Dr. Sabine G. Scholl

Dr. Sabine G. Scholl

Universität Mannheim
Lehr­stuhl für Mikrosoziologie und Sozialpsychologie
A 5, 6
Gebäudeteil A – Raum A 434
68159 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 621 181-1975
Fax: +49 621 181-2038
nach Vereinbarung
  • Akademischer und beruflicher Werdegang

    10/2016–02/2017 Vertretungs­professur für Wirtschafts­psychologie, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
    Seit 03/2014 Fellow im Margarete-von-Wrangell-Habilitations­programm
    12/2011 Dr. rer. soc., Fakultät für Sozial­wissenschaften, Universität Mannheim
    Seit 02/2008 Business Coach International
    Seit 09/2007 Wissenschaft­liche Mitarbeiterin, Lehr­stuhl für Mikrosoziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Universität Mannheim
    03/2005–04/2005 Forschungs­aufenthalt bei Prof. Dr. Jamin Halberstadt, University of Otago (Dunedin, Neuseeland)
    2002–2007 Wissenschaft­liche Hilfskraft, Lehr­stuhl für Sozialpsychologie, Universität Heidelberg
    2002–2007 Studium der Psychologie, Universität Heidelberg
  • Forschungs­interessen und Themenschwerpunkte für Abschlussarbeiten

    Advice Giving

    Construal Level

    Consumer Judgments and Behavior

    Decision Making


    Intertemporal Judgments

    Investment Decisions

    Judgments of Randomness

    Medical Decision Making

    Risky Choices

    Self-Control and Self-Regulation

    Time Management

  • Publikationen und Konferenzbeiträge


    Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (July 2021). You and I Both: Self-Compassion Reduces Self–Other Differences in Evaluation of Showing Vulnerability. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi:10.1177/01461672211031080

    Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(2), 192–205. doi: 10.1037/pspa0000120.

    Raue M., & Scholl S. G. (2018). The Use of Heuristics in Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty. In M. Raue, E. Lermer, & B. Streicher (eds). Psychological Perspectives on Risk and Risk Analysis (pp.153–179). Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-92478-6_7.

    Friedrich, K., Smit, M., Wannhoff, A., Rupp, C., Scholl, S. G., Antoni, C., Dollinger, M., Neumann-Haefelin, C., Stremmel, W., Weiss, K. H., Schemmer, P., Gotthardt, D. N.. (2016). Coffee consumption protects against progression in liver cirrhosis and increases long-term survival after liver trans­plantation. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 31, 1470-1475. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13319.

    Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H., (2016). Urteilsheuristiken. In D. Frey & H.-W. Bierhoff, (Eds.). En­zyklopädie der Psychologie: Selbst und Soziale Kognition – Sozialpsychologie, Band 1 (pp. 387–408). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

    Friedrich, K., Baumann, C., Brune, M., Wannhoff, A., Rupp, C., Scholl, S. G., Antoni, C, Dollinger, M., Neumann-Haefelin, C., Weiss, K. H., Stremmel, W., Schemmer, P., & Gotthardt, D. N. (2015). Association of serum zinc levels with liver function and survival in patients awaiting liver trans­plantation. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, 400, 805–811. doi: 10.1007/s00423-015-1334-7.

    Friedrich, K., Grüter, L., Gotthardt, D. N., Eisenbach, C., Stremmel, W., Scholl, S. G.,Rex, D. K. & Sieg, A. (2015). Survival in patients with colorectal cancer diagnosed by screening colonoscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 82, 133–137. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2014.12.048

    Friedrich, K., Scholl, S. G., Beck, S., Gotthardt, D., Stremmel, W., Rex, D., BNG-Study Group, & Sieg, A. (2014). Respiratory complications in outpatient endoscopy with endoscopist-directed sedation. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, 23, 255–259. doi: 10.15403/jgld.2014.1121.233.kf1.

    Scholl, S. G., Greifeneder, R. & Bless, H. (2014). When fluency signals truth: Prior successful reliance on fluency moderates the impact of fluency on truth judgments. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27, 268–280. doi: 10.1002/bdm.1805.

    Sieg, A., BNG-Study Group, Beck, S., Scholl, S. G., Stremmel, W., Rex, D., & Friedrich, K. (2014). Safety analysis of Endoscopist-Directed Propofol Sedation. A prospective, national multicenter study of 24,441 patients in German outpatient practices. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 29(3), 517–523. doi: 10.1111/jgh.12458.

    Greifeneder, R., Bless, H., & Scholl, S. G. (2013). About swift defaults and sophisticated safety nets: A process perspective on fluency’s validity in judgment. In C. Unkelbach & R. Greifeneder (Eds.), The experience of thinking (pp. 220–233). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. doi: 10.4324/9780203078938.

    Scholl, S. G. (2012). Judgments of randomness in binary sequences: A constructive process. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

    Scholl, S. G. & Greifeneder, R. (2011). Disentangling the effects of alternation rate and maximum run length on judgments of randomness. Judgment and Decision Making, 6, 531–541. PDF.

    Hilbig, B. E., Scholl, S. G., & Pohl, R. F. (2010). Think or blink – is the recognition heuristic an ''intuitive'' strategy? Judgment and Decision Making, 5, 300–309. PDF.

    Plessner, H. & Czenna, S. (2008). The benefits of intuition. In H. Plessner, C. Betsch, & T. Betsch, T. (Eds.), Intuition in judgment and decision making (pp. 251 – 265). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. doi: 10.4324/9780203838099.

    Plessner, H. & Czenna, S. (2007). Intuition als Ressource beim Urteilen und Entscheiden. Personalführung, 4, 80–88.