Chair Holder
Prof. Sabine C. Carey, Ph.D.

Prof. Carey’s research concentrates on analyses of repression and political violence and the role of political institutions. In her current work she explores causes and consequences of pro-government militia, using the Pro-Government Militias Database she developed with Prof. Neil Mitchell and is currently updating. Her research also evaluates perceptions of human rights and the role of the media. She supervises students’ work on any aspect of political violence and/
She served as Associated Editor of the American Political Science Review and the Journal of Peace Research, and as board member of several international journals, including currently the Journal of Politics, Journal of Peace Research and International Studies Review.
Most recent publications
- Carey, S. C. and Brandsch, J. (2024). Borders and bullies: How borders shape perceptions of security and foreign policy preferences. Research & Politics : R&P, 11, 1–9.
- Carey, S. C., Gläßel, C. and Paula, K. (2024). Media impact on perceptions in postwar societies: Insights from Nepal. Conflict Management and Peace Science : CMPS, 1–24.
- Carey, S. C., González, B. and Mitchell, N. J. (2023). Media freedom and the escalation of state violence. Political Studies, 71, 440–462.
- Carey, S. C., González, B. and Gläßel, C. (2022). Divergent perceptions of peace in post-conflict societies: Insights from Sri Lanka. The Journal of Conflict Resolution : JCR, 66, 1589-1618.
- Carey, S. C., Mitchell, N. J. and Paula, K. (2022). The life, death and diversity of pro-government militias: The fully revised pro-government militias database version 2.0. Research & Politics : R&P, 9, 1–9.
- Carey, S. C. and Gohdes, A. R. (2021). Understanding journalist killings. The Journal of Politics : JOP, 83, 1216-1228.
- Carey, S. C. and González, B. (2021). The legacy of war: The effect of militias on postwar repression. Conflict Management and Peace Science : CMPS, 38, 247–269.
- König, T., Benoit, K., Bräuninger, T., Carey, S. C., Jenco, L., Lauderdale, B., Rohlfing, I. and Taylor, A. (2020). American Political Science Review : Editors' report July 1, 2018–February 29, 2020. PS : Political Science & Politics, 53, 593–602.
- Steinert, C. V., Steinert, J. I. and Carey, S. C. (2019). Spoilers of peace: Pro-government militias as risk factors for conflict recurrence. Journal of Peace Research, 56, 249–263.
- Carey, S. C. and Mitchell, N. J. (2017). Progovernment militias. Annual Review of Political Science, 20, 127–147.
- Gohdes, A. R. and Carey, S. C. (2017). Canaries in the coal-mine? What the killings of journalists tell us about future repression. Journal of Peace Research, 54, 157–174.