Bild: Tsvetina Tsonkova
- Kohärenz-basiertes Entscheiden
- Modellierung von Informationssuche
- Process-Tracing Methoden
- Frenken, M., Hemmerich, W., Izydorczyk, D., Scharf, S. E. & Imhoff, R. (2022). Cognitive processes behind the shooter bias: Dissecting response bias, motor preparation and information accumulation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 98(Article 104230), 1–14.
- Scharf, S. E., Jekel, M. & Glöckner, A. (2022). Awareness of option attractiveness increases the attraction search effect: Modelling the awareness effect in an extended iCodes model. Decision, 9(1), 43–49.
- Bröder, A., Scharf, S. E., Jekel, M., Glöckner, A. & Franke, N. (2021). Salience effects in information acquisition: No evidence for a top-down coherence influence. Memory & Cognition, 49(November 2021), 1537–1554.
- Scharf, S. E., Wiegelmann, M. & Bröder, A. (2019). Information search in everyday decisions: The generalizability of the attraction search effect. Judgment and Decision Making, 14(4), 488–512.