Dr. Lucia Lou-Anne Boileau

Dr. Lucia Lou-Anne Boileau

University of Mannheim
Chair of Microsociology and Social Psychology
A 5, 6
Building A – Room A 441
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment
  • Academic background

    Since 09/2018 Akademic staff member, Chair of Micro-Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Mannheim
    10/2015–09/2017 M.Sc. Psychology with focus on “Organizational Behavior and Adaptive Cognition”, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
    10/2013–07/2015 Research stays in Nairobi (Kenia), Lomé (Togo) and Kampala (Uganda)
    10/2011–03/2015 B.Sc. Psychology, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
  • Topics for final theses

    Depending on capacity I offer final theses on the following topics: 

    • Social class and self-concepts, cognition, attitudes, and behavior
    • In addition: Moral foundations, do-gooder derogation, speciesism, prosociality and proenvironmental behavior

    Please contact me via: lucia.lou-anne.boileau{at}

  • Publications and conference contributions


    Boileau, L. L.-A., Grüning, D. J., & Bless, H. (2021). Too good to be liked? When and how prosocial others are disliked. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

    Boileau, L. L.-A., Bless, H., & Gebauer, J. E. (2021). The “mixed bag” of segregation – on positive and negative associations with migrants' acculturation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52(3), 457–471.

    Conference contributions

    Boileau, L. L.-A., Gebauer, J. E., & Bless. H. (2019). Immigrants‘ well-being: the role of context-related immigrant proportion. Blitz Talk at the 17th Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (FGSP), Cologne, Germany.

    Boileau, L. L.-A., Gebauer, J. E., & Bless. H. (2019). Immigrants‘ well-being: the role of context-related immigrant proportion. Poster presentation at the 17th Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (FGSP), Cologne, Germany.

    Boileau, L. L.-A., John, M., & Bless. H. (2021). Agency, communion, and social class. Talk at the APS Virtual Convention.

    Boileau, L. L.-A., John, M., & Bless. H. (2021). Agency, communion, and social class. Talk at the ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2021, Salzburg, Austria (online).