tradition for Trump’s 2016 victory” von Klara Dentler, Thomas Gschwend and David Hünlich
New Publication: A swing vote from the ethnic backstage: The role of German American isolationist tradition for Trump’s 2016 victory
Klara Dentler, Thomas Gschwend and David Hünlich (forthcoming)