Course name | Credits | Details | Term |
Seminar in Research Methods: Introduction to Comparative Survey Research | 6 ETCS | spring term |
Research Interests
- survey design
- response and participation behavior
- data quality and survey error
- correction methods for biases
- longitudinal data analysis
Tobias heads the team Family Surveys at GESIS. The team is in charge of conducting the Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA) panel in Germany and is involved with data collection for the German Family Panel (pairfam). Tobias is a PI of FReDA, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 2020 to 2024. Moreover, the team works on integrative tasks as part of the Integrated Survey and Data Infrastructure (IEDI) at GESIS, of which Tobias is an elected spokesperson. Previously, he was involved with several other survey projects among them the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES), European Values Study – German Survey 2017/
2018 (EVS), World Values Survey – German Survey 2017 (WVS). Tobias serves as Associated Editor of Survey Research Methods and in the Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Market Research. Before becoming a team lead at GESIS in 2017, between 2011 to 2016, he was a research associate and later senior researcher at GESIS. He also held positions as a visiting researcher at Yale University (2015) and Utrecht University (2018).
Tobias was granted a venia legendi in “social science research methods” (Habilitation) by the University of Mannheim in 2020. In 2014, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Mannheim, where he had also studied social sciences.
- Silber, H., Keusch, F., Breuer, J., Siegers, P., Beuthner, C., Stier, S., Gummer, T. and Weiß, B. (2021). Linking surveys and digital trace data: Insights from two studies on determinants of data sharing behavior. SocArXiv Papers. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
- Kaczmirek, L., Mayr, P., Vatrapu, R., Bleier, A., Blumenberg, M., Gummer, T., Hussain, A., Kinder-Kurlanda, K., Manshaei, K., Thamm, M., Weller, K., Wenz, A. and Wolf, C. (2014). Social media monitoring of the campaigns for the 2013 German Bundestag elections on Facebook and Twitter.
GESIS Papers, 2014/
31. Mannheim: GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Gauly, B., Daikeler, J., Gummer, T. and Rammstedt, B. (2020). What’s my wage again? Comparing survey and administrative data to validate earning measures. International Journal of Social Research Methodology : IJSRM, 23, 215–228.
- Meitinger, K., Stadtmüller, S., Silber, H., Auriga, R., Bergmann, M., Blohm, M., Blumenberg, M., Christmann, P., Felderer, B., Frodermann, C., Griese, F., Gummer, T., Koch, A., Kottwitz, A., Krell, K., Krieger, U., Liebau, E., Martin, S., Müller-Kuller, A., Rammstedt, B., Schaurer, I., Scherpenzeel, A., Schmiedeberg, C., Schmidt, T., Schnaudt, C., Verhoeven, S. and Zabal, A. (2020). Fieldwork monitoring in practice: Insights from 17 large-scale social science surveys in Germany. Survey Methods : Insights from the Field, 2020, 1–13.
- Gummer, T. (2014). Zwischen wiederholten Querschnitten und klassischem Panel : das analytische Potential multipler Panels illustriert an Beispielen aus der Wahlsoziologie. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Gummer, T. (2010). Die Existenzdauer von Unternehmen in Deutschland : Ein Ost- West Vergleich. Thesis, . Mannheim