Karina Karst and Meike Bonefeld developed the inventory. MITU is a virtual classroom with 16 students of the 2nd grade. Participants can inform oneself about achievements and other students’ characteristics. The tool is especially useful to review how students’ characteristics affect teachers’ judgment accuracy. In addition, MITU can help to gain insights into the process of judgement. Follow the link to get access to the MITU-documentation.
Karst, K. & Bonefeld, M. (under review). Judgment accuracy of pre-service teachers: The influence of attention allocation. Teaching and Teacher Education.
Bonefeld, M., Dickhäuser, O. & Karst, K. (2019). Do Preservice Teachers’ Judgments and Judgment Accuracy depend on Students’ Characteristics? The Effect of Gender and Immigration Background. Social Psychology of Education. Online First. doi:10.1007/s11218-019-09533-2.