Conference Contributions Professor Dr. Thomas König



 24.-25. Oktober 2024: Workshop Nordic Political Behavior, Presentation on tba., Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
 24. September 2024: participation as expert in the Panel (Fishbowl) on “Wir schaffen Demokratie”, Kulturzentrum dasHaus, Ludwigshafen
 28. April 2024: participation as expert in the Panel on “Warum ist die EU-Wahl für den Klimaschutz so wichtig?, PRIO1-Das Klima-Netzwerk, Klimastiftung für Bürger, Sinsheim
 14.-15. March 2024: Session Leopoldina Sektion 25,  Presentation on: “Does Muslimhood Polarize European Societies?”, University of Cologne




6. December 2023:  participation at a conference at the University of Padua , presentation on:  “The Dynamics of European Integration”, Padua, Italy

 10. March 2023, Panel Discussion Mannheimer Forum 2023, participation in the  Panel on  Democracy in Europe – for granted?, Mannheim
 27. January 2023  Panel Discussion “Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen: Fragen der Zukunft”, Zeughaus Mannheim, REM,  participation as referee, Mannheim
  • 2022

    17. March 2022, Discussion concerncing the sanctions, Ukraine conflict, online conference, Arbeitskreis Wirtschaft der Grünen Mannheim, participation as expert

    19.-20. May 2022, Organisation and presentation of the Final Conference  of the SFB 884 Collaborative Research Center “The Political Economy of Reforms ", ZEW and University of Mannheim
    24. May 2022, Participation in a discussion on the French presidential elections: “Frankreich vor/nach der Wahl. Welchen Weg geht die Europäische Union,  Europa-Union Mannheim, Heidelberg and Rhein-Neckar, DAI Heidelberg
    20. June 2022, Europäer im Gespräch, Participation in a discussion board at the DAI, Heidelberg
  • 2020

    25. November 2020, “Live aus der WOLLFABRIK – Der Talk- Thema : Alles bleibt anders! Die (veränderte) Welt nach der US-Wahl”, Moderation: Frank Schlageter, Talk Guests: Thomas König, Detlef Junker, Jakob J. Köllhofer, Östringen (Wollfabrik Youtube Chanel)

    29. September 2020, Workshop “Make America...Bilanz einer Präsidentschaft”, Schader-Forum, impuls presentation by Thomas König, Darmstadt
    19. June 2020, PSRM Virtual Editorial Board Meeting, participation online
    18. June 2020, EPSA Virtual Conference – Legislative Studies and Party Politics Track Panels, “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The British Membership Game between Prime Ministers, the Rank-and-File, and the Voters”, presentation by Thomas König and Xiao Lu, online
    8. May 2020, ZEW Public Finance Conference, via Zoom, participation online
  • 2019


    9. Oktober 2019, ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, “Europäischer Abend am ZEW”, mit Guido Wolf, Minister der Justiz und für Europa des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Thomas König persönlich geladener Panel Diskutant, Mannheim


    26.-27. September 2019, Research Council of Norway, Referee Panel Meeting, Oslo, Norwegen

     29.-30. August 2019, APSA Annual Meeting, Chair des Panels on “Challenges in the Review Process. Authors, Reviewers and Editors”, Washington DC, USA
     10.-11. Juni 2019, Center for European Studies, 1st CefES International Conference on European Studies: North-South, East-West, Rural-Urban Politcal Divide in Europe, Vortrag über: “National Partyism. From Institutional Choices Toward Euroskeptic Populism in European Integration“, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italien
     10. Juni 2019, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche, NASP, Seminar über “National Partyism, Veto Bicarmerialism, and European Integration“, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italien
     10. April 2019, AEGEE Mannheim, Konferenz “Euroscepticism”, Vortrag über “European integration and European elections – between external threats and internal deficits”, Mannheim
     18. Februar 2019, Vortrag bei der Konferenz “Die EU bewegt.“ Des Kreisverbandes der Europa Union Rhein-Neckar über “Entscheidet sich das Schicksal der EU bei den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament?“, Schloss Neckarhausen
     29. Januar 2019, Teilnahme am Fachgespräch zum Themenschwerpunkt “Zusammenhalt in Europa“, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn
  • 2018


