
Florian Keusch on Methods Advisory Board of RKI Study
Florian Keusch was appointed to the Methods Advisory Board of the Robert Koch Institute panel study “Health in Germany”.  The advisory board supports the development of methods for data collection and analysis and ensures the scientific quality of the studies.
Florian Keusch and Alexander Wenz Winners of the 2024 Lupia-Mutz Outstanding Publication Award
Florian Keusch and Alexander Wenz received the 2024 Lupia-Mutz Outstanding Publication Award, Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS) for their paper “Increasing the Acceptance of Smartphone-Based Data Collection” (Public Opinion Quarterly).
Florian Keusch recognized as SSRC Top Reviewer 2023
Florian Keusch is the winner of Social Science Computer Review’s first Top Peer Reviewer Award 2023. “The journal truly appreciates your exceptional dedication, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to advancing the standards of scholarly communication. As SSCR's Editor in ...
DataFest at the University of Mannheim 5 – 7 April
The University of Mannheim will host the 2024 DataFest from April 5 to 7. Applications are open until 15 March 2024.
Teaching award for Florian Keusch
Florian Keusch has received the 2023 teaching award of the SoPo Student's council.
Johanna Mehltretter receives prize for the best Master Thesis in 2022
Congratulations to Johanna for receiving the prize for the best Master Thesis in Sociology and Survey Statistics at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg in 2022.
Maria Schlüter receives the Hans-Albert-Preis 2021
Maria Schlüter, whose bachelor thesis was supervised by Alexander Wenz, was awarded the Hans-Albert-Preis for the best bachelor thesis in sociology in 2021.
Algorithms Are Accepted – But Only If Humans Have the Last Say
When it comes to AI based decision-making, it is not the use of algorithms as such that is controversial, but the lack of human control. This is the finding of a new study by the data scientists Florian Keusch and Frauke Kreuter.
iFARM Workshop, October 2022 in Maryland
Florian Keusch and Alexander Wenz are co-organizers of the iFARM Workshop that will take place at the University of Maryland , October 20–21, 2022 (new date, postponed from April 2022).
BERD@NFDI funded
Federal and state governments are investing millions of euros in the establishment of a national platform for the analysis of Big Data in the economic and social sciences.