
Research interests

Professor Dr. König and his team’s main academic interests are in the area of international and comparative political science, in particular European integration, legislative and constitutional decision making, and the implementation of those decisions. Core activities include the analysis and empirical testing of theories on bargaining, voting and delegation. For this purpose, datasets are generated which cover the institutional details and the policy positions of the actors involved in the decision making.

Projects – SFB 884 (Phase 3)


Collaborative Research Centre 884: The Politcal Economy of Reforms, Project Z2: Central Administration

Duration: 01.01.2018–21.12.2021

financed by: DFG


Collaborative Research Centre 884: The Political Economy of Reforms, Project C6 (formerly B 1) : The Domestic Foundation of Governmental Preferences over European Politics.

Duration: 01.01.2018 – 21.12.2021

financed by:  DFG


Collaborative Research Centre 884: The Political Economy of Reforms, Project C1: Legislative Reforms and Party Competition.

Duration: 01.01.2018 -31.12.2021

financed by: DFG


Project Phase 1 + 2