202414.-15. March 2024: Session Leopoldina Sektion 25, Presentation on: “Does Muslimhood Polarize European Societies?”, University of Cologne |
20236. December 2023: participation at a conference at the University of Padua , presentation on: “The Dynamics of European Integration”, Padua, Italy |
10. March 2023, Panel Discussion Mannheimer Forum 2023, participation in the Panel on Democracy in Europe – for granted? |
27. January 2023 Panel Discussion “Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen: Fragen der Zukunft”, Zeughaus Mannheim, REM, participation as referee |
17. March 2022, Discussion concerncing the sanctions, Ukraine conflict, online conference, Arbeitskreis Wirtschaft der Grünen Mannheim, participation as expert |
19.-20. May 2022, Organisation and presentation of the Final Conference of the SFB 884 Collaborative Research Center “The Political Economy of Reforms ", ZEW and University of Mannheim |
24. May 2022, Participation in a discussion on the French presidential elections: “Frankreich vor/ |
20. June 2022, Europäer im Gespräch, Participation in a discussion board at the DAI, Heidelberg |
25. November 2020, “Live aus der WOLLFABRIK – Der Talk- Thema : Alles bleibt anders! Die (veränderte) Welt nach der US-Wahl”, Moderation: Frank Schlageter, Talk Guests: Thomas König, Detlef Junker, Jakob J. Köllhofer, Östringen (Wollfabrik Youtube Chanel) |
29. September 2020, Workshop “Make America...Bilanz einer Präsidentschaft”, Schader-Forum, impuls presentation by Thomas König, Darmstadt |
19. June 2020, PSRM Virtual Editorial Board Meeting, participation online |
18. June 2020, EPSA Virtual Conference – Legislative Studies and Party Politics Track Panels, “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The British Membership Game between Prime Ministers, the Rank-and-File, and the Voters”, presentation by Thomas König and Xiao Lu, online |
8. May 2020, ZEW Public Finance Conference, via Zoom, participation online |
9. Oktober 2019, ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, “Europäischer Abend am ZEW”, mit Guido Wolf, Minister der Justiz und für Europa des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Thomas König persönlich geladener Panel Diskutant, Mannheim | |
26.-27. September 2019, Research Council of Norway, Referee Panel Meeting, Oslo, Norwegen | |
29.-30. August 2019, APSA Annual Meeting, Chair des Panels on “Challenges in the Review Process. Authors, Reviewers and Editors”, Washington DC, USA | |
10.-11. Juni 2019, Center for European Studies, 1st CefES International Conference on European Studies: North-South, East-West, Rural-Urban Politcal Divide in Europe, Vortrag über: “National Partyism. From Institutional Choices Toward Euroskeptic Populism in European Integration“, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italien | |
10. Juni 2019, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche, NASP, Seminar über “National Partyism, Veto Bicarmerialism, and European Integration“, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italien | |
10. April 2019, AEGEE Mannheim, Konferenz “Euroscepticism”, Vortrag über “European integration and European elections – between external threats and internal deficits”, Mannheim | |
18. Februar 2019, Vortrag bei der Konferenz “Die EU bewegt.“ Des Kreisverbandes der Europa Union Rhein-Neckar über “Entscheidet sich das Schicksal der EU bei den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament?“, Schloss Neckarhausen | |
29. Januar 2019, Teilnahme am Fachgespräch zum Themenschwerpunkt “Zusammenhalt in Europa“, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn |
23 June 2018, 8th Annual Conference EPSA, Presentation on: “Bill Referral to Parliamentary Committees under Multiparty Governments” (with Nick Lin, Katsunori Seki, and Nikoleta Yordanova), Panel: Parliaments and Coalitions, Vienna 23 June 2018, 8th Annual Conference EPSA, Presentation on: “Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism?”, Panel: The Nature of European Integration, Vienna 23 June 2018, 8th Annual Conference EPSA, Chair and Presentation on: “Institutional Design and Public Attitudes Towards EU Decision Making” (with Hyeonho Hahm and David Hilpert), Panel: Public Sentiments towards the EU, Vienna | |
15 June 2018, Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Science Po, Presentation on: “Between Responsibility and Responsiveness: Political Parties and their Support for Europen Integration” (with Bernd Luig), Panel: Multi-Level Contestation: How and Why Do EU Institutions Respond to Euroscepticism?, Paris | |
14 June 2018, Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Science Po, Presentation on: “Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism?”, Panel: Understanding Institutional Choice, Paris | |
3 May,-4, 2018, Meeting of Section 25, Leopoldina, Presentation on: “En marche – aber wohin marschiert die EU?”, München | |
27 April 2018, 11th Frankfurt Lunch Table in the German Stock Exchange, Presentation on: „Hat Europa noch eine Chance?“, Eschborn |
7 December 2017, NICEP Seminar, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, Presentation: Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism?, Nottingham, United Kingdom | |
