I received my master's degree in psychology in 2021 at the University of Mannheim, and since 2022 I have been doing my doctorate at the Chair of Educational Psychology and working on accompanying research of digital elements in university teaching as part of the InnoMA project. Previously, I studied at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the Technical University Darmstadt.
Münzer, S., Wissel, S., Janson, M. P. & Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2021, 3. September). Self-directed study behavior in the first semester: Usage of a digital learning system under pandemic conditions compared to normal conditions. ESPLAT2021 conference : Teaching and Learning Psychology in Times of COVID and Beyond, online, Hildesheim, Germany.
Wissel, S., Münzer, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F. & Janson, M. P. (2022, 10. March). Selbstreguliertes Lernverhalten im ersten Semester: Vergleich der Nutzung eines digitalen Lernsystems in einem Pandemie geprägten Semester mit einem Semester im Präsenzbetrieb. GEBF 2022 conference: Alles auf Anfang – Bildung im digitalen Wandel, online, Bamberg, Germany.
Janson, M. P., Wissel, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F. & Münzer, S. (2022, 14. September). Self-reported learning strategies do not predict exam success, but digital learning protocol data do. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.