Prof. Dr. Michaela Wänke

nach Vereinbarung
Prof. Dr. Michaela Wänke ist seit 2011 Professorin für Konsumentenpsychologie und ökonomische Psychologie.
Mit ihrem Team forscht sie zu verschiedenen Prozessen innerhalb der Sozial, Sprach – und Kognitionspsychologie. Dabei fokussiert sie sich besonders auf die Prozesse, die im Kontext von Werbung und politischer Psychologie menschliches Denken, Urteilen und Entscheiden beeinflussen. Mehr Informationen zur Forschung an Ihrem Lehrstuhl finden Sie hier.
Des Weiteren ist Prof. Wänke Vorsitzende des Prüfungsausschusses des B.Sc. Psychologie und Mitglied der Ethikkommission der Universität Mannheim.
Journal Artikel (nur peer-reviewed)
Ingendahl, M.; Maschmann, Ira; Embs, N; Maulbetsch, A; Vogel, T.; Wänke, Michaela (2023). Articulation Dynamics and Evaluative Conditioning: Investigating the Boundary Conditions, Mental Representation, and Origin of the In-Out Effect, Cognition & Emotion, 37(6): 1074-1089. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2023.2228538
Ingendahl, M., Woitzel,J., Propheter, N. Wänke, M. & Alves, H. (2023). From Deviant Likes to Reversed Effects: Re-Investigating the Contribution of Unaware Evaluative Conditioning to Attitude Formation. Collabra: Psychology,9(1): 87462. https://doi.org/10.1525/collabra.87462
Bless, H. & Wänke, M. (2023) The crucial role of linearity when comparing effects across studies. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2, 516–517.
Van Horen, V., Wänke, M., Mussweiler, T. (2023) When it pays to be clear: the appeal of concrete communication under certainty. International Journal of Advertising. https://doi.org/10.1080/02650487.2023.2206689
Unkelbach, F., Brütting, T., Schilling, N. & Wänke, M. (2023) Looking Competent Does Not Appeal to All Voters Equally: The Role of Social Class and Politicians’ Facial Appearance for Voting Likelihood. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (in print). DOI: 10.1177/01461672231181465
Landwehr, J.R. & Wänke, M. (2023). Face-to-face: Three facial features that may turn the scale in close electoral races. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 108, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104488
Ingendahl, M., Vogel, T. , Maedche, A. & Wänke, M. (2023). It´s in the game: How In-Game Experiences Drive Brand Placement Effects in Video Games. Psychology & Marketing, 40, 274–287
Halicki, K. & Wänke, M. (2023). When she is standing left, she might be blamed. Responsibility attribution for sexualized violence moderated by rape myth acceptance and benevolent sexism. Violence against Women, 29, 300–320, https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012221108420
Paunov, Y., Vogel, T. & Wänke, M. (2022). Transparent by choice: Proactive disclosures increase compliance with digital defaults. Frontiers in Psychology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.981497
Kutzner, F., Kacperski, C., Schramm, D., & Wänke, M. (2021). How far can we get with eco driving tech? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 76, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101626
Halicki, K., Ingendahl, M, Mayer, M., John, M., Schreiner, M., & Wänke, M. (2021). From which direction does the Empire strike (back)? Attack vs. defense and the Spatial Agency Bias“, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, . DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.625554
Ingendahl, M., Schöne, T., Wänke, M., & Vogel, T. (2021). Fluency in the in-out effect: The role of structural mere exposure effects. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 12. doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104079
Vogel, T., Silva, R. R., Thomas, A., & Wänke, M. (2020). Truth is in the mind, but beauty is in the eye: Fluency effects are moderated by a match between fluency source and judgment dimension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Genschow, O., Schuler, J., Cracco, E., Brass, M., & Wänke, M. (2019). The effect of money priming on self-focus in the imitation-inhibition task: A registered report. Experimental Psychology, 66(6), 423–436. dx.doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169/a000466
Genschow, O., Hansen, J., Wänke, M., & Trope, Y. (2019). Psychological distance modulates goal-based versus movement-based imitation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(8), 1031-1048.
