Conference Presentations
- Jungherr, Andreas, Oliver Posegga, Harald Schoen and Pascal Jürgens. 2015. The diffusion of news on Twitter: Political talk about the NSA-spying scandal during the campaign for the German federal election 2013. Paper prepared for delivery at the 111th APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2–6 September 2015.
- Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen, Oliver Posegga and Pascal Jürgens. 2015. Characterizing Political Talk on Twitter: Agendas and Issue-Dynamics. Paper prepared for delivery at the 111th APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2–6 September 2015.
- The Fukushima disaster, party responses, and the German electorate, Paper presented at the Annual Conference Arbeitskreis “Wahlen und politische Einstellungen” of the DVPW (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft) in Mannheim, 6./7.7. 2013 (with Marco Meyer).
- Speeding in Web Surveys. A Serious Threat to Data Quality? Paper presented at the European Political Science Association Conference, Berlin, 21 to 23 June 2012 (with Robert Greszki and Marco Meyer).
- Rauchen oder nicht rauchen, wissen oder nicht wissen? Analysen zum Volksentscheid über den Nichtraucherschutz in Bayern 2010, Paper presented at the Conference on „Politikwissenschaft zwischen heute und morgen – eine Profession im Umbruch“, Bavarian Landesgruppe of the DVPW (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft) in Tutzing, 3. December 2012.
- Small Worlds with a Difference: New Gatekeepers and the Filtering of Political Information on Twitter, Paper presented at the ACM Web Science in Koblenz, June 2011 (with Pascal Jürgens and Andreas Jungherr).
- Der „Zeitunterschreiter“ als Problem der Online-Befragung, Paper presented at the Conference of the Methodensektion of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie and the AK “Methoden“ of the DVPW (Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft) in Mannheim, 27.05.2011 (with Robert Greszki and Marco Meyer).
- Values and Foreign Policy Attitudes: Reviewing a Subfield of Public Opinion. Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in Montreal, March 2011 (with Peter Liberman).
- Personality, Personal Values, Attitudes toward Foreign and Domestic Policies. Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in Montreal, March 2011.
- Mobilisierung durch mehr Mitsprache? Bürgerbegehren und politisches Engagement, Paper presented at the interdisciplinary Conference on “Politisches Engagement” at the MZES (Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung), Mannheim, 11.-12.02.2011 (with Martin Kroh).
- Persönlichkeit und politische Partizipation im Umfeld der Bundestagswahl 2009, Paper presented at the interdisciplinary Conference on “Politisches Engagement” at the MZES (Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung), Mannheim, 11.-12.02.201 (with Markus Steinbrecher).
- Staatshilfe für Opel? Eine Analyse von Framing-Effekten auf der Basis zweier Umfrageexperimente, paper presented at the conference of the Working Group on “Politik und Kommunikation” of the DVPW (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft) together with the Section on “Kommunikation und Politik” of the DGPuK ((Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) in Münster, 10.-12.02.2011 (with Thorsten Faas).
- Eine Entscheidung mit gravierenden Folgen? Wahlentscheidung und politische Informationsverarbeitung vor der Wahl, presentation at the conference of the authors of the PVS Special Issue on “Wählen in Deutschland” in Mannheim, September 2010 (with Alexander Glantz).
- Personality and Turnout in Germany. Evidence from the 2009 Federal Election. Paper prepared for delivery at the Joint Sessions of Workshop of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Münster, 23.-27.03.2010 (with Markus Steinbrecher).
- Values in Research on Foreign and Domestic Policy Attitudes, Workshop “Integrating Research on Domestic & Foreign Policy Opinions”, Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in New Orleans, February 2010 (with Peter Liberman).
- Der mediale Attraktivitätsbonus, presentation at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft), University of Mannheim, 11.-13.02.2010 (with Marcus Maurer).
- Anwendungsmodalitäten und Qualität von Onlinebefragungen in der Kommunikationswissenschaft, paper presented at the 11th Conference of the Section on „Methoden der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft“ of the DGPuK ((Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft) in Mainz, 24.-26.09.2009 (witht Nikolaus Jackob, Stefanie Schlereth and Thomas Zerback).
- Irrelevant at Best. Celebrity Endorsements and Voter Mobilization in the Run-Up of the 2009 European Election in Germany, Symposium “Campaigning for Europe. Parties, Campaigns, Mass Media ant the European Parliamentary Elections 2009”, Landau, 08.10.2009, (with Thorsten Faas).