Our main researches

ccPENDL: Campus-Community-Partnerships for the use of digital learning progress diagnostics – Win-Win-Win for teachers, students and pupils.

In the ccPENDL project, a research collaboration between the University of Mannheim and the PH Karlsruhe in the form of a campus-community partnership is coconstructively developing and investigating how formative feedback and individual support for students based on digital learning progress diagnostics in reading can be successfully implemented in school practice.

School makes strong – SchuMaS

Educational success in Germany is strongly influenced by social background. The joint project Schule macht Stark (SchuMaS) therefore targets schools in challenging situations and works with partner schools to develop positive development measures. The working group is involved in the nationwide research project in that the SchuMaS center established there supports schools in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bavaria and Saarland.

Projects: Mannheim Regional Center and SchuMaS


Theory-practice-cooperation in order to professionalise (prospective) teachers in dealing with heterogeneity

Professionalisation of prospective teachers in dealing with heterogeneity is a great challenge for all participants of our educational and scientific system. We face this challenge in a practical and evidence-based manner. Prospective teachers gain competences in the field of educational diagnostic and in-service teachers are supported when it comes to the implementation of diagnostic-based differentiation in classrooms.

Projects: HEAT and VESPER

Migration and School

Equal opportunities are an important challenge in the educational system. One objective in this context is to ensure that children, regardless of their origin, have equal opportunities to develop their potential. Findings from large educational studies, such as PISA, show, however, that origin is still a decisive factor for success in the educational system. This raises the question of what is currently the situation of students with a migration background in German schools and what influence teachers have on potential disadvantages. We analyse the reasons for the different opportunities for participation in the educational system. From this, implications can be derived, on the one hand for teacher training and on the other hand for the design of a migration-sensitive teaching and school environment.

Projects: MITU and IAT