15–18 October 2017, Ben Gurion Universität, Beer Sheva, Lecture on: European and Political Economy, Israel | |
9 September 2017, ECPR General Conference, Presentation on: Brexit Debate – EPS Symposium, Oslo, Norway | |
30 August – 4 September 2017, APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA:
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| 22 -25 June 2017, EPSA Annual Conference, Milano, Italy:
12 May 2017 European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Lecture on: Political economy of structural, fiscal and institutional reforms in EU countries | |
27–28 February 2017, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy, Paper: Multiparty Governance, Strategic Implementation and Compliance with International Law, (together with Bernd Luig and Milena Wittwerz) | |
12 -14 January 2017, 10th Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International Organizations, (PEIO), Bern, Schweiz, Paper Presentation: Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes: A Conjoint Analysis of Public Support for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), (together with Hyeonho Hahm and Elena Frech) |
29 September-1 October 2016, research conference of DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW “Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt”, Universität Heidelberg | |
8 September 2016, “Brexit Aufruf zur Reform der EU”?, Europa Dialog, Kreisverband Rhein-Neckar, Brühl | |
30 August-3 September 2016, APSA Annual Meeting, Philadephia, USA | |
23 -25 June 2016, EPSA 6th Annual General Conference and PSRM Editorial Meeting, Brüssel, Belgien | |
15–17 June 2016, ECPR/ | |
25–31 May 2016, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Presentation,Wien, Österreich | |
6 -7 May 2016, Network Conference and Panel Chair, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin | |
7–10 April 2016, MPSA Conference, Presentation on “Coalition Governance, Strategic Policy making and Compliance with Law, Chicago, USA | |
29 February-1 March 2016, „Das Problem der Macht“, Conference Walter Eucken Institut, Presentation on „Die politologische Perspektive I“, Freiburg |
30 October 2015, Workshop “Zur Entwicklung der Politikwissenschaften”, Participant, WZB, Berlin | |
23–24 September 2015, DVPW Kongress “Vorsicht Sicherheit! Legitimationsprobleme der Ordnung von Freiheit”, Participant, Universität Duisburg-Essen | |
1–7 September 2015, APSA Annual Meeting, Paper Presentation: “European Integration and Legislative Patterns of Democracy”, San Francisco, USA | |
25–27 June 2015, EPSA Annual Conference, Paper Presentation: “Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies”, Wien, Österreich | |
14–16 June 2015, Villa Vigoni, German-Italian Centre for European Excellence, Colloquium on The Quality of Political Institutions in Europe: Economic Perspectives in an Interdisciplinary Cross-Examination, Discussant, Loveno di Menaggio, Italien | |
3 June 2015 CAU Universität Kiel, Ringvorlesung “350 Jahre CAU”, Presentation on “European Integration and Party Support”, Kiel | |
24 April 2015, DVPW Jahreskonferenz, Participant, Kassel | |
25–27 March 2015, Conference on “Elections: Behaviours, Institutions and Reforms”, Institute for Advanced Study (IAST), Toulouse School of Economics, Presentation on “Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies”, Toulouse, Frankreich | |
14 -15 March 2015, Warwick/ | |
12 -13 February 2015, 8th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Presentation on “Bargaining under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Government Positions at the Nice Intergovernmental Conference” (with Patrick Bayer and Brooke Luetgert), Berlin |
13 November 2014, Workshop on European Integration, König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig : „National Political Parties and their Positions towards European Integration: Distributional and Informational Implications of EU Decision-Making for National Party Competition“, University of Konstanz. | |
26–27 September 2014, Workshop: Robustness Testing and the Empiricl Analysis of Observational Data, Vortrag über „Policy Conflict: Measurement and Robustness“, organised by ESRC/ | |
27 August-1 September 2014, American Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Presentations on:
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19 -20 June 2014, Participation in the Evaluation Panel of the Swiss National Science Foundation for the SNSF-Starting Grants, Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern, Switzerland. | |
16–17 June 2014, Conference on “Economic and Financial Policy”, Lecture on “Crisis, Institutions, and Banking Union”, Federal Ministry of Finance and Hertie School of Governance, Berlin. | |
15–16 May 2014, MARPOR-Manifesto Research on Political Representation, Conference “Mapping Policy Preferences from Texts”, WZB, Social Science Center, Berlin. | |
9 May 2014, Board Meeting, British Journal of Politial Science, London. | |
16–17 February 2014, “Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsperspektiven der Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland”, Workshop at the WZB, Social Science Center, Berlin. |