    23 June 2018, 8th Annual Conference EPSA, Presentation on: “Bill Referral to Parliamentary Committees under Multiparty Governments” (with Nick Lin, Katsunori Seki, and Nikoleta Yordanova), Panel: Parliaments and Coalitions, Vienna

    23 June 2018, 8th Annual Conference EPSA, Presentation on: “Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism?”, Panel: The Nature of European Integration, Vienna

    23 June 2018, 8th Annual Conference EPSA, Chair and Presentation on:  “Institutional Design and Public Attitudes Towards EU Decision Making” (with Hyeonho Hahm and David Hilpert), Panel: Public Sentiments towards the EU, Vienna

     15 June 2018, Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Science Po, Presentation on: “Between Responsibility and Responsiveness: Political Parties and their Support for Europen Integration” (with Bernd Luig), Panel: Multi-Level Contestation: How and Why Do EU Institutions Respond to Euroscepticism?, Paris
     14 June 2018, Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Science Po,  Presentation on: “Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism?”, Panel: Understanding Institutional Choice, Paris
     3 May,-4, 2018,  Meeting of Section 25, Leopoldina, Presentation on: “En marche – aber wohin marschiert die EU?”, München
     27 April 2018, 11th Frankfurt Lunch Table in the German Stock Exchange, Presentation on: „Hat Europa noch eine Chance?“, Eschborn
  • 2017

     7 December 2017, NICEP Seminar, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, Presentation: Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism?, Nottingham, United Kingdom
     15–18 October 2017, Ben Gurion Universität, Beer Sheva, Lecture on: European and Political Economy, Israel
     9 September 2017, ECPR General Conference, Presentation on: Brexit Debate – EPS Symposium, Oslo, Norway

    30 August – 4 September 2017, APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA:

    • 31 August 2017, presentation: Understanding Academic Publishing
    • 1 September 2017, Chair/Roundtable: Opportunities and Challenges for Data/Material Archiving of Published Research
    • 2 September 2017, resentation: Gender in the Journals: Exploring Potential Biases in Editorial Processes


    22 -25  June 2017, EPSA Annual Conference, Milano, Italy:

    • 22 June 2017, Chair Panel: European Union Attitudes
    • 23 June 2017, Paper Presentation: Challenging Governments: Committee Leadership and the Role of the Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies (together with Nick Lin and Katsunori Seki)
    • 23 June 2017, Chair Panel: Issues in EU Governance
    • 23 June 2017, Paper Presentation: Still the century of intergovernmentalism? Partisan Ideology Two-level Bargains and Informal Governance in the Post-Maastricht Era
    • 24 June 2017, Paper Presentation:  Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward TTIP: A Conjoint Analysis (together with Hyeonho Hahm, Moritz Osnabrügge and Elena Frech
     12 May 2017 European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Lecture on: Political economy of structural, fiscal and institutional reforms in EU countries
     27–28 February 2017, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy, Paper: Multiparty Governance, Strategic Implementation and Compliance with International Law, (together with Bernd Luig and Milena Wittwerz)
     12 -14 January 2017, 10th Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International Organizations, (PEIO), Bern, Schweiz, Paper Presentation: Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes: A Conjoint Analysis of  Public Support for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), (together with Hyeonho Hahm  and Elena Frech)
  • 2016

     29 September-1 October 2016, research conference of DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW “Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt”, Universität Heidelberg

    8 September 2016,  “Brexit  Aufruf zur Reform der EU”?, Europa Dialog, Kreisverband Rhein-Neckar, Brühl


    30 August-3 September 2016,  APSA Annual Meeting, Philadephia, USA


    23 -25 June 2016,  EPSA 6th Annual General Conference and PSRM Editorial Meeting, Brüssel, Belgien


    15–17 June 2016,  ECPR/SGEU Conference, Trento, Italien


    25–31 May 2016, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Presentation,Wien, Österreich


    6 -7 May 2016,  Network Conference and Panel Chair, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin

     7–10 April 2016, MPSA Conference, Presentation on “Coalition Governance, Strategic Policy making and Compliance with Law, Chicago, USA

    29 February-1 March 2016, „Das Problem der Macht“, Conference Walter Eucken Institut, Presentation on „Die politologische Perspektive I“, Freiburg

