Chair of Micro-Sociology and Social Psychology

Prof. Dr. Herbert Bless

Prof. Dr. Herbert Bless

The chair of Micro-Sociology and Social Psychology under direction of Prof. Dr. Herbert Bless and the chair of Cross-Cultural Social and Personality Psychology under direction of Prof. Dr. Jochen E. Gebauer represent social psychology in its entire breadth and address how human thinking, feeling and behavior are influenced by social situations.

A particular emphasis of our group rests on “social cognition” and pertains to how “objective” social situations are perceived and interpreted subjectively. This general notion is reflected in specific topics our team members are working on. An overview of current topics and research projects of the chair can be found at the Team section on the pages of the team members as well as in the Research section.

The chair at a glance

Eine Gruppe von Studierenden wirft im Ehrenhof eine aufgeblasene Weltkugel in die Luft.

Information about team members (e.g., contact information and research interests)


Course overview

Eine Hand hält eine Glühbirne.

Overview of current topics and research projects