
Eine Frau tippt in ihren Laptop und daneben liegen fünf Bücher.
Katrin Paula and Cosima Meyer present at “Mini-Conference – Summer School for Women in Political Methodology”
As part of the first “Mini-Conference – Summer School for Women in Political Methodology” (organized by Anita Gohdes, Denise Traber, Malu Gatto, and Theresa Gessler), Cosima Meyer and Katrin Paula presented insights on package development with R as well as their own R packages (overviewR for getting ...
Anna-Lena Hönig participating in workshop
Anna-Lena Hönig was invited to participate in the workshop “New Research Projects on Russia and Post-Soviet Countries”. The workshop takes place 9–11 November 2020. It is organized by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius's “Trajectories of Change” program  and the German Historical Institute ...
Anna-Lena Hönig presenting at workshop on NGO interactions
Anna-Lena Hönig is presenting at the workshop “Beyond Cooperation and Competition: NGO-NGO-Interactions in Global Politics”. The workshop takes place 26–28 October 2020 and is organized by Käte Hamburger Kolleg/ Centre for Global Cooperation Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the ...
New Publication by Anna-Lena Hönig
Anna-Lena Hönig's analysis of civil society in Central Asia is part of the edited volume “Die politischen Systeme Zentralasiens. Interner Wandel, externe Akteure, regionale Kooperation [Central Asia’s Political Systems. Internal Change, External Actors, Regional Cooperation] (eds Jakob Lempp, ...
Dr. Katrin Paula and Dr. Christian Gläßel receive awards for their research
Dr. Katrin Paula was awarded all three research prizes for young researchers in the social sciences at the University of Mannheim for her PhD research: She received the Lorenz-von-Stein Preis for the dissertation in the social sciences at the University of Mannheim. She was also awarded the prize ...
Cosima Meyer receives CDSS Young Scholar Award 2020
Cosima Meyer received the CDSS Young Scholar Award 2020 together with Dennis Hammerschmidt. The award is meant to honor exceptional ideas and achievements in doctoral research, and to support professional activities that advance the professionalization and networking of young scientists.  ...
Cosima Meyer receives Teaching Award
Cosima Meyer was awarded the CDSS Teaching Award for the second time. The award honors excellent teaching. Congratulations, Cosima!
Anna-Lena Hönig participates in DVPW Section International Relations' Conference
Anna-Lena Hönig chairs the panel “Micro-Dynamics of Protest and Repression” at the German Political Science Association (DVPW) Section International Relations Conference. The panel was co-organized by Roman Krtsch, Osnabrück University, and Anna-Lena Hönig.  
Fourth Workshop on Conflict Dynamics
Sabine Carey, Eline Drury Løvlien, Felix Olsowski, Christoph Steinert, Cosima Meyer, and Anna-Lena Hönig are participating in the fourth “Workshop on Conflict Dynamics”  held 28.09.-29.09.2020. The workshop is co-organized by Cosima Meyer (University of Mannheim), Anna-Lena Hönig (University of ...
New Publication by Christoph Steinert and Andrea Ruggeri
Who are Our Experts? Predictors of Participation in Expert Surveys. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy . Ahead of print. Who are the colleagues participating when asked to complete expert surveys? This research note systematically investigates ...