
“Das Urteil hat womöglich Auswirkungen über Berlin hinaus”
In einem Interview mit der Heilbronner Stimme erklärt Thomas Gschwend, welche Konsequenzen das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zur Wiederholung der Bundestagswahl 2021 in Berlin haben könnte.
Größere Wahlkreise führen nicht zu weniger Bürgernähe
In einer neuen Studie unter der Leitung des Mannheimer Politikwissenschaftlers Thomas Gschwend wurden Einstellungsunterschiede von Bürger*innen unterschiedlich großer Wahlkreise untersucht.
CDSS Publication of the Year Award for Oliver Rittmann
Oliver won the CDSS award for his publication “Legislators' Emotional Engagement with Women's Issues: Gendered Patterns of Vocal Pitch in the German Bundestag”
Thomas Gschwend new Dean of the GESS
Thomas Gschwend is the new Dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences (GESS) at the University of Mannheim
New publication: Candidate awareness in mixed-member electoral systems: a data-driven approach
Oliver Rittmann, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Thomas Gschwend
Lion Behrens has defended his dissertation
After the successful defense of his thesis in August 2023 Lion celebrated with our chair.
“Jugendliche sind kompetent genug”
Interview mit Professor Geschwend zum neuen Kommunal-Wahlrecht im Mannheimer Morgen
New Publication: Legislators’ Emotional Engagement with Women’s Issues: Gendered Patterns of Vocal Pitch in the German Bundestag
A new study in the British Journal of Political Science analyses the sound of politicians’ voices.
Exam Review Data Analysis on June 19, 2023
Students who would like to look at their Data Analysis exam should come to room B221 in A5,6 on Monday, 19 June 2023, from 9:00 to 10:00.
Oliver Rittmann gives a talk at the CCSE at Purdue University on 10 March 2023
Don't miss this interesting talk by Oliver Rittmann about new ways to use audio and video as data.