We welcome graduate students interested in preparing a dissertation fitting with our research topics (memory research, cognitive aging, metamemory, mathematical modeling of cognitive processes). However, in order to become a doctoral candidate at our chair, it is mandatory to be enrolled in a structured doctoral program at the University of Mannheim.
Currently, there are two doctoral programs in Mannheim which meet this condition:
Contact person: Milanka Stojkovic
Email: cdss uni-mannheim.de
Application Deadline: 31 March of each year (early application deadline Jan 31st).
Contact person: Dr. Anke Söllner
Email: anke.soellner uni-mannheim.de
Application Deadline: 15 April of each year.
We kindly encourage any potential doctoral candidate to apply via the websites listed above. It is possible to apply to both programs simultaneously. In addition, we recommend that you get in touch with us regarding the fit of your research interests with our lab.
Aside from the doctoral programs mentioned above, we unfortunately cannot accept any other doctoral candidates.