  • 2015

     30 October 2015, Workshop “Zur Entwicklung der Politikwissenschaften”, Participant, WZB, Berlin
     23–24  September 2015, DVPW Kongress “Vorsicht Sicherheit! Legitimationsprobleme der Ordnung von Freiheit”, Participant, Universität Duisburg-Essen
     1–7 September 2015, APSA Annual Meeting, Paper Presentation: “European Integration and Legislative Patterns of Democracy”, San Francisco, USA
     25–27 June 2015, EPSA Annual Conference, Paper Presentation: “Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies”, Wien, Österreich
     14–16 June 2015, Villa Vigoni, German-Italian Centre for European Excellence, Colloquium on The Quality of Political Institutions in Europe: Economic Perspectives in an Interdisciplinary Cross-Examination, Discussant, Loveno di Menaggio, Italien
     3 June 2015 CAU Universität Kiel, Ringvorlesung “350 Jahre CAU”, Presentation on “European Integration and Party Support”, Kiel

    24 April 2015, DVPW Jahreskonferenz, Participant, Kassel


    25–27 March 2015, Conference on “Elections: Behaviours, Institutions and Reforms”, Institute for Advanced Study (IAST), Toulouse School of Economics, Presentation on “Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies”, Toulouse, Frankreich


    14 -15 March 2015, Warwick/Princeton “Political Economy Conference”, Palazzo Papafava, General Audience Member, Venedig, Italien


    12 -13 February 2015, 8th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Presentation on “Bargaining under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Government Positions at the Nice Intergovernmental Conference” (with Patrick Bayer and Brooke Luetgert), Berlin

  • 2014


    13 November 2014, Workshop on European Integration, König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig : „National Political Parties and their Positions towards European Integration: Distributional and Informational Implications of EU Decision-Making for National Party Competition“, University of Konstanz.


    26–27 September 2014, Workshop: Robustness Testing and the Empiricl Analysis of Observational Data, Vortrag über „Policy Conflict: Measurement and Robustness“, organised by ESRC/ LSE, Köln


    27 August-1 September 2014, American Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Presentations on:

    • “Enforcing Compliance. A Quantitative Study of Member States’ Transpostion and the European Commissions’s Infringement Activities” (Thomas König and Lars Mäder).
    • “(Non-) compliance in the EU27” (Thomas König and Lars Mäder).
    • “Policy Demand and Accountability. How Voters Evaluate Legislative Activities and Coalition Governments” (Mariyana Angelova, Thomas König and Sven-Oliver Proksch).
     19 -20 June 2014, Participation in the Evaluation Panel of the Swiss National Science Foundation for the SNSF-Starting Grants, Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern, Switzerland.
     16–17 June 2014, Conference on “Economic and Financial Policy”, Lecture on “Crisis, Institutions, and Banking Union”, Federal Ministry of Finance and  Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.
     15–16 May 2014, MARPOR-Manifesto Research on Political Representation, Conference “Mapping Policy Preferences from Texts”, WZB, Social Science Center, Berlin.
     9 May 2014, Board Meeting, British Journal of Politial Science, London.
     16–17 February 2014, “Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsperspektiven der Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland”, Workshop at the WZB, Social Science Center, Berlin.
  • 2013

     15 November 2013, “Europa leben/ Vivre l'Europe”, German-French Cultural Dialogues, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Frankreich-Zentrum, Freiburg, Thomas König participant in the Panel on “Europa als politische-institutionelle Realität”.

    20.6–22.6.2013, 3rd Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Parlament de Catalunya and Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona:

