Since September 2023, Daria Frost is a doctoral candidate at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) of the University of Mannheim. Besides, she is acadmic staff member at the Professorship of Macrosociology where she teaches scientific tutorials. The focus of her research lies on gender inequalities in the retirement age and on old-age protecion in Europe.
Professional career
02/ 24 Academic staff member at the Chair of Macrosociology, University of Mannheim 04/ 23 – 07/ 23 Student assistant at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Data and Research on Society, Team Social Surveys 07/ 22 – 01/ 23 Student assistant at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Survey Design and Methodology, Research data centre PIAAC Academic career
09/ 23 Enrollment as doctoral student at the GESS 07/ 23 MA degree in Sociology at the University of Mannheim 07/ 22 Double MA degree East European Studies at the Free University in Berlin and Sociology at the inHigher School of Economics, MoskvaSociology 08/ 18 Bachelor degree in International Relationships at the Public University of Moskva Publications and conference papers