15 November 2013, “Europa leben/ | |
20.6–22.6.2013, 3rd Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Parlament de Catalunya and Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona:
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16 April 2013, Workshop: „The European Union Decides – and After Eastern Enlargement?, organized by Thomas König in collaboration with the SFB 884 „Political Economy of Reforms“ and the MZES, Mannheim. | |
Macrh 9,-10, 2013, „Second Warwick Political Economy Workshop“, The University of Warwick in Venice, Venedig, Discussant Thomas König. | |
Macrh 7,-8, 2013, Conference on „Föderalismus und Subsidiarität“ on the occasion of the 60. Anniversary of the Declaration of the Constitution of Baden-Württemberg, Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg, Thomas König on: „Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Subsidiarität und europäischer Gesetzgebung“. | |
8 February,-9, 2013, 6th Annual Conference on „The Political Economy of International Organizations“ (PEIO), Heidelberg, Organisation Thomas König. |
10 July 2012, Joint workshop on “Coalition Politics”, SFB884 in cooperation with MZES, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, Mannheim. | |
21.-23. June 2012, 2nd Annual General Conference EPSA, Berlin. Participant: Serra Boranbay, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch: “A Model of Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Systems”. 21.-23. June 2012, 2nd Annual General Conference EPSA, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König: “The Conditionality of Parliamentary Oversight: Ministerial Gatekeeping and Party Pivots in the Implementation Process of Directives”. 21.-23. June 2012, 2nd Annual General Conference EPSA, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König, Daniel Finke: “Making the Lisbon Reform Work. From Intergovernmental Bargaining to Presidential Crisis Management in the European Union”. | |
13 June 2012 Joint workshop on “Economic Voting”, SFB 884 in cooperation with MZES, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, Mannheim. | |
5 January, 30, 2012 The 5th Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Thomas König, presentation on “Compliance in the European Union. A strategic analysis of the interaction between member states and the Comission”, Philadephia, USA. |
16 June,-18, 2011, 1st Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Dublin, Ireland. Participant: David Fortunato, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch: “Bicameralism and Government Agenda-Setting”. | |
Apil 12,-17, 2011, “Preferences in the European Union. Analyzing the Dimensionality of Policy Areas”, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Participant: Thomas König: “Estimating Context-related Policy Preferences”. | |
31 March,-3 April 2011, 69th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “The Conditionality of Parliamentary Scrutiny: Ministerial Gatekeeping and Median Positions in Parliamentary Legislatures”. | |
27 January,-29, 2011, 4th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Zürich, Switzerland. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “A Strategic Model of Compliance and Enforcement”. |
19 October 2010, “Heidelberger Abend”, IHK Rhein-Neckar, Heidelberg. Participant: Thomas König: “Deutschland vor dem Stillstand – aber warum?”. | |
10 May 2010, Centre d`ètudes européennes, Science Po, Paris, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Compliance with European obligations – correct and on time?”. | |
4 March 2010, Rotary Club Mannheim-Brücke. Participant: Thomas König: “Macht und Ohnmacht in der Europäischen Integration”. | |
25 February 2010, “ECHO.EU Workshop”, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König: “Die Entwicklung der EU-Innenpolitik”. | |
21 January,-23, 2010, “Delors’ Myth Meeting. Comparative Policy Agendas Project”, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Barcelona, Spain. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “Delors’ Myth: The German Chapter”. |
10 November 2009, “Princeton International Relations Faculty Colloquium”, Princeton University, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Implementing correct and on time? A comparative study of the transposition record of EU member states on EC directives”. | |
21 June 2009, “Presentation”, University of Milan, Graduate School, Italy. Participant: Thomas König: “The Europeanization of Domestic Politics: From Executive Dominance to Parliamentary Scrutiny”. | |
8 May 2009, “Cege‐Symposium „ Zur Bedeutung von Referenden für den Europäischen Integrationsprozess“", Göttingen. Participant: Thomas König: “Abstimmung per Plebiszit und im Parlament. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Ratifikationsprozesse zur Europäischen Vertragsreform”. | |
7 May 2009, “Bewertung der Ergebnisse der Föderalismusreform II”, Dresden. Participant: Thomas König: “Experten und Positionen. Eine räumliche Analyse der Föderalismusreform”. | |
26. April 2009, “Workshop „Model European Union“", European Parliament Strasbourg, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Simulation”, Expert. | |
