During my time at the German Institute for Artificial Intelligence (DFK) in Saarbrücken, I mainly focused on the technical aspects of eye tracking as well as the algorithms to prepare the data. Currently, I do research in the broad field of psychological diagnostics at the Department of Psychology of Education. The main research question concerns the potential of eye tracking and pupillometry in psychological and diagnostic measurement. One application scenario is measuring spatial thinking. Which information can be gathered by eye movement and pupillometric-based measures that go beyond the information gained from accuracy and reaction times of a specific test? Additionally, I am involved in projects from school research (e.g., which influence has a certain teaching method with respect to class heterogeneity), but also projects in the field of forensic-psychological diagnostics (e.g., with sexual offenders).
Biographic Information
Since 2012, I am a research assistant at the department of Psychology of Education at the University of Mannheim. From 2009 – 2012, I worked as junior researcher at the German Institute for Artificial Intelligence (DFK) in Saarbrücken.
In spring 2019, I finished my dissertation in Psychology at the University of Mannheim. Before, I studied psychology (diploma) and computer sciences (B. Sc., M. Sc.) at the Saarland University.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2018). Improving the adaptive event detection algorithm of Nyström and Holmquist for noisy data. In ETVIS’18: 3rd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization, 14 June–17, 2018, Warsaw, Poland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. 3205938
Münzer, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Kühl, T. (2018). Specificity of mental transformations involved in understanding spatial structures. Learning and Individual Differences, 61, 40–50. DOI=
Kühl, T., Stebner, F., Navratil, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Münzer, S. (2018). Text information and spatial abilities in learning with different visualizations formats. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(4), 561–577. DOI=
Münzer, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Kühl, T. (2016). Standardized norm data for three self-report scales on egocentric and allocentric environmental spatial strategies. Data in Brief, 8, 803–811. DOI=
Münzer, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Kühl, T. (2016). Validation of a 3-factor-structure of spatial strategies and its relations to possession and usage of navigational aids. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 47, 66–78. DOI=
Schmitz, M., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Akbal, M. (2015). Expressing Emotions With Synthetic Affect Bursts. In Proc. of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 91–95. DOI=
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2014). Eye Tracking Gaze Visualiser: Eye Tracker and Experimental Software Independent Visualisation of Gaze Data. In Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2014). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 259–262. DOI=
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Bulling, A., & Krüger, A. (2012). Analysing the Potential of Adapt- ing Head-Mounted Eye Tracker Calibration to a New User. In Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2012). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 245–248. DOI=
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2019). The diagnostic potential of eye tracking and pupilometry in the context of spatial thinking. doctoral thesis, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Habermann, N., & Becker, N. (2017). Antwort auf die Rezension von A. F. Schmidt zum Werk MSI Multiphasic Sex Inventory – Fragebogen zur Erfassung psychosexueller Merkmale bei Sexualstraftätern in der Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 27(1), S. 161 -166, Juni 2017. (2017). Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 27(2), 160–166.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Habermann, N., Becker, N., & Deegener, G. (2016). Multiphasic Sex Inventory: Fragebogen zur Erfassung psychosexueller Merkmale bei Sexualtätern (2., vollständig überarbeitete und neu normierte Auflage). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2018). Messung der Veränderung des Lösungsverhaltens in einem Test zum räumlichen Denken mit Blickbewegungsdaten und Pupillometrie. Talk on the 50th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 15.-20. September, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2018). Improving the adaptive event detection algorithm of Nyström and Holmquist for noisy data. Talk on the 3rd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS), 14.–17. June, Warsaw, Poland.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Klingauf, A., & Münzer, S. (2018). Different approaches to identify spatial thinkging processes automatically based on eye tracking data. Talk on the 16th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC), 07.-09. June, Padua, Italy.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Dotzel, S., Karst, K., & Münzer, S. (2018). Der Einfluss der Familiensprache Deutsch auf die Deutschleistung von SchülerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund. Talk on the 6th Tagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), 15.-17. February, Basel, Switzerland.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2017). Wie kann der Index of Cognitive Activity (ICA) als Maß für kognitive Beanspruchung und Ermüdung genutzt werden? Talk on the Gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY), 11.-14. September, Münster, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2017). Potential von Blickbewegungsmaßen im Kontext des computerisierten adaptiven Testens. Talk on the 14th Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), 04.-06. September, Munich, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2017). Improving computerized adaptive testing using eye tracking measures. Talk on the 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20.-24. August, Wuppertal, Germany
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2016). The R-Cube-Test: A spatial visualization test suitable for eye-tracking analyses. Talk on the 50th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 18.-22. September, Leipzig, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2016). Adaptives Testen räumlicher Fähigkeiten mit Blickbewegungsmessung und Pupillometrie. Talk on the 50th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 18.-22. September, Leipzig, Germany.