    • 20 June 2013, Panel on Agenda Setting and Compliance, Thomas König, Dirk Junge and Bernd Luig on „Legislative Gridlock and Bureauratic Politics in the European Union“,
    • 21 June 2013, Panel on Strategic Voting an Representation, Thomas König, Mariyana Angelova and Sven-Oliver Proksch on „Policy Demands and Accountability: How Voters Evaluate Legislative Activities of Coalition Governments“,
    • 21 June 2013, Panel on Legislative Policy Responsiveness, Thomas König, Mariyana Angelova and Sven-Oliver Proksch on „Parties, Experts, and the Legislative Agenda“,
    • 22 June 2013, Panel on Minority Government in Paliamentary, Presidential and Semi-Presidential Democracies, Chair: Thomas König,
    • 22 June 2013, Panel on Public Policy, Thomas König and Sebstian Köhler on „Political Uncertainty and the Success of Reforms”,
    • 22 June 2013, Panel on Coalition Formation, Stability and Policy Making, Thomas König and Bernd Luig on „Ministerial autonomy, parliamentary involvement, and strategic gatekeeping in coalition government“ .
     16 April 2013, Workshop: „The European Union Decides – and After Eastern Enlargement?, organized by Thomas König in collaboration with the SFB 884 „Political Economy of Reforms“ and the MZES, Mannheim.
     Macrh 9,-10, 2013, „Second Warwick Political Economy Workshop“, The University of Warwick in Venice, Venedig, Discussant Thomas König.
     Macrh 7,-8, 2013, Conference on „Föderalismus und Subsidiarität“ on the occasion of the 60. Anniversary of the Declaration of the Constitution of Baden-Württemberg, Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg, Thomas König on: „Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Subsidiarität und europäischer Gesetzgebung“.
     8 February,-9, 2013,  6th Annual Conference on „The Political Economy of International Organizations“ (PEIO), Heidelberg, Organisation Thomas König.
  • 2012

     10 July 2012, Joint workshop on “Coalition Politics”, SFB884 in cooperation with MZES, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, Mannheim.

    21.-23. June 2012, 2nd Annual General Conference EPSA, Berlin. Participant: Serra Boranbay, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch: “A Model of Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Systems”.

    21.-23. June 2012, 2nd Annual General Conference EPSA, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König: “The Conditionality of Parliamentary Oversight: Ministerial Gatekeeping and Party Pivots in the Implementation Process of Directives”.

    21.-23. June 2012, 2nd Annual General Conference EPSA, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König, Daniel Finke: “Making the Lisbon Reform Work. From Intergovernmental Bargaining to Presidential Crisis Management in the European Union”.


    13 June 2012 Joint workshop on “Economic Voting”, SFB 884 in cooperation with MZES, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, Mannheim.

     5 January, 30, 2012 The 5th Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Thomas König, presentation on “Compliance in the European Union. A strategic analysis of the interaction between member states and the Comission”, Philadephia, USA.
  • 2011

     16 June,-18, 2011, 1st Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Dublin, Ireland. Participant: David Fortunato, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch: “Bicameralism and Government Agenda-Setting”.
     Apil 12,-17, 2011, “Preferences in the European Union. Analyzing the Dimensionality of Policy Areas”, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Participant: Thomas König: “Estimating Context-related Policy Preferences”.
     31 March,-3 April 2011, 69th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “The Conditionality of Parliamentary Scrutiny: Ministerial Gatekeeping and Median Positions in Parliamentary Legislatures”.
     27 January,-29, 2011, 4th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Zürich, Switzerland. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “A Strategic Model of Compliance and Enforcement”.
  • 2010

     19 October 2010, “Heidelberger Abend”, IHK Rhein-Neckar, Heidelberg. Participant: Thomas König: “Deutschland vor dem Stillstand – aber warum?”.
     10 May 2010, Centre d`ètudes européennes, Science Po, Paris, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Compliance with European obligations – correct and on time?”.
     4 March 2010, Rotary Club Mannheim-Brücke. Participant: Thomas König: “Macht und Ohnmacht in der Europäischen Integration”.
     25 February 2010, “ECHO.EU Workshop”, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König: “Die Entwicklung der EU-Innenpolitik”.
     21 January,-23, 2010, “Delors’ Myth Meeting. Comparative Policy Agendas Project”, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Barcelona, Spain. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “Delors’ Myth: The German Chapter”.
  • 2009

     10 November 2009, “Princeton International Relations Faculty Colloquium”, Princeton University, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Implementing correct and on time? A comparative study of the transposition record of EU member states on EC directives”.
     21 June 2009, “Presentation”, University of Milan, Graduate School, Italy. Participant: Thomas König: “The Europeanization of Domestic Politics: From Executive Dominance to Parliamentary Scrutiny”.
     8 May 2009, “Cege‐Symposium „ Zur Bedeutung von Referenden für den Europäischen Integrationsprozess“", Göttingen. Participant: Thomas König: “Abstimmung per Plebiszit und im Parlament. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Ratifikationsprozesse zur Europäischen Vertragsreform”.
     7 May 2009, “Bewertung der Ergebnisse der Föderalismusreform II”, Dresden. Participant: Thomas König: “Experten und Positionen. Eine räumliche Analyse der Föderalismusreform”.
     26. April 2009, “Workshop „Model European Union“", European Parliament Strasbourg, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Simulation”, Expert.
     7 April 2009, “Workshop on Public Opinion, Institutions and Representation in the European Union”, Stanford University, Stanford, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Cabinets and the Transposition of EU Directives”.