Paunov, Y., Wänke, M., & Vogel, T. (2018). Transparency effects on policy compliance: disclosing how defaults work can enhance their effectiveness. Behavioural Public Policy, 1–22.
Ivanov, I., Muller, D., Delmas, F., & Wänke, M. (2018). Interpersonal accuracy in a political context is moderated by the extremity of one's political attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 95–106.
Schuler, J., Ivanov, I. & Wänke, M. (2017). Does money change political views? An investigation of money priming and the preference for right-wing politics. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5, 396–414.
Walker, M. & Wänke, M. (2017) Caring or daring? Gendered facial appearance matters more than gender category. PLOS One, 12(10). DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2601(10)42006-7.
Roth, Y., Wänke, M., Erev, I. (2016). Click or skip: The Role Of Experience In Easy-Click Checking Decisions. Journal of Consumer Research, 43, 583–597.
Wänke, M. (2016). Primes as Hidden Persuaders. Current Opinion in Psychology, 12, 63–66.
Dorn, M., Messner, C., & Wänke, M. (2016). Partitioning the choice task makes starbucks coffee taste better. Journal of Marketing Behavior, 1, 363–384.
Schuler, J. & Wänke, M. (2016). A fresh look on money priming: Feeling privileged or not makes a difference. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7, 366–373.
Reutner, L. , Genschow, O. , & Wänke, M. (2015). The adaptive eater: Perceived healthiness moderates the effect of the color red on consumption. Food Quality and Preference, 44, 172–178.
Fiedler, K., Jung, J., Wänke, M., Alexopoulos, T. , & de Molière, L. (2015). Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Ecological Origins of Distance Construal. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 57, 78–86.
Wänke, M., & Hansen, J. (2015). Relative processing fluency. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, 195–199.
Genschow, O., Noll, T., Wänke, M. & Gersbach, R. (2015). Does Baker-Miller pink reduce aggression in prison detention cells? A critical empirical examination. Psychology, Crime & Law, 21, 482–489.
Friese, M., Schweizer, L., Arnoux, A., Sutter, F., & Wänke, M. (2014). Personal prayer counteracts self-control depletion. Consciousness and cognition, 29, 90–95.
Genschow, O., Florack, A., & Wänke, M. (2014). Recognition and Approach Responses Toward Threatening Objects. Social Psychology, 45, 86–92.
Genschow, O., Florack, A., & Wänke, M. (2013). The power of movement: Evidence for context-independent movement imitation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 763–773.
Genschow, O., Florack, A., Chib, V. S., Shimojo, S., Scarabis, M., & Wänke, M. (2013). Reaching for the (product) stars: Measuring recognition and approach speed to get insights into consumer choice. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 298–315.
Hansen, J., Kutzner, F., & Wänke, M. (2012). Money and thinking: Reminders of money trigger abstract construal and shape consumer judgments. Journal of Consumer Research, 39, 1154-1166.
Reutner, L., & Wänke, M. (2013). For my own benefit or for the benefit of others: Reminders of money moderate the effects of self-related versus other-related persuasive arguments. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 220–223.
Fiedler, K., Jung, J., Wänke, M., Alexopoulos, T. (2012). On the Relations Between Distinct Aspects of Psychological Distance: An Ecological Basis of Construal-Level Theory. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 1014 – 1021.
Genschow, O., Reutner, L. & Wänke, M. (2012). The colour red reduces snack food and soft drink intake. Appetite, 58, 699–702.
Messner, C., Wänke, M. & Weibel, C. (2011). Unconscious personnel selection. Social Cognition, 29, 699–210.
Hansen, J., & Wänke, M. (2011). The abstractness of luxury. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32, 789–796.
Messner, C., & Wänke, M. (2011). Good weather for Schwarz and Clore. Emotion, 11(2), 436–437.
