VErbesserung der SPrachkompetenz durch den Einsatz Reziproker Lehre – VESPER
A cooperation project of the University of Mannheim and the Landesinstitut für Schul¬entwicklung Baden-Württemberg
The existence of performance-related heterogeneity between students within a school class can be seen as confirmed. This issue can also be applied to linguistic skills at the beginning of 5th grade. The distinctive heterogeneity of these skills makes it difficult for the teacher to systematically and comparably achieve an improvement in students’ skills. Often the question is raised, how good the students’ actual skills are and how it is possible to promote them comparably.
VESPER takes these questions by using valid diagnostic tools (Lernstand 5, Duisburger Sprachstandstest) to determine linguistic skills at the beginning of 5th grade. Furthermore, within an intervention study material developed by the IBBW (Institute for Educational Analysis Baden-Wuerttemberg) is integrated into lessons and is used to comparably promote students’ skills.
Principle Investigator:
Prof. Dr. Karina Karst
Project team:
Dr. Meike Bonefeld (Research Group “Quality of Instruction in Heterogeneous Contexts”, University of Mannheim)
Stefanie Dotzel (Research Group “Quality of Instruction in Heterogeneous Contexts”, University of Mannheim)
Julia Derkau (ZLBI, University of Mannheim)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Münzer (ZLBI, University of Mannheim)
Co-operation partner:
IBBW – Institute for Educational Analysis Baden-Wuerttemberg (former: Landesinstitut für Schulentwicklung; Department 3)
Duration: November 2017 – December 2019
Continuative information for schools and teachers:
Project flyer
Information for parents: