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Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte der theoriegeleiteten empirischen Sozialforschung der Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Soziologie liegen auf aktuellen und gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragen zur Migration und Integration ethnischer Minderheiten, Familie, Arbeitsmarkt und Bildung. Die Forschung selbst ist an das Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung angebunden, an dem alle Forschungsprojekte angesiedelt sind.
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries DE
Projektleiter/ innen Frank Kalter, Irena Kogan Mitarbeiter/ innen Kooperationspartner
Anthony Heath (Oxford, UK), Miles Hewstone (Oxford, UK),
Jan Jonsson (Stockholm, SE), Matthijs Kalmijn (Tilburg, NL),
Bildungserwerb mit Migrationshintergrund im Lebenslauf
Projektleiter/ innen Frank Kalter Mitarbeiter/ innen Andreas Horr, Angelina Springer Kooperationspartner Erwerb von sprachlichen und kulturellen Kompetenzen von Migrantenkindern in der Vorschulzeit und der Übergang in die Grundschule (ESKOM-Ü4)
Projektleiter/ innen Hartmut Esser Mitarbeiter/ innen Oliver Klein, Franziska Schmidt Kooperationspartner Birgit Becker (Frankfurt) Freundschaft und Identität in der Schule
Projektleiter/ innen Frank Kalter Mitarbeiter/ innen David Kretschmer, Sebastian Pink
Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) – Auftaktprojekt
Projektleiter/ innen Frank Kalter, Andreas Blätte (Duisburg),
Herbert Brücker (Bamberg), Naika Foroutan (Berlin),
Ruud Koopmans (Berlin), Andreas Pott (Osnabrück)
Mitarbeiter/ innen
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Dollmann, J., Arnold, L. & Horr, A. (2024). CILS4NEPS – Unlocking research potential through more participants, more schools and international comparison: Harmonized data for research on education, school-to-work transition and integration processes for adolescents in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and England. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics, 245(1/2), 215–234.
- Dollmann, J., Kogan, I. & Weißmann, M. (2024). When your accent betrays you: the role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of ethnic minority youth in Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS, 50(12), 2943–2986.
- Kalter, F. & Foroutan, N. (2024). Outgroup mobility threat – how much intergenerational integration is wanted? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS, 50(1), 149–172.
- Kogan, I., Weißmann, M. & Dollmann, J. (2024). Police discrimination and police distrust among ethnic minority adolescents in Germany. Frontiers in Sociology, 9(Article 1231774), 1–15.
- Kretschmer, D., Lämmermann, K. & Leszczensky, L. (2024). How gendered religious norms contribute to the emerging gender gap in Muslim youths' interreligious friendships. International Journal of Intercultural Relations : IJIR, 98(Article 101919), 1–20.
- Mayer, S. J., Dollmann, J., Jacobsen, J. & Walter, L. (2024). Armed conflict as a threat to social cohesion: Large-scale displacement and its short- and long-term effects on in-group perceptions. Research & Politics : R&P, 1–9.
- Dollmann, J., Jonsson, J. O., Mood, C. & Rudolphi, F. (2023). Is ‘immigrant optimism’ in educational choice a problem? Ethnic gaps in Swedish upper secondary school completion. European Sociological Review, 39(3), 384–399.
- Dollmann, J., Mayer, S., Lietz, A., Siegel, M. & Köhler, J. (2023). DeZIM.panel – data for Germany’s post-migrant society. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics, 243(1), 93–108.
- Kretschmer, D., Gereke, J., Winter, F. & Zhang, N. (2023). No differential effects of classroom ethnic composition on native and immigrant friendship segregation: comment on Smith et al., 2016. American Journal of Sociology : AJS, 129(2), 570–585.
- Mayer, S., Nguyen, C. G., Dollmann, J. & Veit, S. (2023). The hidden majority/
minority consensus: Minorities show similar preference patterns of immigrant support as the majority population. The British Journal of Sociology : BJS, 74(4), 711–716. - Pink, S. & Schmidt, J. (2023). Das Wetter ist politisch – Starkregen, Hochwasser und Flut vor der Bundestagswahl 2021. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft : ZPol = Journal of Political Science, 33(1), 1–27.
- Weißmann, M. & Roth, T. (2023). Pre-existing company contacts and premature termination of apprenticeship training in Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 87(Article no. 100839).
- Dollmann, J. (2022). The political integration of immigrants: How pre- and postmigration contexts matter. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23(3), 1091–1125.
- Jankowski, M., Kurella, A.-S., Stecker, C., Blätte, A., Bräuninger, T., Debus, M., Müller, J. & Pickel, S. (2022). Die Positionen der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ergebnisse des Open Expert Surveys. Politische Vierteljahresschrift : PVS, 63(1), 53–72.
- Kretschmer, D. & Leszczensky, L. (2022). In-group bias or out-group reluctance? The interplay of gender and religion in creating religious friendship segregation among Muslim youth. Social Forces : SF, 100(3), 1307–1332.
- Leszczensky, L. & Kretschmer, D. (2022). Religious friendship preferences of Muslim and non-Muslim students in German schools: Bright boundaries everywhere or contingent on the proportion of Muslim classmates? Social Networks, 68, 60–69.
- Leszczensky, L., Pink, S., Kretschmer, D. & Kalter, F. (2022). Studying youth' group identities, intergroup relations, and friendship networks: The friendship and identity in school data. European Sociological Review, 38(3), 493–506.
- Roth, T. & Weißmann, M. (2022). The role of parents' native and migrant contacts on the labour market in the school-to-work transition of adolescents in Germany. European Sociological Review, 38(5), 707–724.
- Dollmann, J. (2021). Ethnic inequality in choice‐ and performance‐driven education systems: A longitudinal study of educational choices in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden. The British Journal of Sociology : BJS, 72(4), 974–991.
- Dollmann, J. & Kogan, I. (2021). COVID-19–associated discrimination in Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 74(Article 100631), 1–10.
- Foroutan, N. & Kalter, F. (2021). Integration in Vielfalt – Anerkennung, Chancengleichheit und Teilhabe in der Postmigrantischen Gesellschaft. Deutschland & Europa, 2021(82), 72–79.
- Kaiser, A. K., Kretschmer, D. & Leszczensky, L. (2021). Social network-based cohorting to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in secondary schools: a simulation study in classrooms of four European countries. The Lancet Regional Health. Europe, 8(Article 100166).
- Kalter, F. & Foroutan, N. (2021). Race for second place? Explaining East-West differences in anti-muslim sentiment in Germany. Frontiers in Sociology, 6(Article 735421), 1–12.
- Kogan, I., Dollmann, J. & Weißmann, M. (2021). In the ear of the listener: The role of foreign accent in interethnic friendships and partnerships. International Migration Review : IMR, 55(3), 746–784.
- Plenty, S., Bracegirdle, C., Dollmann, J. & Spiegler, O. (2021). Changes in young adults' mental well-being before and during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic: Disparities between ethnic groups in Germany. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 15(Article 69), 1–14.
- Breznau, N., Sauter, L. & Salikutluk, Z. (2020). Full shelves, good skills? Immigration, adolescent language aptitude and new evidence on books in the home from four European countries. Comparative Sociology, 19(4/5), 465–508.
- Dollmann, J., Kogan, I. & Weißmann, M. (2020). Speaking accent-free in L2 beyond the critical period: The compensatory role of individual abilities and opportunity structures. Applied Linguistics, 41(5), 787–809.
- Dollmann, J. & Rudolphi, F. (2020). Classroom composition and language skills: the role of school class and friend characteristics. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(8), 1200–1217.
- Dollmann, J. & Weißmann, M. (2020). The story after immigrants’ ambitious educational choices: Real improvement or back to square one? European Sociological Review, 36(1), 32–47.
- Jacob, K. (2020). Intergenerational transmission in religiosity in immigrant and native families: the role of transmission opportunities and perceived transmission benefits. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS, 46(9), 1921–1940.
- Jugert, P., Leszczensky, L. & Pink, S. (2020). Differential influence of same- and cross-ethnic friends on ethnic-racial identity development in early adolescence. Child Development, 91(3), 949–963.
- Jugert, P., Pink, S., Fleischmann, F. & Leszczensky, L. (2020). Changes in Turkish- and resettler-origin adolescents' acculturation profiles of identification: A three-year longitudinal study from Germany. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(12), 2476–2494.
- Kogan, I. & Kalter, F. (2020). An empirical-analytical approach to the study of recent refugee migrants in Germany. Soziale Welt : SozW, 71(1/2), 3–23.
- Kretschmer, D. & Kruse, H. (2020). Neighbourhood effects on acculturation attitudes among minority and majority adolescents in Germany. Urban Studies, 57(16), 3363–3380.
- Kretschmer, D. & Roth, T. (2020). Why do friends have similar educational expectations? Separating influence and selection effects. European Sociological Review, 37(2), 201–217.
- Leszczensky, L., Flache, A. & Sauter, L. (2020). Does the share of religious ingroup members affect how important religion is to adolescents? Applying Optimal Distinctiveness Theory to four European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies : JEMS, 46(17), 3703–3721.
- Leszczensky, L. & Pink, S. (2020). Are birds of a feather praying together? Assessing friends’ influence on Muslim youths’ religiosity in Germany. Social Psychology Quarterly : SPQ, 83(3), 251–271.
- Pink, S., Kretschmer, D. & Leszczensky, L. (2020). Choice modelling in social networks using stochastic actor-oriented models. Journal of Choice Modelling, 34, Article 100202.
- Simon, M., Foroutan, N. & Kalter, F. (2020). Über die Notwendigkeit, einen Schritt nach dem anderen zu machen – auch in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Identitäts- und Einstellungsforschung. Replik auf Renè Wolfsteller und Jonas Rädel. Leviathan, 48(1), 112–118.
