Academic and Professional Career
Since 05/ 2021 Postdoc, ERC Project PARFORM, Mannheim Center for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim 03/ 2020–04/2021 Visiting scientist at the Chair of Health Services Research at the University of Witten/ Herdecke 09/ 2018–06/2019 Visiting Scientist at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) 04/ 2010–09/2015 Research associate at the Institute of Sociology at the TU Chemnitz 04/ 2010–01/2017 PhD (cumulative) in Sociology (Dr. rer. soc.) at the TU Chemnitz. Topic: The influence of family networks on mate choice and partnership quality among individuals of Turkish origin. 04/ 2001–09/2009 Master's degree in Sociology, Political Science, Romance Studies (French) at the RWTH Aachen University Research Interests
- Kogan, I., Heyne, S., Kuhlemann, J. and Abdul-Rida, C. (2023). Distinct boundaries? Preferences of immigrants’ descendants regarding partnerships with recent refugees from Syria and Afghanistan in Germany. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 52, 379–390.
- Abdul-Rida, C. (2016). Familialistische vs. individualistische Partnerwahl. Eine Untersuchung der Partnerschaftsqualität bei türkischstämmigen Personen. Zeitschrift für Soziologie : ZfS, 45, 357–374.
- Abdul-Rida, C. (2016). Familiärer Einfluss auf die Partnerwahl von türkischstämmigen Personen in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : KZfSS, 68, 139–162.
- Abdul-Rida, C. and Baykara-Krumme, H. (2016). Staying in Turkey or marrying to Europe? Understanding transnational marriages from the country-of-origin perspective. European Sociological Review, 32, 704–715.
- Brzoska, P. and Abdul-Rida, C. (2016). Participation in cancer screening among female migrants and non-migrants in Germany: A cross-sectional study on the role of demographic and socioeconomic factors. Medicine, 95, 1–7.