Messner, C., & Wänke, M. (2011). Unconscious information processing reduces information overload and increases product satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 9–13.
Hansen, J., & Wänke, M. (2010). Truth from language and truth from fit: The impact of linguistic concreteness and level of construal on subjective truth. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 1576-1588.
Samochowiec, J., Wänke, M., & Fiedler, K. (2010). Political ideology at face value. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(3), 206–213.
Dechêne, A., Stahl, C., Hansen, J., & Wänke, M. (2010). The truth about the truth: A meta-analytic review of the truth effect. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14, 238–257.
Dechêne, A., Stahl, C., Hansen, J., & Wänke, M. (2009). Mix me a list: Context moderates the truth effect and the mere-exposure effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 1117-1122.
Fiedler, K., & Wänke, M. (2009). The cognitive-ecological approach to rationality in social psychology. Social Cognition, 27, 699–732.
Hansen, J., & Wänke, M. (2009). Liking what's familiar: The importance of unconscious familiarity in the mere-exposure effect. Social Cognition, 27, 161–182.
Hansen, J., & Wänke, M. (2009). Think of capable others and you can make it! Self-efficacy mediates the effect of stereotype activation on behavior. Social Cognition, 27, 76–88.
Coall, D. A., Meier, M., Hertwig, R., Wänke, M., & Höpflinger, F. (2009). Grandparental investment: The influence of reproductive timing and family size. American Journal of Human Biology: The Official Journal of the Human Biology Association, 21, 455–463.
Friese, M., Hofmann, W., & Wänke, M. (2008). When impulses take over: Moderated predictive validity of explicit and implicit attitude measures in predicting food choice and consumption behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 397–419.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2008). It’s the difference that counts: Discrepancy moderates the use of ease of retrieval in attitude judgments. Social Cognition, 26, 447–468.
Hansen, J., Dechene, A. & Wänke, M. (2008). Discrepant fluency increases subjective truth. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 687–691.
Herzog, S., Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2007). Temporal distance and ease of retrieval. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 483–488.
Friese, M., Bluemke, M., & Wänke, M. (2007). Predicting voting behavior with implicit attitude measures: The 2002 German parliamentary election. Experimental Psychology, 54, 247–255.
Wänke, M., Herrmann, A., & Schaffner, D. (2007). Brand name influence on brand perception. Psychology & Marketing, 24(1), 1–24.
Friese, M., Wänke, M., & Plessner, H. (2006). Implicit consumer preferences and their influence on product choice. Psychology & Marketing, 23(9), 727–740.
Brunner, T. A., & Wänke, M. (2006). The Reduced and Enhanced Impact of Shared Features on Individual Brand Evaluations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16, 101–111.
Einwiller, S., Wänke, M., Herrmann, A., & Samochowiec, J. (2005). Attributional processes in the case of product failures: The role of the corporate brand as buffer. Advances in consumer research, 33, 270–271.
Fiedler, K. & Wänke, M. (2004). On the Vicissitudes of Cultural and Evolutionary Approaches to Social Cognition: The Case of Meta-Cognitive Myopia. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 2, 23–42.
Bohner, G. & Wänke, M. (2004). Psychological gender mediates sex differences in jealousy. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 2, 213–229
Bohner, G. & Wänke, M. (2004). Priming of AIDS and Reactions to Infidelity: Are Sex Differences in Jealousy Context-Dependent? Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 35, 107–114.
Wänke, M., Bless, H. & Wortberg, S. (2003). Der Einfluss von „Karrierefrauen“ auf das Frauenstereotyp: Moderatoren von Stereotypenänderung und Subtyping. (The impact of career women on gender stereotypes: moderators and subtyping) Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 34, 187–196.
Wänke, M. (2002). Conversational Norms and the Interpretation of Vague Quantifiers. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 16, 301–307.
Wänke, M., Plessner, H. & Friese, M. (2002). When implicit attitude measures predicit brand choice and when they don't. Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, 5, 207–208.