Münzer, S., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Kühl, T. (2016). Specificity of Mental Transformations Involved in Understanding Spatial Structures: Correspondence Between Ability Measures and Dedicated Tasks. Talk on the 50th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 18.-22. September, Leipzig, Germany.
Navratil, S., Kühl, T., Stebner, F., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Münzer, S. (2016). The Index of Cognitive Activity – a Promising Objective Measure of Cognitive Load when Learning with Different Visualization Formats. Talk on the 9th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, 22.-24. June 2016, Bochum, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2016). Looking smart: Relating gaze patterns to test performance. Talk on the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik “Statistics under one Umbrella“, 14.-18. March 2016, Göttingen, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2016). Diagnostik von räumlichem Denken unter Verwendung von Eye Tracking und Pupillometrie. Talk on the GöMaEr et al. Treffen, 15.-16. February 2016, Weimar, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Habermann, N., Spinath, F.M., Deegener, G., & Becker, N. (2015). Differentiation between child abusers and rapists by justification tendencies and attitude towards therapy. Talk on the 25th International Conference on Psychology & Law (EAPL). 04.-07. August 2015, Nuremberg, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2015). Analyse und Diagnostik räumlichen Denkens mittels Eye Tracking und Pupillometrie. Talk on the 57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2015). 08.-11. March 2015, Hildesheim, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2015). Eye Tracker geeignetes Stimulusmaterial: Diagnostik von räumlichem Denken. Talk on the GöMaEr et al. Treffen, 26.-27. February 2015, Oldenburg, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2014). Überlegungen zur Validität von Blickbewegung- und Pupillometriemaßen für die Diagnostik räumlicher Fähigkeiten. Talk on the GöMaEr et al.-Treffen, 20.-21. February 2014, Mannheim, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2013). Do Eye Tracking and Pupilometry Reveal New Insights in the Construct of Spatial Thinking? Talk on the 4th GESS Research Day. 22. November 2013, Mannheim, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Becker, N., Deegener, G., und Spinath, F. (2010). Improvement of sexual offender’s classification in the context of the new Multiphasic Sex Inventory’s standardization with a German sample. Talk on the 20th Konferenz der European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), 15.-18. June 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Münzer, S. (2019). Describing cognitive processes by Hidden Markov Models of Eye Tracking Data to indicate test performance. Poster on the 61th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 2019), 15.-17. April, London, UK.
Briesemeister, S., Heer, A., Heining, T. E., Jansen, C.E., Neißner, M., Scatorchia, R., Thomsen, T. F., Habermann, N., & Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2017). Sexualstraftäter im Visier. Poster on the 17th Tagung der Fachgruppe Rechtspsychologie, 21.-23. September, Jena, Germany.
Klingauf, A., & Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2017). Automatic identification of mental processes in the context of spatial thinking. Poster on the 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20.-24. August, Wuppertal, Germany.
Lörch, L., Fehringer, B. C. O. F., & Münzer, S. (2017). Reading music. How tonality and notation influence music reading experts' eye movements and information processing. Talk on the 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20.-24. August, Wuppertal, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2016). Relating gaze patterns and pupil dilation to test performance and cognitive processes. Poster on the 50th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 18.-22. September, Leipzig, Germany.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F. (2016). Diagnosis of spatial thinking using eye tracking and pupilometry. Poster on the 9th International Symposium of Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2016), 14.-18. March 2016, Charleston, SC, USA.
Fehringer, B. C. O. F., Becker, N., Deegener, G., und Spinath, F. (2009). Verbesserung der klassifikatorischen Güte der Diagnostik von Sexualstraftätern im Rahmen der Neunormierung des Multiphasic Sex Inventory (MSI). Poster at the 13th Fachgruppentagung Rechtspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGP), 27.-29. August 2009, Gießen, Germany.