    2 April,-5, 2009, 67th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, USA. Participant: Thomas König, Bernd Luig, Sven‐Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin: “Policy Dimensionality and Legislative Activity in Parliamentary Democracies”.

    2 April,-5, 2009, 67th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Cabinets and the Transposition of EC Directives. A Comparative Analysis of Policymaking Delegation in 15 Countries of the European Union from 1984 to 2003”.

     27 February,-28, 2009, “Measuring the Europeanization of Public Policies Beyond the 80%‐Myth”, WZB, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König: “Measuring the Europeanization of Law‐making in Institutional Context: From Executive Dominance to Parliamentary Scrutiny”.
     5 February 2009, “BEPA Workshop on the Political Economy of EU Public Finances”, Brüssel, European Commission, Belgien. Participant: Thomas König: “The Status Quo Bias on the EU Budget (Heikki Kauppi/Mika Widgren)”, Discussant.
     29 January,-31, 2009, 2nd Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Genf, Schweiz. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “Cabinets and the transportation of EC directives”.
  • 2008

     25 September,-27, 2008, “Fourth Pan‐European Conference on EU Politics”, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “Compliance within the European Union”.
     28 August,-31, 2008, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Imputing Legislator's Missing Positions: A Strategic View”.
     13 May,-15, 2008, “Conference on „Designing Democratic Institutions“", LSE, London, UK. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Member States waste their Time? Legislative Oversight in the EU Decision Making Process”.
     11 April,-16, 2008, ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Rennes, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Veto Players waste their Time? Proposal Power and Legislative Oversight in the Decision Making Process of the European Union ".

    3 April,-8, 2008, “Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association”, Chicago. Participant: Brooke Luetgert, Thomas König: “Policy Evaluation and Public Support for European Integration”.

    3 April,-6, 2008, “Midwest Political Science Association”, Chicago, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Veto Players Waste their Time? Commissioners’ Proposal Power and Member States’ Scrutiny in EU Legislative Decision Making”.

     3 February,-8, 2008, “The Political Economy of International Organizations, PEIO Conference”, Ascona, Switzerland. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Veto players use their Power?”.
  • 2007

     19 December,-21, 2007, “New Doctrinal Perspectives and Empirical Findings, Separation of powers”, University of Haifa, Israel. Participant: Thomas König: “Why risk popular failure? A comparative study on the choice of the ratification instrument in 25 member states of the EU”.
     17 December 2007, “The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Participant: Thomas König: “The reformability of the European Union: Domestic Structures and the European treaty reform in a multi‐stage two‐level game process”.
     29 November 2007, “Connex Workshop: New Modes of Governance”, Sciences Po, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Is qualified Majority voting more effective”.
     22 November,-23, 2007, “The Impact of Enlargement on the EU Institutions”, Prague, Czech Republic. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do veto players waste their time”.
     18 October,-20, 2007, “Conference on Fiscal Federalism: Intergovernmental Relations, Competition and Accountability”, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). Participant: Thomas König: “Barry R. Weingast: “Second Generation Fiscal Federalism: Implications for Decentralized Democratic Governance and Economic Development”", Discussant.
     20 September,-22 2007, “APPC Summer School”, Turku School of Economics, Finland. Participant: Thomas König: “Why don’t Veto players use their power?”.
     6 September,-9, 2007, “4th ECPR General Conference, The implementation of community law in the member states of the European Union”, University of Pisa, Italy. Participant: Thomas König: “Designing tools for ex ante resource policy assessment”.
     31 August 2007 ‐ 2. September 2007, “2. Konferenz des DFG‐Schwerpunktprogramms Institutionelle Gestaltung föderaler Systeme”, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB). Participant: Thomas König: “The Delegation of transition powers in the member states of the EC”.
     19 August,-29, 2007, “5th DAAD‐Summer School 2007 on The European Constitution‐building Process”, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Nonnweiler. Participant: Thomas König: “Domestic structures and European Integration. A multi‐stage two‐level analysis of constitution building in the European Union: research design and first results”.