Wänke, M., Plessner, H., Gärtner, T. & Friese, M. (2002). Measuring implicit Consumer attitudes and predicting brand choice. Advances in Consumer Research, 29, 222.
Wänke, M., Bless, H. & Igou, E. (2001). Next to a star: Paling or shining? Turning inter-exemplar contrast into inter-exemplar assimilation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 14–29.
Hewstone, M., Hassebrauck, M., Wirth, A. & Wänke, M. (2000). Pattern of disconfirming information and processing instructions as determinants of stereotype change. British Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 399–411.
Bless, H., Igou, E., Schwarz, N. & Wänke, M. (2000). Reducing context effects by adding context information: Set-size effects in assimilation and contrast. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 1036-1045.
Bless, H. & Wänke, M. (2000). Can the same information be typical and atypical? How perceived typicality moderates assimilation and contrast in evaluative judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 306–314.
Wänke, M., Bless, H. & Schwarz , N. (1999). Assimilation and Contrast in Brand and Product Evaluations: Implications for Marketing. Advances in Consumer Research, 26, 95–98.
Wänke, M., Bless, H. & Schwarz, N. (1999). Lobster, Wine, and Cigarettes: Ad Hoc Categorizations and the Emergence of Context Effects. Marketing Bulletin, 10, 52- 56.
Wänke, M. (1998) . Markenmanagement als Kategorisierungsproblem. (Brand management as a problem of categorization) Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 29, 117–123.
Wänke, M., Bless, H., & Schwarz, N. (1998). Context effects in product line extensions: Context is not destiny. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 7, 299–322.
Wänke, M. (1997). Making Context Effects Work for You: Suggestions for Improving Data Quality from a Construal Perspective. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 9, 266–276.
Wänke, M., Bohner, G. & Jurkowitsch, A. (1997). There are many reasons to drive a BMW – Surely you know one: Ease of Argument Generation influences Brand Attitudes. Journal of Consumer Research, 24, 70–77.
Wänke, M., Bless, H. & Biller, B. (1996). Subjective experience versus content of information in the construction of attitude judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 1105-1115.
Wänke, M. & Wyer, R.S. (1996). Individual differences in person memory: The role of socio-political ideology and ingroup vs. outgroup membership on responses to socially relevant behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 742–754.
Wänke, M. (1996). Comparative Judgments as a Function of the Direction of Comparison versus Word Order. Public Opinion Quarterly, 60, 400–409.
Reprinted in M. Bulmer (Ed.) (2003). Questionnaires (Vol. 2; Sage Benchmarks in Research Methods). London, UK: Sage.
Wänke, M., Schwarz, N. & Noelle-Neumann, E. (1995). Question wording in comparative judgments: Understanding and manipulating the dynamics of the direction of comparison. Public Opinion Quarterly, 59, 347–372.
Wänke, M., Schwarz, N. & Bless, H. (1995). The availability heuristic revisited: Experienced ease of retrieval in mundane frequency estimates. Acta Psychologica, 89, 83–90.
Bodenhausen, G., Schwarz, N., Bless, H. & Wänke, M. (1995). Effects of atypical exemplars on racial beliefs: Enlightened racism or general appraisal. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 31, 48–63.
Shavitt, S., Swan, S., Lowrey, T. & Wänke, M. (1994). The interaction of endorser attractiveness and involvement in persuasion on the goal that guides message processing. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 3, 137–162.
Reprinted in Hungarian translation: A változások szubjektiv felmérése és értékelése: Néhány tanulság a társadalmi kogníció vizsgálatából. In G. Hunyady (Ed.) (1998). Történeti és politikai pszichológia (S. 234–251). Budapest, Hungary: Osiris Kiadó.
Schwarz, N., Wänke, M. & Bless, H. (1994). Subjective assessments and evaluation of change: Some lessons from social cognition research. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (Hrsg.) European Review of Social Psychology (Bd. 5, S. 181–210). Chichester, U.K.: Wiley.
