

Final exams
The dates for the final exams are fixed.
Appointment of Prof. Dr. Möhring as full professor
As of February 2023, Katja Möhring has been appointed Professor of Sociology, leading the chair of Family and Work at the University of Bamberg (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg). She has been previously Assistant Professor of Sociology of the Welfare State (since 2015) and from 2018 to 2021 ...
Nomination of Prof. Ebbinghaus as Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor
In January 2023, Prof. Bernhard Ebbinghaus will be the fourth Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna. As kick-off, he will hold a public lecture (in German) on welfare state resilience as a countermovement in economic crises.  He will hold a Graduate Seminar at the University of ...