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Hanna, Samia
Iser-Potempa, Julia
Jöns, Ingela
Kohnke, Oliver
Partsch, Fabienne
Neumer, Anna
Többen, Leon
Völker, Jette
School of Social Sciences
Selected Publications
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
Koch, T. J. S., Arnold, M., Völker, J. and Sonnentag, S. (2024).
Eat healthy, feel better: Are differences in employees' longitudinal healthy‐eating trajectories reflected in better psychological well‐being?
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
, 16, 1305-1325.
Koch, T. J. S., Völker, J. and Sonnentag, S. (2024).
Healthy and successful: Health‐behavior goal striving in daily work life
Stress and Health
, 40, 1–16.
Sonnentag, S., Kark, R. and Venz, L. (2024).
Leader support for recovery: A multi-level approach to employee psychological detachment from work
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
, 1–27.
Sonnentag, S. and Meier, L. L. (2024).
Gain and loss cycles revisited: What to consider when testing key assumptions of conservation of resources theory
Journal of Management Scientific Reports : JOMSR
, 2, 154–167.
Sonnentag, S. and Wiegelmann, M. (2024).
Not detaching from work during leisure time: A control-theory perspective on job-related cognitions
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 1–22.
Toebben, L., Casper, A., Wehrt, W. and Sonnentag, S. (2024).
Reasons for interruptions at work: Illuminating the perspective of the interrupter
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 1–19.
Völker, J., Koch, T. J. S., Wiegelmann, M. and Sonnentag, S. (2024).
Mind the misalignment: The moderating role of daily social sleep lag in employees' recovery processes
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 45, 684–701.
Völker, J., Wiegelmann, M., Koch, T. J. S. and Sonnentag, S. (2024).
It is Monday again: Weekend sleep differentially relates to the workweek via reattachment on Monday
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 45, 800–817.
Arnold, M. and Sonnentag, S. (2023).
Time matters: The role of recovery for daily mood trajectories at work
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
, 96, 754–785.
Sonnentag, S. (2023).
Temporal aspects of career proactivity: How to dig deeper
Applied Psychology
, 72, 185–190.
Sonnentag, S., Kottwitz, M. U., Koch, T. J. S. and Völker, J. (2023).
Enrichment and conflict between work and health behaviors: New scales for assessing how work relates to physical exercise and healthy eating
Occupational Health Science
, 7, 251–296.
Völker, J., Casper, A., Koch, T. J. S. and Sonnentag, S. (2023).
It’s a match: The relevance of matching chronotypes for dual-earner couples’ daily recovery from work
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
, 28, 174–191.
Wiegelmann, M., Völker, J. and Sonnentag, S. (2023).
Sleep has many faces: The interplay of sleep and work in predicting employees’ energetic state over the course of the day
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
, 28, 52–63.
Bindl, U. K., Parker, S. K., Sonnentag, S. and Stride, C. B. (2022).
Managing your feelings at work, for a reason: The role of individual motives in affect regulation for performance-related outcomes at work
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 43, 1251-1270.
De Longis, E., Alessandri, G., Sonnentag, S. and Kuppens, P. (2022).
Inertia of negative emotions at work: Correlates of inflexible emotion dynamics in the workplace
Applied Psychology
, 71, 380–406.
Mohr, M., Venz, L. and Sonnentag, S. (2022).
A dynamic view on work-related perfectionism: Antecedents at work and implications for employee well-being
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
, 95, 846–866.
Nesher Shoshan, H., Venz, L. and Sonnentag, S. (2022).
Being recovered as an antecedent of emotional labor : A diary study
Journal of Personnel Psychology
, 21, 197–207.
Wehrt, W., Casper, A. and Sonnentag, S. (2022).
More than a muscle: How self-control motivation, depletion, and self-regulation strategies impact task performance
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 43, 1358-1376.
Sonnentag, S., Tian, A. W., Cao, J. and Grushina, S. V. (2021).
Positive work reflection during the evening and next-day work engagement: Testing mediating mechanisms and cyclical processes
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
, 94, 836–865.
Casper, A. and Sonnentag, S. (2020).
Feeling exhausted or vigorous in anticipation of high workload? The role of worry and planning during the evening
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
, 91, 215–242.
Nesher Shoshan, H. and Sonnentag, S. (2020).
The effects of employee burnout on customers: An experimental approach
Work & Stress
, 34, 127–147.
Sonnentag, S. and Niessen, C. (2020).
To detach or not to detach? Two experimental studies on the affective consequences of detaching from work during non-work time
Frontiers in Psychology
, 11, 1–17.
Wehrt, W., Casper, A. and Sonnentag, S. (2020).
Beyond depletion: Daily self‐control motivation as an explanation of self‐control failure at work
Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB
, 41, 931–947.
Casper, A., Tremmel, S. and Sonnentag, S. (2019).
Patterns of positive and negative work reflection during leisure time: A latent profile analysis
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
, 24, 527–542.
Casper, A., Tremmel, S. and Sonnentag, S. (2019).
The power of affect: A three‐wave panel study on reciprocal relationships between work events and affect at work
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
, 92, 436–460.
Gabriel, A. S., Podsakoff, N. P., Beal, D. J., Scott, B. A., Sonnentag, S. and Trougakos, J. P. (2019).
Experience sampling methods: A discussion of critical trends and considerations for scholarly advancement
Organizational Research Methods : ORM
, 22, 969-1006.
Sonnentag, S. and Schiffner, C. (2019).
Psychological detachment from work during nonwork time and employee well-being: The role of leader’s detachment
The Spanish Journal of Psychology
, 22, 1–9.
Tremmel, S., Sonnentag, S. and Casper, A. (2019).
How was work today? Interpersonal work experiences, work-related conversations during after-work hours, and daily affect
Work & Stress
, 33, 247–267.
Venz, L., Bosch, C., Pinck, A. S. and Sonnentag, S. (2019).
Make it your break! Benefits of person-break fit for post-break affect
Occupational Health Science
, 3, 167–186.
Venz, L., Casper, A. and Sonnentag, S. (2020).
Affect, stress, and health: The role of work characteristics and work events
. In
The Cambridge handbook of workplace affect
(S. 105–119). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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