Bless, H., Wänke, M., Bohner, G., Fellhauer, R. & Schwarz, N. (1994). Need for Cognition: Eine Skala zur Erfassung von Freude und Engagement bei Denkaufgaben. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 25, 147–154.
Strack, F., Schwarz, N., Bless, H., Kübler, A. & Wänke, M. (1993). Awareness of the influence as a determinant of assimilation vs. contrast. European Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 53–62.
Strack, F., Schwarz, N. & Wänke, M. (1991). Semantic and pragmatic aspects of context effects in social and psychological research. Social Cognition, 9, 111–125.
Schwarz, N., Scheuring, B. & Wänke, M. (1991). Richtungseffekte bei komparativen Urteilen: Welche Variablen moderieren ihr Auftreten? (Direction of comparison effects in comparative judgments) Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 22, 50–52.
Vogel.T. & Wänke, M. (2016). Attitudes and Attitude Change. 2nd ed. Hove: (UK) Psychology Press.
Wänke, M. (2009). The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior. Volume in the series edited by J. Forgas and A. Kruglanski (eds.) Frontiers in Social Psychology. Psychology Press.
Bohner, G. & Wänke, M. (2002). Attitudes and Attitude Change. Hove: (UK) Psychology Press.
Wänke M., & Otto, A. (2017). Methoden der Konsumentenforschung. In Greif, S., & Hamborg, K.-C. (Hrsg.). (im Druck). Methoden der Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie. (pp 509–557) Göttingen: Hogrefe..
Krüger, T., Vogel, T., & Wänke, M. (2016). Framing in Consumer Judgment and Decision Making. In C. Jansson-Boyd & M. Zawisza (Eds.) International Handbook of Consumer Psychology. Routledge: New York, 349–369
Wänke, M. (2015). It´s All in the Face: Facial Appearance, Political Ideology and Voters´ Perceptions. In J. Forgas, w. Crano, & K. Fiedler (Eds.). Social Psychology and Politics. Psychology Press. 143–162
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2013). Fluency in context. In C. Unkelbach & R. Greifeneder (eds.) The experience of thinking: How feelings from mental processes influence cognition and behavior. Psychology Press. 70–84
Wänke, M. (2013). Almost everything you always wanted to know about ease of retrieval effects. In C. Unkelbach & R. Greifeneder (eds.) The experience of thinking: How feelings from mental processes influence cognition and behavior. Psychology Press. 151–169
Fiedler, K. & Wänke, M. (2013). Why Simple Heuristics Make Life Both Easier and Harder: A Social-Psychological Perspective. In: R. Hertwig, U. Hoffrage & the ABC Research Group (eds.) Simple heuristics in a social world. New York: Oxford University Press, 487–516
Wänke, M., Samochowiec, J. & Landwehr, J. (2012). Facial Politics: Political judgment based on looks. In: J. Forgas, K. Fiedler & C. Sedikides (Eds.) Social thinking and interpersonal behavior. Psychology Press. 143–160.
Wänke, M. & Reutner*, L. (2010). Direction of Comparison Effects in Consumer Judgment. In G. Keren (Ed.) Perspectives on Framing. Psychology Press. S. 177–194
Wänke, M. & Reutner*, L. (2010). Pragmatic Persuasion or the Persuasion Paradox. In J. Forgas, W. Crano & J. Cooper (Eds.) The Psychology of Attittudes & Attitude Change. Psychology Press. S. 183–198
Friese, M., Wänke, M. & Hofmann, W. (2009). Unscrambling self-regulatory behavior determination: The interplay of impulse strength, reflective processes, and control resources. In J. Forgas, R.F. Baumeister, & D.M. Tice (Eds.) The psychology of self-regulation. Cognitive, affective, and motivational processes. Psychology Press. S. 53–72
Friese, M., Hofmann, W. & Wänke, M. (2009). The impulsive consumer: Predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures. In M. Wänke (Ed.) Frontiers in Social Psychology: The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior. Psychology Press. S. 335–364
Wänke, M. (2009). What is Social about Consumer Psychology. In M. Wänke (Ed.) Frontiers in Social Psychology: The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior. Psychology Press. S. 3–18. Bohner, G. & Wänke, M. (2009). The Psychology of Attitudes and Persuasion. In J. Wood & T. Gannon (Eds). Public Opinion and Criminal Justice. Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willan. S. 3–32
Samochowiec*, J. & Wänke, M. (2008). Social Perception. In W. Donsbach (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell.