- Soiné, H., Kriegel, L. & Dollmann, J. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on risk perceptions: differences between ethnic groups in Germany. European Societies, 23(Supp 1), S289–S306.
- Weber, H. (2020). How well can the migration component of regional population change be predicted? A machine learning approach applied to German municipalities. Comparative Population Studies : CPoS = Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, 45, 143–178.
- Berbée, P., Brücker, H., Garloff, A. & Sommerfeld, K. (2023). Aufnahme von Geflüchteten schafft neue Jobs. ZEW policy brief, 2023–03. Mannheim.
- Berbée, P., Brücker, H., Garloff, A. & Sommerfeld, K. (2022). The labor demand effects of refugee immigration: Evidence from a natural experiment. ZEW Discussion Papers, 22–069. Mannheim.
- Dollmann, J. (2024). Migration und Bildung. In A. Röder & D. Zifonun (Hrsg.), Handbuch Migrationssoziologie (S. 1–23). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.–1
- Dollmann, J., Jacobsen, J. & Mayer, S. (2023). Die Unterstützung ukrainischer Geflüchteter in Deutschland. In J. Oltmer, M. Berlinghoff, F. Düvell, U. Krause & A. Pott (Hrsg.), Report Globale Flucht 2023 : im Auftrag des Projekts „Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer“ (FFVT) (1. Aufl., S. 243–254). Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Taschenbuch Verl.
- Ellwardt, L., Leszczensky, L. & Pink, S. (2023). Software für die quantitative Analyse sozialer Netzwerke. In C. Stegbauer & R. Häußling (Hrsg.), Handbuch Netzwerkforschung (Aktualisierte und erweiterte Neuauflage, S. 1–12). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.–1
- Kogan, I., Weißmann, M. & Dollmann, J. (2023). Defying discrimination? Germany’s ethnic minorities within education and training systems. In L. H. Yang & M. A. Eger (Hrsg.), Migration stigma : understanding prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion (S. 1–24). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
- Roth, T. & Weißmann, M. (2023). Ethnic differences in social capital mobilization at the transition to vocational training in Germany. In S. Weinert, G. J. Blossfeld & H.-P. Blossfeld (Hrsg.), Education, competence development and career trajectories : analysing data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (S. 369–401). Cham: Springer.
- Weißmann, M., Dollmann, J. & Kogan, I. (2023). Educational and school-to-work pathways of majority and ethnic minority youth in Germany: direct links and detours. In M. Darmody & E. Smith (Hrsg.), Post-school pathways of migrant-origin youth in Europe (S. 82–104). London ; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Dollmann, J. & Weißmann, M. (2022). „Ethnic Choice Effects“: Welche Rolle spielt die räumliche Verfügbarkeit anspruchsvoller Bildungsalternativen? In H. Kruse & J. Teltemann (Hrsg.), Differenz im Raum : Sozialstruktur und Grenzziehung in deutschen Städten (S. 141–167). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
- Foroutan, N. & Kalter, F. (2022). Integration. In B. Schmidt-Lauber & M. Liebig (Hrsg.), Begriffe der Gegenwart : ein kulturwissenschaftliches Glossar (S. 153–162). Wien; Köln: Böhlau Verlag.
- Foroutan, N. & Kalter, F. (2022). Integration. In B. Schmidt-Lauber & M. Liebig (Hrsg.), Begriffe der Gegenwart : ein kulturwissenschaftliches Glossar (S. 153–162). Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung.
- Kalter, F. (2022). Integration in migration societies. In K. Gërxhani, N. de Graaf & W. Raub (Hrsg.), Handbook of sociological science : contributions ti rigorous sociology (S. 135–153). Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Lorenz, R., Beck, J., Horneber, S., Keusch, F. & Antoun, C. (2022). Chapter 10, Google trends as a tool for public opinion research: An illustration of the perceived threats of immigration. In S. Pötzschke & S. Rinken (Hrsg.), Migration research in a digitized world : using innovative technology to tackle methodological challenges (S. 193–206). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Snijders, T. A. B. & Kalter, F. (2020). Religious diversity and social cohesion in German classrooms. A micro-macro study based on empirical simulations. In V. W. Buskens, R. Corten & C. Snijders (Hrsg.), Advances in the sociology of trust and cooperation : theory, experiments, and field studies (S. 525–543). Berlin ; Boston, MA: De Gruyter.
- F. Kalter & I. Kogan (Hrsg.)
(2020). Refugee reception and first steps towards integration in Germany: A special case of general mechanisms?
Soziale Welt : SozW, 71, 1/
- Soiné, H., Arnold, L., Dollmann, J., Kriegel, L. & Weißmann, M. (2021). Junge Erwachsene und die Pandemie: Erkenntnisse der CILS4COVID-Befragung.
- Kretschmer, D. (2024). Gender(ed) segregation? Gender, gender-related norms, and the interreligious and cross-gender friendships of Muslim youth in Germany. [Dissertation, Universität Mannheim].
- Jacob, K. (2020). Between secularization and migration: religiosity of minority youth in Western Europe. [Dissertation, Universität Mannheim].