General Information
Information about the semester times at the University of Mannheim, examination times and important dates concerning your studies can be found here.
The complete list of courses offered by the university can be viewed in the student portal. Please register there for your courses.
If you have general questions concerning the study of political science, please contact the course management or visit the website of the Faculty of Social Sciences for Bachelor and Master students or for the teacher education program.
Notes on the preparation of final papers
Please enclose the following statement of authorship with your term paper. Please also submit it with your own signature to your lecturer.
“I hereby declare that the paper presented is my own work and that I have not called upon the help of a third party. In addition, I affirm that neither I nor anybody else has submitted this paper or parts of it to obtain credits elsewhere before. I have clearly marked and acknowledged all quotations or references that have been taken from the works of others. All secondary literature and other sources are marked and listed in the bibliography. The same applies to all charts, diagrams and illustrations as well as to all Internet resources. Moreover, I consent to my paper being electronically stored and sent anonymously in order to be checked for plagiarism. I am aware that the paper cannot be evaluated and may be graded “failed” (“nicht ausreichend”) if the declaration is not made.”
Mannheim, date
Your signature