7 April 2009, “Workshop on Public Opinion, Institutions and Representation in the European Union”, Stanford University, Stanford, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Cabinets and the Transposition of EU Directives”. | |
2 April,-5, 2009, 67th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, USA. Participant: Thomas König, Bernd Luig, Sven‐Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin: “Policy Dimensionality and Legislative Activity in Parliamentary Democracies”. 2 April,-5, 2009, 67th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Cabinets and the Transposition of EC Directives. A Comparative Analysis of Policymaking Delegation in 15 Countries of the European Union from 1984 to 2003”. | |
27 February,-28, 2009, “Measuring the Europeanization of Public Policies Beyond the 80%‐Myth”, WZB, Berlin. Participant: Thomas König: “Measuring the Europeanization of Law‐making in Institutional Context: From Executive Dominance to Parliamentary Scrutiny”. | |
5 February 2009, “BEPA Workshop on the Political Economy of EU Public Finances”, Brüssel, European Commission, Belgien. Participant: Thomas König: “The Status Quo Bias on the EU Budget (Heikki Kauppi/ | |
29 January,-31, 2009, 2nd Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Genf, Schweiz. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “Cabinets and the transportation of EC directives”. |
25 September,-27, 2008, “Fourth Pan‐European Conference on EU Politics”, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia. Participant: Thomas König, Lars Mäder: “Compliance within the European Union”. | |
28 August,-31, 2008, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Imputing Legislator's Missing Positions: A Strategic View”. | |
13 May,-15, 2008, “Conference on „Designing Democratic Institutions“", LSE, London, UK. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Member States waste their Time? Legislative Oversight in the EU Decision Making Process”. | |
11 April,-16, 2008, ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Rennes, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Veto Players waste their Time? Proposal Power and Legislative Oversight in the Decision Making Process of the European Union ". | |
3 April,-8, 2008, “Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association”, Chicago. Participant: Brooke Luetgert, Thomas König: “Policy Evaluation and Public Support for European Integration”. 3 April,-6, 2008, “Midwest Political Science Association”, Chicago, USA. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Veto Players Waste their Time? Commissioners’ Proposal Power and Member States’ Scrutiny in EU Legislative Decision Making”. | |
3 February,-8, 2008, “The Political Economy of International Organizations, PEIO Conference”, Ascona, Switzerland. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do Veto players use their Power?”. |
19 December,-21, 2007, “New Doctrinal Perspectives and Empirical Findings, Separation of powers”, University of Haifa, Israel. Participant: Thomas König: “Why risk popular failure? A comparative study on the choice of the ratification instrument in 25 member states of the EU”. | |
17 December 2007, “The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Participant: Thomas König: “The reformability of the European Union: Domestic Structures and the European treaty reform in a multi‐stage two‐level game process”. | |
29 November 2007, “Connex Workshop: New Modes of Governance”, Sciences Po, France. Participant: Thomas König: “Is qualified Majority voting more effective”. | |
22 November,-23, 2007, “The Impact of Enlargement on the EU Institutions”, Prague, Czech Republic. Participant: Thomas König: “Why do veto players waste their time”. | |
18 October,-20, 2007, “Conference on Fiscal Federalism: Intergovernmental Relations, Competition and Accountability”, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). Participant: Thomas König: “Barry R. Weingast: “Second Generation Fiscal Federalism: Implications for Decentralized Democratic Governance and Economic Development”", Discussant. | |
20 September,-22 2007, “APPC Summer School”, Turku School of Economics, Finland. Participant: Thomas König: “Why don’t Veto players use their power?”. | |
6 September,-9, 2007, “4th ECPR General Conference, The implementation of community law in the member states of the European Union”, University of Pisa, Italy. Participant: Thomas König: “Designing tools for ex ante resource policy assessment”. | |
31 August 2007 ‐ 2. September 2007, “2. Konferenz des DFG‐Schwerpunktprogramms Institutionelle Gestaltung föderaler Systeme”, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB). Participant: Thomas König: “The Delegation of transition powers in the member states of the EC”. | |
19 August,-29, 2007, “5th DAAD‐Summer School 2007 on The European Constitution‐building Process”, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Nonnweiler. Participant: Thomas König: “Domestic structures and European Integration. A multi‐stage two‐level analysis of constitution building in the European Union: research design and first results”. |