Wänke, M. & Florack, A. (2007). Markenmanagement. In K. Moser (ed.) Wirtschaftspsychologie. Berlin: Springer. S. 107–126.
Bless, H., Greifeneder, R. & Wänke, M. (2007). Marken als psychologische Kategorien: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozial-kognitiven Sichtweise. (Brands as psychological categories: Potentials and Limits of a social cognition approach) In A. Florack & M. Scarabis (eds.) Psychologie der Markenführung. Vahlen. S. 31–40.
Wänke, M. & Greifeneder, R. (2007). Mehr ist mehr? Die Psychologische Wirkung von Angebotsvielfalt und Markenbreite. (More is more: The psychological effects of broad product ranges). In A. Florack & M. Scarabis (eds.) Psychologie der Markenführung. Vahlen. S. 149–158.
Wänke, M. (2007). What is said and what is meant: Conversational implicatures in natural conversations, research settings, media and advertising. In K. Fiedler (ed.) Frontiers in Social Psychology: Social Communication. Psychology Press. S. 223–256
Wänke, M. & Haberstroh*, S. (2007). Werbung ohne Grenzen? Interkulturelle Vergleiche von Werbegestaltung & Werbewirkung (Cross-Cultural comparisons of advertising and advertising effects). In G. Trommsdorf & Kornadt (Hrsg.). Theorien und Methoden der kulturvergleichenden Psychologie. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Hogrefe Verlag. S. 421–461.
Wänke, M. & Bohner, G. (2006). Einstellungen. In H.-W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (eds.). Handbuch der Sozial- und Kommunikationspsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. S. 404–414.
Bohner, G. & Wänke, M. (2006). Einstellungsänderung. In H.-W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (eds.). Handbuch der Sozial- und Kommunikationspsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. S. 415–422.
Bless, H. & Wänke, M. (2005). Marken. (Brands). In D. Frey, L.v.Rosenstiel, C. Graf Hoyos (Hrsg.) Wirtschaftspsychologie, Band II der Angewandten Psychologie. Weinheim: Beltz. S. 246–250.
Wänke, M. & Bless, H. (2005). Einstellungsmessung in der Marktforschung. (Attitude measurement in market research). In D. Frey, L.v.Rosenstiel, C. Graf Hoyos (Hrsg.) Wirtschaftspsychologie, Band II der Angewandten Psychologie. Weinheim: Beltz. S. 60–65.
Wänke, M. & Friese*, M. (2005). Experience in consumer decision making: The case of brand loyalty. In T. Betsch & S. Haberstroh (Hrsg.) Experience in decision making. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum. S. 289–310
Bless, H., Schwarz, N. & Wänke, M. (2003). The size of context effects in social judgments. In J.P. Forgas, K.D. Williams & W. van Hippel (Eds.), Responding to the social world: Implicit and explicit processes in social judgments. New York: Cambridge University Press. S. 180–197.
Schwarz, N., Bless, H., Wänke, M. & Winkielmann, P. (2003). Accessibility revisited. In G.V. Bodenhausen & A.J. Lambert (Hrsg): Foundations of Social Cognition. Mahwah: Erlbaum. S. 51–78
Schmook, R., Bendrien, J. Frey, D. & Wänke M. (2002). Prospekt-Theorie. In D. Frey & Irle, M.(Hrsg). Theorien der Sozialpsychologie, Bd. 3. Bern: Huber. S. 279–311. (Translated into Polish. Böhner, G. & Wänke, M. (2004). Postawy i zmiana postaw. Gdansk: Gdanskie Wydywnictwo Psychologczne. )
Bohner, G. & Wänke, M. (2002). Attitudes and Attitude Change. Hove: (UK) Psychology Press.
