Jutta Angelika Ableiter
University of Mannheim
Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology
A 5, 6
C – Room 105
68159 Mannheim
Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology
A 5, 6
C – Room 105
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-2118
Fax: +49 621 181-2119
E-mail: ableitermail-uni-mannheim.de
Web: Lehrstuhl für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
Fax: +49 621 181-2119
E-mail: ableitermail-uni-mannheim.de
Web: Lehrstuhl für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
Office hours:
Monday and Thursday a.m.
Homeoffice: Tuesday and Wednesday a.m.
Monday and Thursday a.m.
Homeoffice: Tuesday and Wednesday a.m.
Credit: Daniela Haupt