
Contribution to the Workshop “Wissenschaft meets Außenpolitik” in Berlin
Sabine Carey will participate at the Workshop “Wissenschaft meets Außenpolitik” Deutsche Außenpolitik aus der Sicht der Internationalen Beziehungen on 21/22 March 2024. She will contribute to a panel on civil war and fragile states. The workshop is jointly organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...
Guest lecture at the University of Bergen
Sabine Carey will give a guest lecture at the Challenges in Advanced Democracies (CHAD) Research Group at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, on 6th March 2024. She will present her work on perceptions of the police in Northern Ireland, co-authored with Marcela Ibanez ...
Marie Meye presenting at workshop “Political Violence in Democracies” in Amsterdam
Marie-Therese Meye participated in the workshop „Political Violence in Democracies“ at the University of Amsterdam, held on 5–6 February 2024. The workshop was organized by Ursula Daxecker, Neeraj Prasad, and Andrea Ruggeri. The workshop’s aim is to challenge prevailing prescriptive views on the ...
We welcome Amelie Freiberg to the team
We are very happy that Amelie Freiberg joined our team. Amelie's research focuses on explaining and predicting socialisation patterns by rebel groups in connection to conflict-related sexual violence. This spring semester she will be teaching a BA Seminar on sexual violence in armed conflicts and ...
Alina Greiner accredited as Mental Health First Aider
Dr. Alina Greiner has successfully been accredited as a mental health first aider. In the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course Alina learned techniques to identify risk factors and warning signs and reach out and provide initial help and support to students (and others) who may be developing a ...
Teaching award for Marie Meye
Marie-Therese Meye received the CDSS teaching award 2023. The award honors excellent teaching. Congratulations, Marie!
Welcome to June Jung
Ye June Jung will be joining our team as a visiting PhD student. June is a PhD candidate at the University of California San Diego and her research focuses on international and domestic institutions, trade, human rights, linkage politics and the European Union. Welcome to the team, June!
New publication by Marie-Therese Meye
Marie-Therese Meye’s paper „The bridge to violence – Mapping and understanding conflict-related violence in postwar Mitrovica“ has been published in the Journal of Peace Research.  Together with her co-authors Emma Elfversson and Ivan Gusic, they advance our understanding of where, how, and why ...
Sabine Carey at Roundtable on War in Ukraine
On March 7, 2023 Sabine Carey participated in a roundtable on the war in the Ukraine, organized by the University of Mannheim. The panel discussion was moderated by Thomas Fetzer (Vice President for Strategic Planning, Internationalization and Equal Opportunity) and included, besides Sabine Carey, ...
We welcome Dr. Alina Greiner to the team
We are very happy to have Dr. Alina Greiner as a Post-Doctoral Researcher on our team. In her research, Alina investigates micro-level dynamics and consequences of civil war. In particular, her research focuses on gendered dimensions of armed conflict, unobtrusive measurement of violence, and ...