Betsch (Hrsg.) Etc.: Frequency Processing and Cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.S. 89–108.
Schwarz, N. & Wänke, M. (2002). Experiential and Contextual Heuristics in Frequency Judgment: Ease of Recall and Response Scales. In P. Sedlmeier & T.
Fiedler, K. & Wänke, M. (2002). Psychology & Economics. In T. Wilson (Hrsg.) Clinical and applied psychology. In: N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Hrsg.): International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. S. 12390-12396
Wänke, M. (2002). CIP: Was geschieht mit Werbung in den Köpfen der Konsumenten. (Consumer Information Processing) In A. Mattenklott & Schimansky (Hrsg.) Werbung – Strategien und Konzepte für die Zukunft. Franz Vahlen: München. S. 480–503. (Reprinted in M. Brewer & M. Hewstone (2004). Applied Social Psychology. S. 245–267. Malden, USA: Blackwell.)
Shavitt, S. & Wänke, M. (2001). Consumer Behavior. In A. Tesser & N. Schwarz (eds.) Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology. Vol. 1: Intrapersonal Processes.. Oxford: Blackwell. S. 569–590.
Wänke, M. & Bless. H. (2000). How ease of retrieval may affect attitude judgments. In H. Bless & J. Forgas (Eds.) The Role of Subjective States in Social Cognition and Behavior. Psychology Press. S.143–161.
Fiedler, K. & Wänke, M. (1999). Soziale Wahrnehmung und Informationsverarbeitung in Organisationen. (Social perception and information processing in organisations). In C. von Hoyos, & D. Frey (Hrsg.). Lehrbuch der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Psychologie Verlags Union. S. 265 – 278.
Wänke, M. & Schwarz, N. (1997). Reducing question order effects: The role of buffer items. In L. Lyberg, P. Biemer, M. Collins, E. DeLeeuw, C. Dippo & N. Schwarz (Hrsg.): Survey Measurement and Process Quality. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Wänke, M. (1996). Kognitionspsychologische Ansätze beim Pretest von Fragebogen. (Aspects of cognitive psychology in pretesting questionnaires). In Pretest und Weiterentwicklung von Fragebogen. Schriftenreihe des Statistischen Bundesamt (Bd. 9). Stuttgart: Metzler-Poeschel.
Wänke, M. (1995). Befragungsmethodik. (Survey methodology). In J. Margraf & H. Kunath (Hrsg.) Methodische Ansätze in der Public Health Forschung. (S. 19–28). Regensburg: S. Roderer Verlag.
Wänke, M. (1994). Die Vergleichsrichtung bestimmt das Ergebnis von Vergleichsurteilen. (The direction of comparison determines the answer) In G. Breunig (Hrsg.): Effizienz statt Verantwortung? (BVM Schriftenreihe, Bd. 24; S. 81–94). Offenbach: BVM.
Wänke, M. (1993). Vergleichsprozesse bei evaluativen Urteilen: der Einfluß der in der Frage vorgegebenen Vergleichsrichtung. (Comparison Processes in evaluative judgements: The impact of the direction of comparison as phrased in the question) New York: Mellen.
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FACTS (regular column 2004–2006), CSS-Magazin (regular column 2005 -2007), Reader’s Digest, u.a.
Wänke, M. & Bless, H. (2001). Marken aus der Perspektive menschlicher Informationsverarbeitung. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 3, 28–35.
Schwarz, N. & Wänke, M. (1989). Monadisch testen: Ja oder nein? Kognitionspsychologische Aspekte der Kontrolle interner und externer Einflüsse. Planung und Analyse, 3/
89, 93 – 97.